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by phrowt, ©2023

Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt takes his oath of office, March 4, 1933 (public domain)

(Jul. 1, 2023) — Is an oath still sacred? What is meant by “sacred?”  We have all watched when under ceremonial conditions our leaders swear an oath of allegiance, making a promise, placing their hand on the Bible with their other hand raised to God, else why is it raised? You may challenge this because today we see the Koran substituted which I assume is for the purpose of swearing to what one believes is holy. Does this make their oath sacred? If so, why do we see so many forgetting what they swore to?

All military personnel take an oath to protect and defend our Constitution and country. I remember the oath I took in the Marine Corps 64 years ago that I intend to keep for as long as God allows me to breathe. Police officers take one to protect and to defend. As children we used to pledge allegiance to our Flag and to the Republic for which it stands by placing our hand over our heart (is this done in our schools today?). I note many civic organizations still recite the pledge, but for how much longer? You may ask why we see the lack of respect we see today; maybe it started with what our children are no longer taught.

Have you ever thought about an oath? Why is it required? What is it intended to do? Is an oath just a few words, spoken as a gateway or rite of passage? Is an oath intended to be said and forgotten?  Is there any penalty if an oath is not honored? If there is a penalty what is the punishment? If it is shame, that has long disappeared with conscience. I remember there was an Admiral who felt so much shame that he took his own life. That took conscience but without the faith of forgiveness that comes from God, another subject that is less taught these days. These are a lot of questions that deserve thought if not answers.

We have come a long way from a “handshake is binding” and “your word is your bond.”  Think of how many lawyers would be out of work. Our society has moved a long way from the integrity that those actual promises signified.  It is my belief that the one thing you are born with that, when lost, will be lost forever is your integrity. How many of our ruling elite class still have their integrity? In my humble opinion integrity is the bedfellow of courage because to keep your integrity you must have courage. I also believe that we all have lost our integrity at some point in our life for various reasons and thank God for His forgiveness.

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Rob Laity
Tuesday, July 4, 2023 9:58 AM

I want to wish everyone a very blessed and happy Independence Day.

Phebe Hershelman
Saturday, July 1, 2023 8:04 PM

Great article. I value my integrity, highly. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 5:2 Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few. If we would live by this, we would be more careful.

Phebe Hershelman
Saturday, July 1, 2023 7:52 PM

Great article with a lot to think about. I ask myself: “How much do I value my integrity?” A great deal.