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January 24, 2022

Crimea (public domain)

Dear Editor,

Great, leading-from-the-front-in-battle soldier and conservationist, American President Teddy Roosevelt said, “Talk softly, but carry a big stick!”

US President Barack Obama was as weak as water (while Donald Trump held more positions on Crimea, and Russia generally, than Joe Biden has on US southern border control) when saying the US would not have a new cold (or hot) war with Russia over Putin’s annexation of Crimea. Now, appearing very hapless, present-day US President Joe Biden (with the positively hyena-like, drooling and lip-smacking over Taiwan, Chinese Communist Party looking on) is looking as weak (in fact, impotent) over Russia’s impending invasion of the Ukraine as the Obama administration was over Crimea (and Benghazi when the American ambassador was assassinated)!

Great African-American Korean War Veteran and economist/philosopher Dr Thomas Sowell appears to well sum up the attitudes of Obama, Trump, and Biden towards Russian aggression:

“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.”

I believe Teddy Roosevelt would have agreed.


Howard Hutchins
Victoria, Australia

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