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by John Anthony, The Truth Monster, ©2024

(Apr. 19, 2024) —

“He has a property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his person.” James Madison 1792

In Madison’s words, of all our property rights, those we hold over our own body may be the most “dear.”

Yet with the introduction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 2020, Americans allowed those rights to be tyrannized. Forced masking, medical procedures, vaccinations, and human separation erased any sense of personal autonomy.

Now many fear loss of sovereignty to the WHO as the body advances two documents intended to “sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems.”1 Management of those three entities would require oversight of every living creature on earth.

The  documents consist of 1. amendments to the existing International Health Regulations (IHR) and 2. a new agreement called the Pandemic Treaty but also referred to as a Covenant, and an Agreement.


According to the WHO, “The IHR are an instrument of international law that is legally-binding on 196 countries, including the 194 WHO Member States.”2  (Italics are my emphasis.)

Physician Meryl Nass has spent months revealing the contents of the draft documents.

  • The IHR drafts changed the regulations from “non-binding” recommendations to binding on member states.
  • Implementation was based on respect for human rights and freedoms. Now based on equity, inclusivity, social and economic development (In other words, the woke goals of DEI and ESG.)
  • The drafters agree the regulations may “interfere with livelihoods”, (think business closings) and “human rights. (Can include vaccine mandates, travel restrictions.)

Once agreed, the WHO decides when and how these amendments apply.

Pandemic Treaty –

As Nass points out, the Pandemic Treaty is primarily a drug enforcement and censorship document.  Under the draft rules the WHO:

  • Decides what is dis or misinformation, then through the member states and media can exercise global control of medical information.
  • Can create, maintain, and share a medical and personal database on all citizens.
  • Can mandate which drugs are to be used and which are restricted.
  • Can tell nations how much they must pay to address health emergencies.
  • Creates a Bio Hub System for the creation, storing and sharing of lab generated pathogens that can lead to pandemics or health emergencies.3  (This is the stockpiling and global sharing of the same gain of function research that led to the COVID “pandemic.” High containment labs already have a poor history of lab leaks.)4

Can the WHO supersede our Constitutional protections?

The Supremacy Clause, Article VI, Clause 2 of our Constitution states that document alone is the Supreme Law of the Land. No judge, treaty, nation, congress, or even the Supreme Court has supremacy over  the U.S. Constitution. The Clause further explains that all treaties made under the Authority of the United States, and Judges in every state, State laws and Constitutions all must act in Pursuance of our Constitution.5

Chief Justice John Marshall strengthened the point when he said in Marbury v. Madison, (1803) “A Law repugnant to the Constitution is void.”  With that decision he upheld the Constitution’s supremacy and voided a law approved by Congress and signed by the President.

Neither a treaty nor amendment changes can contradict and take precedence over our Constitution. That does not mean we as a nation cannot surrender or allow ourselves to be stripped of those protections.

The current administration and many judges have shown disdain for the letter of the Constitution.6  Should a U.S. president sign an Executive Agreement, or Congress ratify the WHO Pandemic Treaty, those rules would soon appear in federal agency guidelines for medical associations, hospitals, health professional, and the public to follow.

Americans have followed

Thomas Hobbs in his 1651 document, Leviathan, noted how kings during the English Civil War used terror of punishment or death to control the people.7  

By March of 2020, Americans were terrified. That month the Imperial College of London predicted 2.2 million Americans could die from COVID, while Anthony Fauci claimed up to 200,000 U.S. lives would be lost. Fear-provoking headlines reminded of the “deadly” 1918 Spanish Flu.8

In its COVID response the administration ordered businesses to close, bankrupting many. Others  were ordered to lockdown and quarantine, and relatives were left frightened in hospital waiting rooms unable to visit their dying loved ones. Supply chains were ruptured, store shelves vacant, and the government added trillions in debt sinking a soaring economy, while millions left the workforce, many never to return.  Not one of these “emergency” actions was constitutional or justified.

In her work, The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt explains how fear and loneliness are major factors in welding a compliant populace.9 The federal, state, and often local responses to COVID incorporated loneliness, fear, and the absolute terror of dying; every quality required to gain obedience. That obedience paid dividends for those in control.

Read the rest here.

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Professor Zorkophsky
Friday, April 19, 2024 2:32 PM

If a person is as stupid as a Dem then yes, they’ll say WHO has jurisdiction over the Constitution.
However, anyone with at least half a brain will value freedom over tyranny.

Professor ‘Trash the masks’ Zorkophsky