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by Bryan Hermansdorfer, ©2024

(Jan. 10, 2024) — America is blessed to be free – we enjoy security because of our Constitution, police and military. Since we are a country of law and not of dictatorship let us take power away from the judges and mayors who wish to push through their own agenda instead of honoring our Constitution. 

Thousands of laws don’t mean a thing if we don’t enforce them. Sanctuary cities and states harbor illegals, some of whom are criminals. The number one job of the federal government is to provide for the safety of its citizens, then to insure our freedoms. The wide-open border demonstrates zero concern for our safety or sovereignty.  Before you go to bed do you lock your door?

Let us honor our police.  Even people who don’t respect the law call the police when they feel threatened somehow.  Would you like to be disrespected at your job on a daily basis?  Let’s cooperate with the police and thank them. 

You may not agree with the policies of our military, but what if we were a weak nation unable to defend itself?  Would you blindly trust other countries to always behave peacefully toward us?  How about Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and Pakistan, whose leaders and many citizens regularly shout “Death to America”? Do they seem like nice neighbors to you?

Free speech is our indispensable bedrock value. Without it any group can make criticism a criminal offense.  Think of the misuse of hate speech when it may only be speech that someone deems offensive.  Would you enjoy being told what to say or face legal or capital repercussions?  If you have to watch what you say then you are not free. It’s very challenging to allow for the speech that we don’t want to hear, but if we don’t it will be expressed secretly and we won’t even be aware of the boiling anger that could erupt violently.  In America we honor free speech, no matter how difficult it may be to hear, instead of executing or imprisoning those with whom we disagree. Americans enjoy an open marketplace of ideas without violence or government censorship.

We freely assemble and protest peacefully. Rioting, murder and burning down buildings is not an act of peaceful protest.  It is lawlessness leading to chaos.

We practice our religion or no religion. Don’t tell me what to believe.  I’m free to be on my own journey to interpret life through my own experiences.

Equal opportunity and enterprise create healthy competition. America rewards self-reliance vs. dependence on bloated government sustenance. Free government handouts like erasing all student debt and bailouts for the big banks, the automotive and airlines industries are the bait that Socialists use. Capitalism is a much more humane system than totalitarianism. We make our own choices, taking responsibility for our actions, succeed or fail.

Our government is the servant of the people and we all have a say in it. It is yours and my responsibility to participate in our own government.  If you don’t vote, you cannot blame anyone else for your apathy. Fatalists feel that they have no real say in the government.  This is false, because you are always free to contact your local and state representatives.  They are not above the law and are employed to represent you and me, the citizens. 

We welcome all people as legal new Americans with equal rights while supporting basic human rights around the world. America shines when it protects the little guy. We strongly believe in the dignity of the individual.

This is America as she was founded and thrived for generations. We now witness the erosion of this glorious experiment caused by leftist individuals who are trying to create a society that is not free. Socialism is designed to take away our freedoms in every department of life, only to have us utterly dependent upon an impersonal government telling us what to do and how to do it.  Socialism conditions us to a loss of freedom, then Communism moves in.  Brutally repressive Socialist and Communist societies ruled by Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong-un, and Kim Jong-il killed 100 MILLION people during the 1900s. Current Communist societies are the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Cuba, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Don’t these titles sound pleasant? You who are used to being respected as an individual would not like to be under their thumb.

I am not content to be silent. Let us be brave and support people and organizations that honor our country.  Speak our values openly and courageously to friends, family and members of our communities.  Being politically correct is a dangerous and irresponsible abdication of our responsibility as informed free citizens.

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Kerry Summers
Friday, January 12, 2024 2:20 AM

I enjoyed your interview with wolves of Wall Street. Everywhere I look today, I see contempt. It is virtually impossible to find any assemblance of Truth. As for Obama, he is not a natural born citizen of this nation. Why are his records sealed? This is surely done by incrementalism. Our standards have been eroded away over time. When I went to school it was America First, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights. Today ours school system is an indoctrination tool.