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by Roving Reporter, ©2023

Mosaic of Alexander the Great, artist unknown (public domain)

(Jun. 29, 2023) — “Best of My Love” (3:29)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Today’s guest, Professor Wert, has graced our microphone many times. So, where have you been and what can you tell us?”

“Thank you for having me on your show, Roving; good to be back. Now to where I’ve been, I’ve been to that new dig in Turkey and all over Greece. Dangerous areas of the world where life actually has no worth.”

“You mentioned Turkey.”

Göbekli Tepe, a truly fascinating dig that was covered up about 11,000 years ago, which was a monumental task in itself. I’d sure like to know why it was all covered up before everyone goes off half-cocked and makes some sort of irreversible colossal mistake.”

“I’m sure they know what they’re doing.”

“I’m not and neither are they. Their arrogance offends me, is what it does.”

“So, it’s a bunch of rocks that were covered over; big deal.”

“Assuming a conclusion — in this case what harm can come of it — may be foolhardy is all I’m saying.”

“So, you’re of the ‘prudence faction?’

“That I am.”

“Better being safe than sorry, right? Let’s take a quick commercial break and then you can tell us about Greece.”

Venture Highway” (3:31)

“And we’re back with Professor Wert, who just returned from searching the Greek Islands – searching for what?”

“History, searching for the connection between Alexander the Great and Donald Trump, if you have to know.”


“The similarities are astounding, is what. Let’s reverse the roles, so to speak. If Alex was born in our time, I believe he would be following in the footsteps of Trump, is what I’m saying.”

“Oh, I get it: workaholics with a vision. Alright, works for me. What about the MAGA?”

“Same thing. Dedication and a vision. Unstoppable. Once in a couple thousand years, and if you don’t get it, if you suffer from ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome,’ guess what?”


“The train has left the station, and you’re not on it.”

“You mean like the audience of The View and Morning Joe?”

“You got it.”

“Works for me. Look, thanks for stopping by. Enjoyed your input. Now it’s time to say goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good show. Burger time: my treat.”

[When I was in the NAVY, I visited Greece. It was a bright sunny day and I set off to find a field of short grass. I got on a bus and when I saw the perfect spot I asked the driver to stop, which he did, and for the next few hours I threw my practice disc in Greece on a field of green. Too bad you weren’t there. And when I was done, I flagged down another bus and that was my day, one of the most enjoyable of all my days in the NAVY, let alone my life.]

81 Million Votes, My A**” (3:13)

Roving Reporter  

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