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Vivek Ramaswamy, July 25, 2023 (Attribution: Gage Skidmore, Wikimedia Commons, CC by SA 3.0 Unported)

[Editor’s Note: The following letter was sent to the Vivek Ramaswamy 2024 presidential campaign by P&E reader/commenter “phrowt.”]

October 9, 2023

Mr. Vivek Ramaswamy
Vivek 2024.com
P.O. Box 1021
Merrifield, VA 22116-1021

Dear Mr. Ramaswamy,

Thank you for the opportunity to express my view of your candidacy for President of the United States. In the recent past I and many others that I am aware of have tried to get you to tell us about the naturalization of your parents. All we have gotten is “crickets”. The news media will not broach the subject, so where are we to go, what are we to do?

You see we recently had a usurper become President who also was not properly vetted as to his qualifications under Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution.  In your letter you probably inadvertently named both Obama and Biden. (If a “bad actor… or a foreign power… or a “Manchurian Candidate” somehow took control of the White House…”). It’s called BTDT (been there done that). We all see the damage Obama did to our country and is continuing to do through his surrogate Joe Biden. There is no desire for another person with divided loyalties that will not act according. to the sole interests of our country. So, please tell us loudly so that we will all know that you are qualified.

Unless and until you are willing to do that, I’m afraid I cannot support your candidacy for President. If or when a disagreement should occur between the country of India and the United States would you act in their interest instead of what is best for my country, how am I to know? I am returning your request for donation, blank, and will keep your letter to remind me that you are left wanting.

BTW, you make a lot of sense, but you have not convinced many that you can and will do what President Trump did. Again, how are we to know? I don’t need to tell you; words are not actions. If you read this letter, I thank you if you don’t, I tried.


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Sunday, October 15, 2023 4:04 PM

Mr Vivek Ramaswamy is just one of many who do NOT MEET the Constitutional requirements to be US President or VP . Also Nikki Haley is another candidate for US President this time around who do not meet US Constitutional requirement Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 to hold the office of US president or VP ! IMO these people see Berry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama’s ILLEGAL Presidency as a precedent giving them some how LEGAL AUTHORITY to run for US president . I also believe the US Congress has been ignoring the US Constitution and the rule of law when it come to Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 Natural Born Citizen to protect the fraud and usurper Barack Hussein Obama to protect themselves from the Charge of TREASON in the 2008 and 2012 election . Bottom line the US Congress let RACE trump US Constitutional law and are still doing it this very day !

Reply to  Charles
Monday, October 16, 2023 11:47 AM

Thank you Charles…..you are exactly right, both parties have been and still are protecting Obama to protect themselves from the treason they committed by doing nothing to stop the fraud Obama from being sworn-in. This was obvious when it happened in 2009 and Obama was sworn-in, and it is still reason number one why both parties fear Trump being president. They fear their having given America’s government and her military to her enemies will finally be acted on and they will be charged with the treason they committed……………They will do anything to prevent that from happening………….

Friday, October 13, 2023 11:00 AM

Wise guy Vivek is just playing politics while flaunting our nation’s Founding principle, being, no foreign citizenships to be U.S. President or U.S. Vice President.

Likewise, DC is just playing politics to their own advantage, while flaunting our nation’s Founding principles…because We have let them. We the People are supposed to be their “borders”, but We have lately allowed open borders around DC!

Unaccounted state-licensed attorney-criminals, Joke (Joe) and Coke (hunted Hunter) Biden, remain licensed attorneys while breaking every law they can get their coke and cash-stained hands on with their combined persona that exudes to the startled public, “Come get me, man!”

What to do?

>Educate, educate, educate, We the private People on Main Street USA.

Because We the People on Main Street USA are ultimately responsible for the condition of all properties/infrastructure and all behaviors inside our sovereign borders, not DC alone, not Congress, et al, but you and me and some 330,000,000 other private U.S. citizens on Main Street USA.

>No longer look up to today’s U.S. Government as its cowering subjects; instead, set our minds to rising up from cowering subjects to towering legal U.S. citizens AND LOOK DOWN ON TODAY’S POLITICALLY WHOREABLE AND INCESTUOUS U.S. GOVERNMENT THAT IS IN DIRE NEED OF “AN AMERICAN RENOVATION!”

>Educate our friends and family and email pals, et al, that today’s U.S. citizens have largely forgotten over some 234 years (since 1789) that the first three words in the U.S. Constitution are “We the People”, not “The U.S. Government”. As such, today’s subordinate-but-insubordinate U.S. Government only exists at the consent and convenience of We the People on Main Street USA; educate that We are their Boss, not the other way around. Many of us today have forgotten that three-word principle over the years, and it is natural that We would, I suppose, just like most of us today have forgotten how to breed and feed and work with and around horses, which used to be an everyday experience to previous U.S. generations.

>Finally, educate all folks We know about another three words that have naturally been forgotten after some 234 years residing unchanged within the U.S. Constitution, being, the MANDATORY U.S. Presidential and U.S. Vice Presidential qualifier, “natural born [U.S.] Citizen”. From 1789 until Nancy Pelosi TREASON DAY ELECTION COUP ON 08-28-08, all previous U.S. generations understood, and enforced, “natural born Citizen” to mean, “born within and subject-to a sole-U.S.-jurisdiction to sole-U.S.-allegiance-citizen-citizenship-parents from the U.S. tribe”. https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/ >>> https://www.scribd.com/doc/48856102/All-U-S-Presidents-Eligibility-Grandfather-Clause-Natural-Born-Citizen-Clause-or-Seated-by-Fraud

Educate, educate, educate.

On-coming criminalized government officials and their criminalized lackey-lapdog propaganda-press and criminalized wise guy presidential candidates, Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy and Nimarata Nikki Randhawa-Haley and Rafael Edward Cruz and Barack Hussein Obama, et al, can all be stopped in their tracks when We the People hold up The U.S. Constitution unyieldingly in front of their traitorous devil-evil faces, much like a priest would hold up a crucifix to stop the advance of on-coming demons!

Robert C. Laity
Saturday, October 14, 2023 5:27 AM

Jon, Chester Arthur was our first fraudulent usurper of the Presidency. Obama was phony “President” #2.

However since Obama did it a slew of frauds have followed him and are trying to do it again.

“If Obama can do it so can I”- Ted Cruz, another person ineligible to be President or VP.


Haley, Ramaswamy, Cruz, et al, all know that they are not eligible. They are all violating the Constitution.

Reply to  Robert C. Laity
Monday, October 16, 2023 8:37 AM

I think Mr Laity , we a placing the blame on the WRONG people IE the people running for US President and not where it belongs on the US Congress for they are the ones who took an Oath to the US Constitution when they were sworn in to the US Congress ! I’m not saying the people running for US President don’t hold any responsibility to prove they meet Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 US Constitution , but it is ridiculous for the US Congress not have a background check on prospective Presidential candidates ! And I’m not talking about taking someone word the candidate meet Constitutional Requirements !

Gary Wilmott
Friday, October 13, 2023 5:04 AM

Same applies to Niki Haley.

Robert Laity
Friday, October 13, 2023 4:36 AM

NO person is eligible to be President or Vice-President unless he/she was born in the United States to parents who were both U.S. Citizens themselves. Furthermore a President and VP must also meet the other constitutional criteria outlined in Article II of the U.S. Constitution.

“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, AT THE TIME of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States”.

The 12th Amendment applies these criteria to a Vice-President.

“No person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States”.

Equally ineligible for the Office of President or Vice-President is Nikki Haley.

Reply to  Robert Laity
Saturday, October 14, 2023 1:17 PM

Robert, since 2008 we have faced this issue. The Republicans compounded it by running all of their unqualified candidates. We have memorized their names and some keep showing up, like Halley, bring along others like Ramaswamy.
Mario Apuzzo passed away to soon at the age of 65. I thank you and Cdr. Kerchner for your stalwart efforts to enlighten the public of Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution. For my part I will continue to beat this drum as long as it is not corrected. At 82 that may be awhile since the Lord has favored me with reasonably good health. Our country has been lost to precedence.

Robert Laity
Reply to  phrowt
Sunday, October 15, 2023 8:30 AM

The disgusting part of the 2008 Presidential elections was that BOTH major party candidates Mc Cain and Obama were equally ineligible to be President or VP. What a disgrace. “We the People” got really scammed that year in a bi-partisan scheme to erode our nation’s sovereignty.

Robert C. Laity
Reply to  phrowt
Sunday, October 15, 2023 8:33 AM

The disgusting part of the 2008 Presidential election was the fact that both major party candidates, Mc Cain and Obama were ineligible.

What a Disgrace. We the People got scammed by a bi-partisan conspiracy right under our noses.