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(Apr. 17,. 2021) — Even during the pandemic, many people are turning towards cycling as a form of transportation. Discover the reasons behind this surge in the pro-bicycle movement.

As the pandemic is still around, there are many people trying to see the benefits of traveling alone instead of traveling in packs – that is, riding as a group in cars. Biking has gotten a big boost since the pandemic hit, and for a lot of reasons.

The health sector has been long monitoring the benefits of biking every day for obvious reasons. It’s a sure-fire way to get into an active lifestyle. It’s also a good way of decongesting areas with heavy traffic. You could always seek help from a bicycle accident lawyer if you get into a scuffle while riding a bike, but the benefits far outweigh the risk. It’s up to you to keep yourself safe while on the road, though.

There are other negatives like increased exposure to polluted air while riding a bike, as well as crash risks when riding on certain pathways. But let’s take a look at what benefits you stand to gain, which is why the US seems to be shifting towards bicycle-centric transportation.

Physical Activity Boosted by Cycling

There are people who swear by the fact that a day’s worth of cycling is equal to a lot of other activities. In equal intensity, cycling can be compared to manual labor and certain sports that can elevate your heart rate. It is also a good alternative to heavy exercise in the gym or brisk walking during an afternoon in the park.

A 2008 report from the US Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee stated that there is evidence behind its various health effects. It has been associated with reduced risk for a long list of diseases, as well as mortality from those diseases. It is also a good weapon against going overweight and becoming obese.

Cycling Helps Bowel Movement

People with a hard time getting their digestive system going can take in the benefits of cycling. As with any physical activity, it helps the body digest food to use it for energy. It will also help you absorb more water.

That means that your bowel movement is efficient when you’re moving regularly, which is one of the many benefits of cycling. It’s an exercise that’s aerobic in nature, helping your heart rate and breathing go up. One of the diseases it helps fight against is bowel cancer, not to mention that you avoid feeling bloated with it.

It Helps You Think Clearer

A hard day’s work can be really difficult if you don’t exercise beforehand. Research from the University of Illinois showed that there is a 5% improvement in your cardio-respiratory movement when cycling. Even that alone can boost your brain activity by up to 15%, as shown by mental tests done on subjects.

Cycling – and perhaps, an exercise that is similar in nature – helps the hippocampus grow new brain cells. In contrast, this region deteriorates in activity starting at age 30. The boosted blood flow and oxygen may help spur this growth, not to mention foster an increased resistance against Alzheimer’s Disease.

Say Goodbye to COVID-19 with Cycling

If you’re a regular exerciser or you’re living an active lifestyle, you’re safer than most from contracting the COVID-19 virus. That also means that you’re safer from most diseases and sicknesses like the common cold and flu. This is because exercise, when done regularly, helps your immune system remain active.

Another study from the University of North Carolina showed that people who exercised regularly are healthier than those who don’t. A cycling activity of about 30 minutes a day five days a week can help improve the health of people as compared to those who prefer not to move around.

Live a Longer Life

People with a healthier immune system live longer than those who don’t. It’s because of the different types of growth and improvements in bodily functions that regular exercise gives to their body. In contrast, those who don’t tend to be tired more easily, not to mention get sick easier.

It’s like training, in a way. The more you train your body to be fit, the more it prepares itself to constantly grow and protect itself against various sicknesses. If you don’t exercise regularly, you stand to become sick easier, along with the rest of similarly lethargic people.

An active lifestyle is always the better choice, especially with the pandemic loitering around. A stronger immune system can help tide off the virus while waiting for the vaccines to arrive. Even then, it could be a help after the pandemic; It protects against various diseases, not to mention helps keep you on your toes.

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