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by Sarah Earlene Shere, ©2024

(Apr. 5, 2024) — The sounds of noisemakers, laughter and shouting were nearly deafening in the village square. Little Theo’s heart raced with excitement as he pressed his way through the crowd. Looking up, it seemed he was drowning in a sea of bodies, covered with the colorful streamers and confetti that was constantly filling the air. Above it all, he could see the multicolored flags and banners that had been hung between the recently erected booths, waving in the April breeze.

This was the day, Theo’s once a year day! This celebration of spring signified new life and renewed hope. This was the one day a year that he felt alive, like he belonged. Finally, Theo broke free from the crowd and emerged at the front of the stage. The show was about to begin! He noticed a group of boys his age perched on tree limbs, whooping and hollering. He shook his head. These boys bullied him all year for not being like them and not sharing their interests. But now, when they wanted to be entertained, they flocked to see and cheer for those who were like him. At least, Theo fancied these nomadic entertainers were like him.

Suddenly, a long figure of a man bounded out onto the stage. His commanding presence and brightly colored outfit, for a moment, caused the crowd to go silent before sending up an unanimous cheer. Theo’s wide eyes drank in every moment of the performances that followed. His heart sank when the show was finished as he watched his heroes silently disappear into the crowd. No, he couldn’t let them get away from him this year. He felt he had spent too long in a world where he didn’t belong. With determination, and not looking back, he bolted in the direction he had seen the gypsies make their exit.

Finally, Theo caught up with the traveling band of players outside the town, where they had camped their painted wagons by the water’s edge. Slowly, he approached them as they lifted their attention to his arrival. Nerves shook his knees, but his hands were steady as he reached into the pouch slung around his shoulders and pulled out three black rubber balls. Taking a deep breath, he began to effortlessly juggle them in the air.

When he had finished, Theo blurted out, “Take me with you,” then waited, with bated breath, to see his audience’s response. The kind, smiling faces gave attention to one man who stepped forward, knelt before the boy, and offered to, instead, make a bargain with him. Having reluctantly agreed, Theo waved goodbye to his new friends, who had left him with three, new, colored, rubber balls and a shaggy little black and white dog. His task was to have mastered a juggling act and to have taught the dog clever tricks by the time they arrived back in town next year. The gypsies has been wise, for in this was a test. Anyone who truly has a passion for something will have the patience and persistence to pursue and perfect it.

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