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by Thomas Reiner, ©2023

(Oct. 4, 2023) — Petulant sixtyish-or-so-year-olds can sometimes act precisely like three-year-old monsters when something is taken from them to which they mistakenly feel entitled. The “wronged” child launches a hurricane of self-righteous screaming followed by fist pounding, crying, and hiding their toys from others.  The child quickly learns to dry their tears after a stint of being sent to their room and relearns to share their toys and the joy of playing with others. Some adults have never unlearned this unseemly behavior.  So it has come to pass in the fabled mountain city of Crest Top, Arizona where a pack of Hillary Clinton-like Human WolvesTM are hungry to wrest power from a duly elected Republican leadership.  They howl loudly and strike out at every opportunity, but what they don’t realize is that they are biting, gnawing and attacking members of their own pack. 

This can’t happen where you live… could it?  

Just as Hillary Clinton felt an absolute entitlement to win but subsequently lost the 2016 Presidential race, her tantrums are still felt. Crest Top is infested with such Mini Clintons, who have perfected her machinations against a twice-decided winning slate of a Republican election known as the True WinnersTM.  Their calumny knows no boundaries to delegitimize and weaken the authority of the leadership. An unmendable rift is grinding the Republican Party apart, where True WolvesTM, also known as Democrats, are watching and waiting for their opportunity to take over after the destruction of the Republican Party in Crest Top is complete.  That is what wolves do to weakened members of the pack.

This can’t happen where you live… could it?  

Real wolves are more civil than their human counterparts. The Human WolvesTM have taken away their toys in the form of money which is essential to ensure the long-term viability of the Crest Top Republican Party.  They have actually met with True WolvesTM in secret to further their immediate goals, ignorant that this will accelerate the eventual destruction of the Crest Top Republican Party.  They unleash whisper campaigns and engage in name-calling to impugn the reputation of the True WinnersTM.  They have learned the art of the filibuster to freeze the functioning of governance.  A little WD-40 and common sense are in order.  

In the pursuit of power, it is forgotten that there is always another election down the road to change that with which one disagrees.  Temporary erected roadblocks can lead to permanent blockage especially when the rains come. Obtaining mutual respect and helping each other is better than harboring permanent hatred.

Believe the warning of the Mothers of Inventions song, “It Can’t Happen Here.” This can’t happen where you live… could it?  It has already happened in the mountain city of Crest Top, Arizona.  You’ve been warned.

Editor’s Note: “Crest Top, Arizona” is a fictional town representing a real town where the author made his observations.

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Wednesday, October 4, 2023 12:45 PM

I know of what you speak. It is happening here. Kindergarten sandbox bullies have grown up to be adult alpha to omega she-wolves.