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by Thomas Reiner, ©2024

Ku Klux Klan members in a parade in northern Virginia, March 1922 (Library of Congress)

(May 6, 2024) — “I think when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.” –Barack Obama

Communism, anyone? Who decides how to spread the wealth and to whom? The goal of the Democratic Party is the Democratic Party. Its quest for absolute political power has been chameleonic since its founding in 1828. Its hidden platform for gaining power has been attacks on groups subject to shifting political winds. From the American Indian, then to African Slaves, to freed Blacks, to Whites and now to Deplorable Conservatives and Jews, the Democratic Party demands obedience and allegiance. Here are major lowlights of its ongoing sordid history.

In 1832, President Andrew Jackson got the Party started with his ethnic cleansing policy of the American Indian.  Exclusion over Inclusion gained Democratic power. The Indian Removal Act led to the “Trail of Tears” where Indians were forcibly removed to western reservations.  There was a better way for Indian nations to be incorporated into the United States.

The Democratic Party has always been a party of racism to gain power. Southern Democrats instigated the Civil War with their subjugation of African Slaves. Around 620,000 deaths resulted from their denial of human rights.  Afterwards, Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan to overthrow Southern Republican governments while terrorizing Blacks, Catholics, and Jews.  Although today’s political winds have shifted, the Klan still exists and President Biden’s early ally was Robert Byrd, who had been an Exalted Cyclops in the Klan.  Jim Crow Laws kept Blacks down for over a hundred years, with segregation its main weapon.  George Wallace and Bull Connor were the modern enforcers.  LBJ basically employed political nuclear fission to destroy the Black family and we are still suffering the effects of single-parent families. It took Republicans Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King to bring about liberation. Backwards and downwards, the Democratic Party slowly transforms itself from fascism to communism.

One of our worst Presidents was Democrat Woodrow Wilson, who was a kissing cousin of our beloved President Biden.  Wilson ignored the US constitution and attempted to centralize power to the Executive Branch especially after the flu pandemic struck. Wilson suffered an incapacitating stroke and Executive power was secretly transferred to his wife Edith, while an infant MSM provided cover. Sound familiar?

We have entered the Second Dark AgeTM with Barack Obama, aka Light Bringer, who is the creator of The New RacismTM. Machiavelli and Alinsky would be proud. Instead of using his power to unify America, Obama divided Americans into groups. Democrats’ New EnemiesTM are Deplorables, MAGA, Jews and so-called White Supremacists. His cancer is growing in America. 

The Worst of the WorstTM is dementia-riddled Presidentish Biden, who is controlled by unknown puppet-masters. His Presidency may be America’s coup de grâce after opening our borders to over ten million Illegals. Democrats play the long game, and our demise as a Constitutional Republic will become apparent in the 2032 election after the 2030 Census counts Illegals in the apportionment of Congressional Districts. The Democratic stranglehold will be permanent. All hail the New Big BrotherTM and Reich 3.5!

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Saturday, May 11, 2024 1:16 PM

Unraveling the Misconceptions: A Fact-Checked Analysis of “A Brief History of the Democratic Party”

In a recent editorial titled “A Brief History of the Democratic Party,” Thomas Reiner attempts to provide a historical overview of the Democratic Party, but instead presents a deeply flawed narrative that warrants critical examination. While purporting to offer insights into the party’s history, the article is riddled with inaccuracies, misrepresentations, and inflammatory language.

Firstly, Reiner’s assertion that the Ku Klux Klan was formed by southern Democrats in 1865 is factually incorrect. While it is true that some early Klan members were Democrats, it is misleading to attribute the Klan’s formation solely to the Democratic Party. The Klan arose in the aftermath of the Civil War as a white supremacist organization aimed at terrorizing African Americans and their allies, but its membership transcended political affiliations.

Furthermore, Reiner’s characterization of the Democratic Party as inherently racist is a gross oversimplification that ignores historical context. While it is true that certain factions within the Democratic Party supported racist policies such as segregation and Jim Crow laws, it is fallacious to equate the entire party with these actions. Throughout its history, the Democratic Party has also been associated with progressive reforms, including the New Deal under President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Civil Rights Act under President Lyndon B. Johnson, which was fiercely opposed by many Southern Democrats.

Moreover, Reiner’s vilification of prominent Democratic figures such as Woodrow Wilson and Barack Obama is both misleading and disrespectful. While it is important to critically examine the legacies of past presidents, it is irresponsible to reduce complex historical figures to caricatures for the sake of political rhetoric. Wilson’s presidency, for example, was marked by both progressive achievements and significant shortcomings, including his segregationist policies but also his contributions to international diplomacy and domestic reform.

In conclusion, “A Brief History of the Democratic Party” by Thomas Reiner is a prime example of partisan propaganda masquerading as historical analysis. By cherry-picking facts, distorting reality, and resorting to fear-mongering tactics, the article does a disservice to readers seeking a genuine understanding of American political history. It is imperative that we approach discussions of politics and history with nuance, critical thinking, and a commitment to truth and accuracy. Only then can we hope to move beyond divisive rhetoric and towards a more informed and constructive dialogue.

Reply to  Sharon Rondeau
Saturday, May 11, 2024 10:30 PM

Thank you for the invitation. I appreciate The Post & Email’s dedication to diverse perspectives and dialogue grounded in accuracy and respect for differing viewpoints.

Addressing recent assertions concerning the Ku Klux Klan’s objectives and Woodrow Wilson’s presidential legacy warrants a thorough examination. While some commend his progressive initiatives, such as the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the Clayton Antitrust Act, others critique his record on civil liberties and international relations.

Criticism of Wilson’s handling of events leading to U.S. involvement in World War I is valid and extends beyond party lines. Wilson’s decision to involve the United States in the war was controversial and faced opposition from both Democrats and Republicans. Additionally, his administration’s enactment of the Espionage Act and Sedition Act, which stifled dissent and restricted freedom of speech during wartime, has been widely criticized for its impact on civil liberties.

Similarly, assessing the Ku Klux Klan’s motives requires a nuanced perspective. While certain sources may suggest the KKK’s purpose was to “effect the political defeat of the Republican Party”, attributing the Klan’s purpose solely to defeating the Republican Party oversimplifies its context. Historical consensus points to the Ku Klux Klan primarily as a white supremacist terrorist organization aimed at terrorizing African Americans and their allies, enforcing racial segregation, and maintaining white dominance in Southern society.

While it’s possible that certain individuals within the Klan may have had political motivations aligned with disrupting Republican efforts during Reconstruction, its motivations were deeply rooted in racial animus and resistance to social and political equality for African Americans.

Upholding factual integrity is crucial for informed discourse. Your commitment to diverse perspectives is commendable, fostering dialogue grounded in accuracy and respect.

Thomas Reiner
Reply to  Derek
Saturday, May 11, 2024 6:26 PM

Derek, thank you for replying but your diatribe against me (you shotgunned my name throughout your reply) shows a woeful ignorance of the Democratic Party’s rapid transition into a Socialist/Communist Party, whose goal is the total and perpetual control of America. Your apologetic screed of the Democratic Party leads one to assume you are a Progressive Leftist and I invite you to take the Hillsdale College Constitution 101 class to learn of the dangers of Progressivism. I was a Democrat most of my life and I personally experienced the Democratic segregation policies of White Only water fountains, restrooms and waiting rooms in the 50s/60s Birmingham, Alabama. Trust me, the police enforcers of these racist policies were not Republican. Were you there? I was. I remember the axe wielding Lester Maddox, the racist Democratic Georgia governor as well as George Wallace. I left the Democratic Party when I realized JFK would now be an outcast from the Democratic Party. Regarding the Ku Klux Klan, Nathan Bedford Forrest (of Forrest Gump fame) was a Democrat and the first Grand Dragon of the Klan. The Klan was primarily led by Democrats. Sorry to disappoint you but the hordes of hooded horsemen threatening Blacks, Catholics, and Jews were not Republican riders. It was hooded Southern Democrats who bombed churches and murdered children, not Republicans. Joe Biden’s bud, Democrat Robert Byrd, was an Exalted Cyclops in the Klan. Please stop making excuses for the Democratic Party as it heads “Leftward Ho, the Wagons!” daily. I stand with my criticism of Woodrow Wilson and Barack “Change Has Come” Obama. Obama was and is a racist. He is a disgrace who is only in it for himself. The Democratic Party is now abandoning Jews, Blacks and Latinos in its quest to convert 10 million and counting Illegal Aliens allowed by Biden to invade America into voting Democratic serfs beholden to the Party. Conservatism is the only tonic that will continue to make America a more vibrant and growing society. Progressivism is an acid that will destroy us. Sorry if these Truths hurt your feelings but you are Constitutionally allowed to hold incorrect beliefs. Sharon Rondeau invited you to write your own “editorial”. I look forward to reading it.

Reply to  Thomas Reiner
Saturday, May 11, 2024 9:47 PM

Thomas, I respect your opinion, but this reply also contains numerous inaccuracies and misconceptions about the Democratic Party and American history. Through Mark Levin, I’ve watched several of Hillsdale College’s excellent lectures. Let’s address some key points:

1. **Transition to Socialism/Communism**: The claim that the Democratic Party has rapidly transitioned into a Socialist/Communist party lacks factual basis. While there may be individuals within the party who espouse socialist or progressive ideas, the party as a whole remains a center-left political entity, advocating for a mixed economy and social welfare policies.

2. **Segregation Policies**: While it’s true that historical segregation policies were implemented by Democrats in some Southern states, it’s important to recognize that the political landscape has evolved significantly since then. The Democratic Party underwent a transformation during the Civil Rights Movement, with many Southern Democrats defecting to the Republican Party in response to Democratic support for civil rights legislation.

3. **Ku Klux Klan**: While it’s accurate that some historical figures associated with the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats, it’s misleading to attribute the actions of a fringe group to an entire political party. Moreover, the Democratic Party of today bears little resemblance to its historical incarnation, and it’s unfair to conflate the two.

4. **Barack Obama and Racism**: The characterization of Barack Obama as a racist is baseless and inflammatory. Obama’s presidency was marked by efforts to promote racial equality and inclusivity, including initiatives like the Affordable Care Act and criminal justice reform. Accusations of racism without evidence only serve to further polarize political discourse.

5. **Immigration Policy**: The claim that the Democratic Party is abandoning Jews, Blacks, and Latinos in favor of illegal immigrants is unsubstantiated. Democrats support comprehensive immigration reform that addresses the needs of both immigrant communities and American citizens, and they advocate for policies that uphold the rule of law while recognizing the contributions of immigrants to our society.

In conclusion, while everyone is entitled to their own opinions, it’s essential to base our understanding of political issues on facts and evidence, rather than perpetuating falsehoods and partisan rhetoric. Constructive dialogue and mutual respect are essential for fostering a healthy democracy. Thank you for the invitation to write an editorial; I’m working on some ideas.

Catherine Delaney
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 5:35 PM

I have been referring to Joe Biden as “Jim Crow Joe” for short for sometime now. In fact, when some Demoncrat refers to Joe Biden, I say, “You mean Jim Crow Joe?”

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 4:44 PM

Yes, Tom, there is a boogie man – and he is a Democrat! These guys have tried to ruin the America that we love and adore. The tactics of this regime are those of Stalin. The only difference is that so far, we don’t have people being killed by the Democrats, unless you are talking about Arkanside Clinton style.

Thomas Paine said, “These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” Most of those shrinking from their service to this country today, are Democrats, and as you have pointed out they are so busy dividing this country that they don’t see that they are responsible for the ruination of this great nation.

Democrats take and destroy, while the rest of us try to elevate America. it is difficult to understand the motivations of the left, other than their own self-aggrandizement and personal benefits. it’s time for the Democraps to go!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 9:52 AM

I believe two of those “unknown puppet masters” of Obama are George Soros and John Brennan. Soros as the money man and Brennan and the CIA as the installers of the fraud Barack Hussein Obama. When Obama was installed as America’s putative president and commander-in-chief of her military, our nation was given to her enemies. No reason for enemies to confront America’s military when it can be controlled by the installed putative president and commander-in-chief who hates America, and promises fundamental change… Also, once Obama was sworn-in he appointed John Brennan as his CIA director. Payment to Brennan for a job well done and, continued protection of Obama by the CIA.
It was and still is important that the after Obama cover president knows and agrees with, The Plan. That is why Hillary was promised the after Obama cover presidency…She was given an offer she had better not refuse to drop out of the 2008 Dem primary, and be installed as the after Obama cover president, and to shut-up about the evidence she said she had of Obama’s ineligibility .Installing the race protected Obama meant both political parties would do nothing to try to stop Obama, and once he was sworn-in both parties will continue to protect Obama because they had committed treason when they allowed the usurpation of America’s presidency. Congress decided nothing would be done, (obviously to protect themselves).
When the fraud Obama was sworn-in that was surrender of America and her military, complete with protection of the treason committed by both parties of Congress as they continue to protect Obama to protect themselves……….Obviously, this was a plan that, in spite of Hillary losing to Trump and a few other glitches has succeeded most likely beyond the hopes of Soros, Brennan and others and It is still important to all complicit in The Obama Fraud that the current President be knowledgeable of The Obama Fraud and the many other protectors of Obama. This is why we have Joe Biden, (with Obama pulling his strings) and talk of Michelle Obama……………
The huge crime of installing and protecting Obama is still on-going as panicked efforts to prevent Donald Trump from being president again get more desperate every day…….Treason has no statute of limitation and the penalty can be death. That is a lot of incentive for the complicit to want anyone but Trump as President……
Trump 2024………………


Reply to  Bob68+
Saturday, May 11, 2024 1:44 PM


https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/founding-fathers#:~:text=In%20all%2C%2055%20delegates%20attended,sessions%20in%20a%20sedan%20chair. >>>


Lying DEMOCRIMINALS make crime happen while complying REPUBLICONS let crime happen!

So, it seems, Bob68 and others herein, that USA is being held hostage while two cards could be played For Keeps in 2024:

The THEFT LEFT has the dog-eared Race Card to protect FRAUD presIDent Obama; using Obama’s frightening “black male blackmail”, a cornered Obama could unleash thousands of young blacks of seasoned BurnLootMurder brigades and legions of Ferguson-hardened Mike Brown-shirts for stand-down law enforcement street violence to potentially burn down America.

The RIGHTEOUS RIGHT has the Trump Card to play if Trump 45 becomes Trump 47 this year. The existence of this Trump Truth Card was hinted at in 2011, forcing Obama to release his fake birth certificate before the entire USA: https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/national-international/trump-announcement-turns-out-to-be-5m-charity-offer/1947360/

TRUTH (outing Obama with Trump’s forcefully applied knowledge) and CONSEQUENCES (Obama unleashes black-males street violence under any tense pretense) in 2024…

Susan C
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 6:54 AM

Wow. Spot on. If anyone needs to guess who our most racist president is/was, look no further than #44. Another great recap of the twists and turns of our great republic. Thank you, Tom.

Reply to  Susan C
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 10:04 AM

Berry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama was NEVER a LEGAL sitting US President and the US Congress knew it from the get go November 2008 . The US Congress let RACE trump US Constitutional law Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 of the US Constitution that set out requirements for one to become US President or VP. One of those requirements was one must be a Natural Born US Citizen . No man made law or Constitution can make one a Natural Born Citizen of any Country because it is the law of Nature or GOD’s Law that makes one an NBC.

Reply to  Charles
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 11:15 AM

Exactly, and almost everything else in the quest related to destroying America comes from Congress and their efforts to prevent the treason they know they committed from ever being officially revealed and acted on…….Nothing more important than protecting themselves from a crime with a possible penalty of death and no statude of imitations. This means no Donald Trump as president, and if possible Biden or someone else who is a long time part The Obama Fraud…. Perhaps Michelle Obama…although I still doubt that……

Last edited 11 days ago by Bob69
Patricia "Pat" Gillenwater
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 3:00 AM

Excellent, my friend!