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by Roving Reporter, ©2023

(Aug. 20, 2023) — “Since I Fell for You” (2:51)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. We have a real treat today, one of Hollywood’s première illusionists, recently retired after 40 years working in Tinsel Town. And you are Gerald Goldman, originally from Long Island. Welcome to ‘Pulse,’ the most-watched information show in its time slot.”

“And so very glad to be here. I was really surprised to get your invitation to be interviewed. You know, when someone retires it’s like someone turned off the lights, that you’re no longer wanted or needed, but that’s not necessarily the case, is it? All my years in the industry I have up here, as I tap my head for those who are reading the transcript.”

“My, my, aren’t you the clever one? You mind telling us which pictures you worked on and any good stories about actors and actresses?”

“Have you checked the yellow pages in the last couple of years? Lawyers take up 99% of it. Everybody is suing everybody else because judges are afraid of rendering ‘frivolous lawsuit’ rulings to edge their bets on getting with a prestigious law firm when they retire from the bench.”

“Oh, yes, of course you’re right. How about telling us about makeup and costumes?”

“Yes, I can do that since I won’t have to use any names. Remember that picture, I think it was ‘The Werewolves’ Ball,’ way back in 1967, I think it was. My job was to disguise the real werewolves from the pretend werewolves but make them the same yet different at the same time, if you get my meaning.”

“I most certainly do. Be like having a bunch of undercover cops masquerading as civilians at a dance or in a bar, right? And then how to tell them apart when the shooting starts.”

“That’s it exactly. So, you’re driving on the Interstate and a car is coming towards you and you say, ‘That’s an unmarked cop car’ and the wife says, ‘That was obvious, wasn’t it?’ And it was obvious, which is what my job was: to make it not so obvious.”

“How did you do it?”

“After a couple of decades in the industry, I came to the conclusion it just can’t be done. No matter how hard an undercover cop tries to be not an undercover cop, he can never be one 100%; there’s always a ‘tell’ to give him away.”

“A ‘tell?’

“A clue, a twitch, a missed shined part of a shoe. A good example is Mitch McConnell. Says he’s a Republican but acts like a Dem. Romney, too. Fox News? Dems, all for the Deep State. Never asks, ‘WHERE’S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?’

“There’s a lot of those around, delusional Dems. Can’t wear a crucifix, can they?”

“Oh, no, of course not. That would be a grave sacrilege for them. They’d be excommunicated; maybe get some ‘common sense’ and vote in favor of the Constitution, Heaven forbid.”

“What about these nuts tossing these indictments around; what about them?”

“Sad case, each of them in the proverbial ‘handbasket’ right here on earth. Despised by most humans and every other living creature on the planet.”

“Trees, too?”

“Bats to flowers, the most despised animals on the planet are people like Fani Willis.”


“On the contrary, they’ll get exactly what they deserve, a wasted life right here on earth. My one bit of advice to a Dem would be to stay out of National Cemeteries, the place where people who fought and died for our Constitution are buried.”

“Same could be said for the FBI and the DOJ [‘Justice for All‘ (2:24)].”

“Every member of the Deep State, which is at least half of our judges.”

“The weak point of our Republic, the judges.”

“Sad to say, but true.”

“And the police are there to protect the crooked judges.”

“The stupids guarding the corrupt; it fits, almost seems ‘apropos.’

“Our time has expired. Thank you for watching or reading, as the case may be. Goodnight.

“Good show. Burger time: my treat.”

 “Morning Dance” (3:56)

Roving Reporter

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