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by Tom Arnold, ©2024

(Feb. 29, 2024) — If you are familiar with the occasionally published writings of mine (emails and one modest, poorly-selling book), then you may know that I am a staunch defender of HONESTY AND THE TRUTH.  Indeed, that I am.  However, because of this peculiar personality trait of mine, you undoubtedly are going to ask how, at the same time, can I endorse “CONSPIRACY THEORIES?”  In fact, you might even call me a “conspiracy theorist!”  In a sense, I am.  I will try to explain it to you.  

It seems conspiracies and those who peddle them are more common than ever in today’s culturally- and politically-charged climate.  Curiously, I think they may be getting a bit of a “bad rap.”  A dictionary definition of a conspiracy theorist is a person who claims that a secret of great importance is being withheld from the public.  CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT?  HERE IN OUR “FREE” AND “OPEN” SOCIETY?  I can imagine that.  Skeptics, including me, do not believe everything we read or are told.  We all know about “fake news,” don’t we? 

A few of today’s well-known and most disputed conspiracy theories are described below.  My belief is that naysayers will eventually learn that many of these so-called conspiracies are NOT nefarious plots or unfounded stories.  Instead, believe it or not, there is some, if not complete, truth to many of them.  For the most part, they were not just randomly dreamed up (51 CIA agents do disruptive things like that, and a lot worse).  So what do you think about some of the conspiracy theories that I am convinced are true? Do you suppose they might deserve a “second look” on your part?

1.  So-called “BIRTHERISM.”  This is the widely disputed and intensely attacked conspiracy theory that Barack Hussein Obama was not born in the United States and therefore was not constitutionally eligible to run for or become president.  I myself am a “birther,” and have been since 2008-09.  To me, the decision about whether this conspiracy is true or false was an easy one to make.  Obama’s claim of being a “natural born (American) citizen” in compliance with Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of our Constitution is refuted by the findings of multiple forensic document experts.  They concluded  beyond a doubt that Obama’s “birth certificate” is an amateurish, photo-shopped, pieced-together forgery.

This finding has even been used as actual evidence in citizen grand jury hearings wherein Obama has been found guilty of charges including election fraud due to having released the forged birth certificate to the voting public.  Obama’s claim that he was born on American soil also defies logic and common sense, which begs the question as to why anyone who claims to have been born in the United States needs to have a counterfeited Hawaiian birth certificate (plus other official-looking but also counterfeited identification documents).  I, for one, think I know why and who did it for Obama.  Maybe you do, too.

2.  The “New World Order” is another conspiracy theory that is of great interest to me and that I also believe to be true.  Wikipedia defines the NWO as being “a term used in several conspiracy theories which hypothesize a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.”  Not so fast there, Wikipedia.  It is my opinion that the New World Order today is far from being a fanciful idea or “emerging” conspiracy theory.  Not only that, but it definitely is no “secret.”  In my opinion, it is a reality with a long and complex history of mostly wasted time and resources which more often than not has ended in disappointment and failure.

Historically speaking, the League of Nations (established after World War I) and the United Nations (established after World War II) were prototypes of the New World Order.  Our Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which had on-site Aryan and German Nazi operatives, collaborated with the New World Order.  That is NOT a good thing (it never is when the CIA is involved).  The CIA was founded in 1947.  President George H.W. Bush was associated with the CIA for a number of years (roughly 20 or 30) and in 1976 became its director for one year.  He was vice president for eight years between 1981 and 1989 and president for four years from 1989 to 1993.  President Bush Sr. gave well-received public speeches on the floor of Congress (particularly in 1990 and again in 1991), during which he discussed and advocated for the New World Order.

Barack Hussein Obama, who I believe was a CIA and communist-groomed Manchurian candidate, with the complicity of the Democrat Party, Deep State, and others, was planted on general election ballots in 2008.  It was an unconstitutional and most likely unlawful act (led by Democrat Party and National Convention Leader Nancy Pelosi).  Obama was elected to the presidency that November.  I prefer to say that he “STOLE” the presidency.  He was inaugurated in January 2009 and held the highest office in our land for eight years until 2017.  According to government sources (Henry Kissinger, for one), Obama was tapped to be a leader of the New World Order.  Why am I not surprised?! 

Throughout the years and especially after September 11, 2001 (9/11), the world took notice that a New World Order might be a worthwhile, even necessary, undertaking.  Alliances of nation-states were formed, and those which already existed may have been strengthened.  Wealthy and powerful individuals, organizations, so-called secret societies, and other globalist elites championed the NWO and vied to play roles in it.  However, not surprisingly, some of them were more interested in money, power, and control over others as opposed to achieving world peace and order.

I am one of those conspiracy theorists who believe the New World Order is a reality today, and a potentially very dangerous one, especially considering the identities and radical ideas of some of the individuals and organizations involved.  Examples of NWO strategies include:  de-dollarization of America’s economy; the advent of Central Banks and Digital Currencies around the world; reckless spending resulting in the $31+ trillion national debt of the United States alone; the World Economic Forum; the World Health Organization; the International Court of Justice (World Court); climate change; critical race theory (a Marxist concept); woke beliefs and behaviors; the trend toward transgenderism and other sexual anomalies; domestic terrorism and violence attributed by the FBI to so-called “white supremacists” (should FBI agents look in the mirror?); unfair elections and voter fraud; open borders crossed with impunity by masses of undocumented and mostly unknown immigrants, etc.

The above are some of the aspects of the New World Order.  I absolutely believe they are true and already have begun taking place throughout much of the world.  Call them conspiracies in their infancy, but I choose to warn you that you should probably be a bit more pessimistic and even a little frightened.  The New World Order is a type of totalitarian fascism, and we all know what that meant for the world in the 20th century (is it happening again today?).

Image and document credit: The Black Vault

3.  Lastly, for the purpose of brevity and saving time, permit me to lump together several conspiracy theories, which I also believe are mostly or entirely true.  Note that the first two items in the paragraphs above covered a great deal of ground and contained references, sometimes subtle, to more than just the two theories presented.  In my opinion, there are many more conspiracy theories, which are just as likely true.  They include:  the role of the CIA in the Kennedy assassination (after all, the CIA wrote an “Assassination Manual” in the early 1950s and is said to have carried out numerous killings over the Agency’s 75-year history); involvement by the CIA with some of the Saudis who took part in the 9/11 attacks; loss of American lives due to alleged government malfeasance (criminally negligent manslaughter?) during the Osama bin Laden raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on May 1, 2011; call-sign “Extortion 17” Chinook military helicopter which was downed with 30 American casualties aboard in Afghanistan on August 6, 2021; the terrorist raid in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012; the strategically flawed withdrawal of American troops from Kabul, Afghanistan, on August 30, 2021, and the subsequent murders of 13 Americans and many Afghans who remained behind; the fake moon landings by Apollo astronauts during the years 1968 to 1972; the conspiracy theory alleging population control of the world by the introduction of gain-of-function potentially deadly viruses such as Covid-19 (from China); numerous politically-related suspicious deaths in America including that of Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia on February 13, 2016 and Barack Obama’s Chef Tafari Campbell in Martha’s Vineyard on August 23, 2023 (where were the Secret Service Agents and what did they see or should have seen?); the conspiracy theory that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide in the Fuhrerbunker in Berlin in 1945 at the end of WWII, but escaped via Nazi ratlines to South America, where he lived out the remainder of his life and allegedly died at age 73 in 1962; and the conspiracy theory that Osama bin Laden was not the victim who was shot and killed by Navy SEALS during the raid on the bin Laden compound in Abbottabad; and other conspiracies seemingly ad infinitum.

So there you have it.  Call me crazy.  Some day, though, I believe history will “get the story straight.”  Of course, there will always be room for some doubt.  If you would like to look into these conspiracy theories for yourselves, then I welcome and encourage you to do so.  Tell me where I am wrong, if you find hard evidence or proof beyond a reasonable doubt that my opinions are incorrect.  Be that as it may, never take anything at face value (especially if its origin is Washington, DC, or “Langley”).  We learn and benefit from our history, but not when it has been rewritten and changed for corrupted and devious  reasons.  To save America, I humbly and respectfully suggest that, possibly more than anything else, we must always seek and tell the TRUTH, even if and especially when so-called secrets of importance or “conspiracy theories” are involved.  God Bless.

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Robert C. Laity
Saturday, March 2, 2024 4:46 AM

A conspiracy is a plot between two people or more to commit a crime or other sinister act that is not lawful with the intention of doing harm.

There are real conspiracies afoot. If there were no conspiracies then there would ne no need to have Federal and State laws against conspiring with others to commit crimes.

The use by the deep State of the term “Conspiracy theory” is a lame effort by them to distract law abiding citizens from focusing on the deep State’s subterfuge.

Conspiracies exist and there is plenty of evidence that our current President conspired with our enemies, that a number of past usurpers have conspired to usurp our presidency and vice-presidency and that certain persons have ended up dead after having acted to blow the whistle on such evil undertakings.

The problem is that those entrusted to curtail conspiracies and to enforce the laws against such plots are many times themselves involved in the plots as co-conspirators.

One example of which is when Nancy Pelosi,et al, aided Barack Obama in committing treason and espionage against the United States by his having usurped the Presidency by fraud, during time in which this nation was engaged in war.

An intriguing tidbit to cogitate on. Lee Harvey Oswald was given a “Star” on the memorial wall at CIA HQ in Langley. I can provide sources if you need them.

Reply to  Robert C. Laity
Sunday, March 3, 2024 1:49 PM

Thanks, Robert. Actually, I do know what a “conspiracy” is. Just wasn’t that sharp to make that important distinction in my piece. Thank you for pointing it out. In addition, the CIA memorializing of Lee Harvey Oswald (who allegedly was the single shooter of JFK, which I do not believe because it was a conspiracy, and who definitely shot and killed Dallas Police Officer Tibbett) is nothing but NEXT TO EVIL! Count on the CIA to go rogue, without being held accountable. Thanks, again, Robert, for everything you do for America and our legal system and constitution, i.e. more than the lifers in the black robes, all of who are not able to define a woman, much less than a natural born citizen. Tom Arnold.