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by John Anthony, The Truth Monster, ©2024

(May 21, 2024) — Good Lord! Court exhibits reveal the FBI was authorized to use deadly force against former Pres. Trump and his security detail during the government’s Mar-a-Lago raid! The FBI raiding party included a medic. Their operations orders included directions to a nearby trauma center.

Contingent instructions stated if any resistance the FBI were to use deadly force against a former U.S. President.

Once inside, the FBI tampered with the document evidence, substituted “CONFIDENTIAL” cover sheets for the original covers, staged what became a global photo op, and lied to the court.

Congress must act to unseat this totalitarian, unconstitutional, and unlawful administration.


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James Carter
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 11:35 AM

Neither Alfred Hitchcock or Rod Serling could have made this stuff up.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 9:59 AM

“Congress must act to unseat this totalitarian, unconstitutional, and unlawful administration.”

The problem with that is that both parties are guilty of treason for doing nothing to stop John Roberts from swearing-in the fraud Barack Hussein Obama. They gave America’s government and her military to her enemies via Obama, and must now cover for that treason…forever. Trump is a danger to reveal the truth about Barry so he must never be allowed to be president again……This is and has been easy to see since 2008/2009, but Obama remains race and ineligibility protected by both parties, and the planned destruction of America continues as those guilty of treason protect what is most important………. themselves….

Last edited 24 days ago by Bob69
Professor Zorkophsky
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 5:48 AM

After JFK, we’re all “targets of opportunity.”