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by Bob Russell, ©2023

Wikimedia Commons, public domain

(Jul. 6, 2023) — I am a big fan of Lee Greenwood’s song GOD BLESS THE USA.  In his song Greenwood pays tribute to the qualities that make America great and to those who have fought and died to defend our way of life for almost 250 years.  Freedom isn’t free and liberty is always only one generation away from extinction, something every American should realize and take seriously. 

Since the Declaration of Independence was written and adopted 247 years ago, millions of America’s military have fought, sacrificed, and died to stave off the attempts of wanna-be world dictators to subject the world’s population to their rule.  No other nation in history has done more, spent more in money, blood, and lives to provide for and protect the liberty of people who could not do so for themselves. 

Shortly after America won its independence from England our military was sent to fight the Barbary Pirates, who were enslaving people in Northern Africa and attacking American merchant ships.  It was American Christians who birthed the Abolition movement in the 1850s to end slavery and joined the Union Army by the thousands to fight in the Civil War to abolish slavery from this land.  The main Union battle rallying song of the Civil War was “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.”  In its lyrics are the words “as He died to make men holy let us die to make men free,” recognizing that as Jesus Christ died to free all mankind from Satan, they were willing to die to gain the freedom of those who could not fight that battle for themselves.

American forces fought the Spanish-American War in the late 19th century to free Cuba and other Caribbean nations from the oppression of Spain.  When German forces invaded France in 1914 it was America that came to the rescue, sending millions of dollars’ worth of supplies. After the sinking of the cruise ship Lusitania, we sent hundreds of thousands of American soldiers into the fray to help push the German army back and win the war.  It was American money, blood, and lives that turned the tide against the Austro-Hungarian Empire and forced the German government to surrender.  It wasn’t only America, but the war turned around when America became actively involved.

When Adolf Hitler’s Nazi forces overran Poland and most of France in World War II, it was American monetary and material support that helped sustain the French and British.  America also sent supplies to sustain Russia when Hitler attacked them, supported China against Japanese aggression, and eventually was instrumental in defeating the Axis powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan.

The Japanese attack on our Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 was a monumental mistake that accelerated a defeat that was inevitable due to the wealth and manufacturing might of America. It would have been much different if our nation had not been drawn into direct conflict when it was.

American forces were fighting in China as a mercenary force under Gen. Claire Chenault to assist the Chinese, but the eventual direct involvement of America provided might that the Axis forces could not defeat.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives, many lost limbs, many more shed blood and were crippled, but American men and women never shied away from sacrificing whatever was necessary to defeat tyranny.

When North Korean forces stormed across the 38th parallel to attack the democratic nation of South Korea on June 26, 1950 it was primarily American forces who fought them.  There were many nations involved but none as extensively as the American forces.  After Korea came the Vietnam War, a war waged by a military under political leadership that had no interest in victory.  American forces overwhelmingly defeated the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces but the politicians getting rich off the war would not allow our military to conduct a war to defeat the enemy and eventually sold out the many Americans who fought there, the taxpayers who paid for the war, and the South Vietnamese people who looked to America for help against Communist tyranny.  Americans died in Vietnam unnecessarily because of political decisions that hamstrung them.

The Gulf War against the forces of Saddam Hussein was handled much better, leading to the quick defeat of Iraq’s military and freeing Kuwait, and the Iraqi people, from a despotic ruler.  The later policy of “containment” of islamic tyranny has been less successful because democrat party politicians, with complicity from the gop establishment, have led to mediocre efforts to win.  These “symbolic” efforts by the political ruling class undermined our fine military by once again inhibiting their ability to defeat an enemy, leading to the disgraceful surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan by the very corrupt, inept, and mentally deficient joe biden.

The military policy of President Trump had decimated the Taliban, but when biden took over he reversed all the successes of the Trump administration and bailed, leaving behind $85 billion of state-of-the-art equipment, thousands of American citizens, and thousands of Afghan allies, making the Taliban one of the most well-armed forces in the world.

Since the American government fell under the control of Marxist devildemocommiecrats with the complicit support of the just-as-corrupt gop establishment, America has suffered military, economic, and moral setbacks that have severely hurt us as a nation and as citizens.  Our enemies no longer fear us, our allies no longer trust us, and neither respects us.

President Trump has mounted a comeback attempt for 2024, a campaign that is opposed by the same corrupt political forces that opposed him so vehemently during his first term.  The political establishment hates President Trump because he doesn’t belong, and he has no interest in belonging, to their little club of globalism.  He can’t be bribed or intimidated into complicity so they hate him for standing up for the Constitution and We the People.  They also fear him because he seeks to destroy the deep state globalist sect that now controls the nation.

The globalists, both internal and external, know that as long as America exists, their global dictatorship cannot be established so they hate America and patriotic citizens like me.  They also hate the military and veterans because they know we are a hindrance to their evil plans. 

Lee Greenwood performs at the Lackland Air Force Base with the Air Force Band of the West, September 25, 2005 (public domain)

As Lee Greenwood stated in his song, I am proud to be an American and will stand on my Christian faith as I ask Almighty God for guidance and Divine Intervention to restore America to the status of “a shining city on a hill.”  I am too old and disabled to fight physical battles so my war is now in the spiritual realm and in the written and spoken word.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

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Saturday, July 8, 2023 11:08 AM

Your mention of Saddam Hussein reminded me of Barack Hussein Obama. I will never believe there is anything both parties fear more that full exposure and action on the treason they committed when they did nothing to stop Barack Hussein Obama from being sworn-in as America’s president and commander-in-chief of her military, and its still on-going cover-up. I cannot imagine a bigger crime against America’s people and her Constitution than giving America’s government and her military to her enemies at the highest level of government, the office of president and commander-in-chief. The penalty for high level treason can be death, and there is no statute of limitations. This is clearly why both parties will do anything to prevent Donald Trump from being president again.

Those complicit in The Obama Fraud are doing what they believe is most important, protecting themselves. Individual members of Congress could have spoken the truth about Barry, which they know, but they all chose to protect themselves. They lied when they said they would protect America and her Constitution, and now they lie to protect themselves…….

I don’t know what the future will bring, but I do believe Trump being president again will be America’s last, last chance………….the actions and words of all complicit in The Obama Fraud reveal their fear of President Trump and of the truth about Barry……..