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by Sam Jacobs, Ammo.com, ©2021

(Sep. 21, 2021) — In our previous data study on the initial effects of the pandemic on our business, we outlined increased sales due to the public’s growing leeriness of COVID-19, starting from February 23, 2020 when the news coverage became ominous.

That’s only part of the story, however, because over the last 18 months, we’ve experienced a particularly charged election year, BLM protests amid calls to “defund the police,” a contentious transfer of power, and most recently a surprise ban on popular Russian ammo.

These events in particular, set against the backdrop of the ongoing response to the pandemic, resulted in demand spikes. Looking at the data below, you’ll get a sense of a high level trend during the pandemic and then see how that trend changed during certain specific time periods, like the BLM protests, when already-elevated demand went up even more.

To give a pre-pandemic baseline of sorts, over the past 18 months our overall sales have increased as follows:

  • 590% increase in revenue
  • 604% increase in transactions
  • 271% increase in site traffic
  • 77% increase in conversion rate

This data is from February 23, 2020 – August 23, 2021, when compared to the previous 18 months (August 24, 2018 – February 22, 2020).

Below are tables which list the top 10 states, ordered by our total sales volume, and how they fared during these recent demand spikes when compared to the previous time period, respectively. We also listed which calibers were most popular in those top states. Here is how to interpret our data:

  • State Ranking by Sales Volume displays the total sales volume (how much was ordered in United States dollars) on a state-by-state basis in column one. Column two shows how much sales have increased percentage-wise in that particular state during the designated time period. Only states to which we sell are shown.
  • Most Popular Caliber by Sales Volume displays the most popular caliber based on sales volume in that state in column three, as well as the increase for that caliber by state during the designated time period. Columns five and seven display the second and third most popular calibers based on sales volume in that state; columns six and eight display how much the sale of those particular calibers has increased on a percentage basis.

And now without further ado, here’s our data on the prolonged increase in demand for ammunition – and how recent events have further spiked that demand.

See the table and read the rest here.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2021 10:10 PM

The Second Amendment does not grant authority to possess and bear arms; you were granted that authority by God when you were born. Instead, the Second Amendment is a commandment directed to all who would want to “infringe” (key word) on that God-given right to possess and bear any arms.

That may be a little hard for National Rifle Association members and Congress Critters to understand, including all those Executive Office presidents who have ever signed a ‘gun control’ or armament legislation into a law.

Bottom line: All current US arms laws directed towards US citizens are null and void in the eyes (words) of the Second Amendment (and mine), except for those who are incarcerated or who are non-US citizens.

I want an F-16 aircraft.

Reply to  Nikita's_UN_Shoe
Wednesday, September 22, 2021 3:17 AM

The 2nd Amendment was added to the Constitution as part of the Bill of Rights which were added to the new U.S. Constitution to in sure that the new federal government was further limited and clearly told that the federal government could not pass laws to infringe on our natural law rights, and in that specific 2nd amendment, it was to protect our natural law RIGHT to keep and bear arms. We got our natural law rights from our Creator and the people acting through their several states wanted to be sure that our natural born law rights were protected and that the federal government should keep their hands off trying to take them away or infringe on them. The Constitution does not give us those rights. We already had them since birth. Those amendments were just added to make it clear to the new federal government not to try and restrict or infringe on them. We the people and the states granted the new federal government limited powers. The feds in DC seem to have forgotten that. The several states need to remind the federal government about the 9th and 10th Amendments too that all rights and powers not specifically delegated to the federal government by the people and states as written in the Constitution and retained by the people and the states. The Constitution was not written to grant us rights. It was written grant the feds limited rights and powers, not to limit our Creator given rights. We already had them. The U.S. Constitution was established to form a more perfect union to strengthen the alliance of the sovereign states and to protect the people’s natural rights. And in doing that to try and further fulfill the revolutionary aspirations for a new form of government to protect citizen rights such as life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, the unalienable rights among others that we got at birth from our Creator not government, as stated by the founders in the Declaration of Independence.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021 5:06 PM

People are getting scared and/or getting ready. This is all a result of allowing a culturally un-American and anti-American, constitutionally ineligible person to become the putative president and commander in chief for 8 years, and now behind the scenes for another 4. Obama and his creators and cabal of backers and protectors rapidly accelerated the infiltration into our government and institutions of Marxists and Islamists out to destroy America. Obama is the root cause of the problems facing the nation now. Obama and his cabal control Biden and are accelerating the destruction of our republic. Obama is at his best in working his evil plots when leading from behind, executing his devious plans to undermine our nation with someone else as the front person, as Saul Alinsky taught.

See this new article: How Durham Bombshell Made a ‘Birther’ Out of Me – by Jack Cashill: https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2021/09/21/how-durham-bombshell-made-a-birther-out-of-me-by-jack-cashill/