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by Roving Reporter, ©2024

(Mar. 2, 2024) — “Vietnam Blues” (2:03)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Today’s featured guest is a retired IRS agent who has some inside information he’d like to get off his chest. Welcome to our most popular information show.”

“And I thank you for having me. Hi, mom.”

“I’m sorry; you can’t be saying that on the air.”

“Why not? Why can’t I give a shout-out to my mother?”

‘Because we have rules, and one of them is no shout-outs to moms; got it?

“Rules? What a load of horse hockey. We have politicians who go into office broke and within six years are worth many millions. Ninety percent of our politicians are nothing but cheap crooks by taking money from those sleazy brokers on ‘K’ Street, the ‘Avenue of Bribes.’

“And you want public audits to expose the corruption?”

“Yes, I do. At first I was pushing public audits when any politician retired but then I came to the conclusion they should be done every April 15th.”

“Every year?”

“Yes, every year. The people have the right to know. For starters, the money the politicians are paid is taxpayer money to start, right?”

“That is true.”

“So, we have the right to know if our politicians are moonlighting, is all. Maybe they make money on the chicken salad tour, which I guess is alright.”

“Sounds good to me. We’ll take a short break.”

Wonderland by Night” (3:16)

“The other day Biden was down at the border for a photo op, and he said that more judges are the answer to the illegal immigrant problem*. That’s like the cure for bleeding to death is to apply more bandages rather than stop the bleeding. We have the insane leading our country, and if you don’t believe me just listen to The View, MSNBC, Biden, and CNN.”

“Yes, that’s true, isn’t it. Biden never addressed the root cause of Laken Riley’s death and all the judges in the world wouldn’t have helped her. What would have helped her is have kept Trump’s [“Justice for All” (2:24)] border policy in place.

“Biden could have gone down as a great president had he kept Trump’s policies; Hillary would’ve been president had she refused driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants; DeSantis would have been a shoo-in for president in 2028 had he kept his mouth shut so all of those with ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ are doomed to fail.

“Every judge who has had a hand or is having a hand in the arrests and incarceration of the Jan. Sixers [“Ted Nugent plays the National Anthem” (1:50)] need to reflect on the Constitution, and the same goes for the wardens and guards.

“We here at ‘Pulse,’ as opposed to the Mikas of Morning Joe infamy, are Nationalist Christians. We believe in the GOLDEN RULE, but we are also armed and each one of us spends, on average, 30 minutes a day, every day, at the shooting range. We understand that our country has been taken over by thugs, goons and the lowest human life on any totem pole previously or yet to be carved by the enemies of Israel and freedom. We understand that many of those who took the Oath have turned their backs on honor, integrity and faith in the rule of law, which encompasses the Bill of Rights and the Ten Commandments.

“We are anti-Hamas and everything they stand for. We support Israel 110%, just as we support freedom- loving people everywhere in the world. We understand that the United States has two aircraft carrier groups in the Med to thwart Israel’s aggression against Iran. We continue to ask, ‘WHERE’S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?’. We believe that the Department of Homeland Security, the DOJ and the FBI are our enemies as much as the CCP and Islam. We support abolishing the Patriot Act.

“We pray that our enemies will come to their senses and realize that people can go through life without anger and hate but if not, well, too bad, right?


[*Illegal immigrant problem: The USA has a treaty with the country of Laken Riley’s murderer, so what I propose is to strike any treaty with every country who has sent any of its gang members, crooks, mentally ill and or/”bad hombres” to us. They broke the deal, not us. Result? Take the murderer of Laken Riley out and publicly execute him, now, today.]

I Love How You Love Me” (2:03)

Roving Reporter

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