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by Bob Russell, ©2024


(Feb. 23, 2024) — The House of “Representatives” committee headed by Rep. James Comer has asked for transcripts of a phone call that then-vice president biden had in 2015 about Ukraine’s investigation into the operations of Ukrainian oil company Burisma, hunter biden’s position on the board of directors and biden’s interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur.  The very corrupt White House has thus far failed to provide the requested documents, I believe, because they know those documents will prove that joe biden used coercion from his position as vice president to get the prosecutor fired, threatening to withhold a U.S. government guarantee for a $1 billion loan if the prosecutor was not fired immediately.

The very corrupt, and now demented, joe biden even bragged on video about how he told then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that he was getting on a plane in six hours and if the prosecutor wasn’t fired before he boarded that plane the loan backing would be withdrawn. In the video biden is seen to say, “…and son of a b****, he was fired,” clearly gloating about his success.  A big question many have is how did hunter, with absolutely no experience in the oil business, get an $83,000-per-month seat on that board in the first place?  Everyone with a brain knows why he was put on that board, but the TREASONOUS leftist morons don’t want to talk about it: putting hunter on that board was designed to obtain favorable treatment from the obama regime, with joe biden using his position in the regime for personal profit.

There is no way biden can explain this away, but devildemocommiecrats, biden’s appointed hacks, the Pravda/Goebbels fake-news propagandists, and the deep-state gop establishment will not likely ever do anything about it except for what they always do: deny, obfuscate, and criticize everyone who brings up the matter.  While it is very unlikely, based on hunter’s past and present activities, that he was oblivious to any corruption in Burisma and the Ukraine government, it is possible he had no clue about it.  For being “the smartest man I know,” as joe has stated to reporters, hunter doesn’t seem to be even marginally intelligent to me, much less brilliant.  He is, however, a master grifter who has made millions selling the family name to keep himself adrift in a veritable sea of cocaine and prostitutes.

That joe biden, hunter, and jim biden have been very deeply involved in corruption, i.e., influence-peddling, is no longer a matter of speculation.  The question is if the gop is going to do anything about it.  Comer and the rest of the gop members of the committee don’t seem to have a lot of interest in punishing biden for the selling of his office for personal financial gain.  As much as I like the fact that Comer is digging into the matter, it distresses me that he is slow-walking the matter, and I have very little confidence the gop will actually take any action once the “investigation” is finished.  I am convinced the gop establishment wants this matter dropped and wonder if Comer is the patriot I think he is, if he is waffling under pressure, or if someone has dirt on him that is making him so hesitant to get to the solution, which would be to prosecute the bidens for corruption.

I have a very negative feeling about this matter ever getting the proper resolution but am hoping justice will be done.  It is a pathetic state of affairs when an elected politician can commit the corrupt acts joe biden did as vice president without facing any recrimination for his actions.  Influence-peddling is just one of the issues.  The open border issue is of critical importance.  If a country can’t or won’t secure its border it is not a sovereign nation and America faces a clear and present danger of terror attacks.  Last fiscal year alone at least 160 people on the terrorist watch list were apprehended crossing the border illegally, with probably ten times that many who got in undetected, putting putting We the People in much more danger than we were on September 11, 2001, when 19 terrorists who had entered legally but overstayed their visas killed nearly 3,000 people.

The number of crime cartel and gang members who have entered the country is also unknown but is surely in the thousands.  Countries are emptying their prisons and mental institutions to get rid of the worst of their criminals, knowing the biden regime will allow them in to commit their heinous crimes.  The House, in a second vote, voted to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, but just barel,y and long after they should have done it.  Since devildemocommiecrats control the senate it won’t go any farther, nor would it if the gop, under mcconnell, controlled the chamber.

I submit this in the name of The Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

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Robert Laity
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 6:15 AM

The latest is that Biden took a large bribe from a Chinese gangster and his administration is in cahoots with both Chinese drug dealers providing the ingredients for the production of fentanyl and the Mexican cartels who produce and distribute it.


Saturday, February 24, 2024 9:59 PM

IMO Joe Biden is protected by the fact that he was Obama’s V.P. for 8 years. Neither political party wants Obama pulled into any real investigation and impeaching Biden could lead to that. Both parties protect Obama because both parties know they committed treason when they did nothing to stop Obama from being sworn-in. The treason they committed gave America’s government and her military to her enemies via Barack Hussein Obama. Big time treason, which both parties believe the only out of unscathed is to lie to their constituents and protect Obama from being involved in any real, (if there is such a thing), investigation, whether it be of Obama himself, or of someone else who would also involve Obama…like, Joe Biden. Congress is protecting itself by protecting Obama and doing whatever they must to insure Donald Trump is never president again.

Something IMO easy to see and understand is being turned into something which seems so complicated there is no way out. Stall and lie to protect themselves is what our Congress is doing and America is still being destroyed by the “fundament change” promised by Obama, who is now pulling the strings of his equally corrupt former V.P. Joe Biden….

Obama’s race plus ineligibility protection is protecting him. There is no way out for America without revealing and acting on the truth about Barry, which is what Congress fears will happen if Trump is president again……..All complicit in The Obama Fraud know there is no statute of limitations on treason and the penalty can be…death.

Unfortunately what I described seems to be the, “crime too big to prosecute”, which is never supposed to happen….

Vote for Trump in 2024 and pray for America………