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November 26, 2022

Dear Editor,

Luc de Clapers, Marquis de Vauvenarges (Artist: Charles Amedée Colin (1808-1873) (Wikimedia Universal Public Domain Dedication”

To be fair: it must be conceded that by far in the main Daniel Andrews and Victorian Labor got it right in the eyes of most Victorian voters, when we Liberals did not.

Why? Well,  for starters – 18th century French moralist Luc de Clapier’s, “All that is unfair, offends us if it’s not beneficial for us” is to be pondered upon; (along with 16th century-born Shakespeare’s, “Tell me where is fancy bred, Or in the heart, or in the head?”

In the 21st century, at this foggy/groggy stage, all this decidedly working-class, Liberal voting family, raised Aussie, can say is, “Buggered if I know!” (That said, I’ve also read, “A misty morning does not denote a cloudy day.”)


Howard Hutchins

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Sunday, November 27, 2022 2:16 PM

Mr. Hutchins’ comments suggest a certain lack of appreciation for how “life is not fair.” There are too many examples of events out of one’s control causing reversals of ones circumstances. Moreover, this failure to appreciate the unpredictable in life, however fair or unfair, does also lead to yet other circumstances which can have oversized impacts on the future. Need I mention that the Pilgrims did not land where they intended originally. If anything, God dealt them a rough hand by putting them in Plymouth. But we can see how it set the stage for all that became America.

So, something at the time may not seem “fair”, but it leads to things far greater in the future.