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by Sharon Rondeau

(Nov. 13, 2020) — On Friday night, Atty. Sidney Powell, who is working on behalf of the Trump campaign to investigate the reported results of the November 3 election in Joe Biden’s favor, told Fox Business’s Lou Dobbs that a wide-ranging conspiracy was assembled in advance to alter the will of the American electorate to make it appear that Biden was the winner when, in fact, Trump “won this election in a landslide.”

Trump has insisted he won the Electoral College by significant margins and that when recounts and auditing are completed, he will be declared the winner.

Powell said the conspiracy involves Dominion Voting Systems, whose equipment she said was designed in Venezuela to “manipulate votes” and that Venezuela, beginning with the late Hugo Chavez; Cuba and China are players in the plot to oust Trump from the White House.

The treachery, she alleged, also encompasses “Silicon Valley” and “the media” and will require an extensive criminal investigation.

The interview begins with Dobbs stating, “I straight-out disavow any claim of fraud against the company, its software, or machines,” which appears to have been a statement from a Dominion spokesman.

“…If you want to talk about foreign election interference, we certainly have it now,” Powell responded. “We have staggering statistical evidence; we have staggering testimony from witnesses, including one who was personally in briefings when all of this was discussed and planned, beginning with Hugo Chavez, and how it was designed there, and then saw it happening in this country. As soon as the states shut down on election night and stopped counting, those are the states where the most egregious problems occurred.”

Russell Ramsland, the co-founder of Allied Security Operations who on camera presented his findings from a two-year study of U.S. voting systems, including Dominion and concluding with the November 3 elections, said there was a three-hour simultaneous break in five “swing” states in the early hours of November 4 during which hundreds of thousands of votes were injected into the tabulation systems for Biden.

“We also need to look at, and we’re beginning to collect evidence on the financial interest on some of the governors and secretaries of state who actually bought into the Dominion systems, surprisingly enough…” Powell continued. “Hunter Biden-type graft to line their own pockets…”

On Wednesday morning, another Trump campaign attorney, Jenna Ellis, told Newsmax host Rob Schmitt that “significant” findings pointing to election fraud would be released “in a couple of days.”

Early Thursday morning, Georgia-based high-profile attorney L. Lin Wood expressed confidence that Trump ultimately will be vindicated as the winner of the 2020 election and that Biden “will never be president of our nation. To the contrary, Biden, along with many others, will be an inmate. Be patient; trust Trump.”

After Dobbs asked Powell if the FBI or DOJ is investigating the voting equipment, she replied that she is “not on the inside and not privy to that information.” She said, however, that congressmen have reported problems “for years” with the machines “to the FBI and nobody’s done a blooming thing about it.”

Ramsland, too, reported having taken his analysis of easy voting-machine manipulation to the FBI to no avail.

Powell suggested that those working under the DHS umbrella in “election security” “need to be fired yesterday.” On Friday, Reuters and other sources reported that CISA (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency) chief Chris Krebs expected to be fired, although The New York Post reported the same day that Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, who has been a Trump ally, refused to do so.

On Thursday, CISA released a statement declaring that “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history. Right now, across the country, election officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process prior to finalizing the result.”

Of the Dominion system, Powell said, “It has been used all over the world to defy the will of people who wanted freedom.”

Against those responsible, she said, “I’m going to release the kracken…I’m going to expose every single one of them.”

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Burt Frederick
Saturday, November 14, 2020 9:30 PM

NOW, Unfortunately, It’s Either Way. This is great news, but either way, since NOTHING was done (even incrementally) over these past FOUR, abusive years, we are now caught in a Catch 22, because we either succumb to, or revolt against Democrat Tyranny, or, with the rightful announcement of a Trump Victory, we will instantly be plunged into Civil War because it will be the ONLY resort for the Criminals to stay out of prison, or worse. I’m ready, as are millions of Patriots. But I’m not thrilled at the prospect of mass loss of life that will likely ensue throughout 2021 and beyond. Many, including myself may be part of the blood that waters the Tree of Liberty.
Again, either way, thanks to complete inaction and nipping it in the bud, we are in a perilous position, and this fragile, little Paradigm we’ve all taken for granted all our lives will be a “longing for” thing of the past.
Pray for a miracle, but be vigilant. It’s likely coming as soon as the Official announcement… either way.

Saturday, November 14, 2020 10:25 AM

Ever notice that it is the Democriminals who do vote fraud for their Party of Crime?

Ever notice that while Trump had massive rallies, the Democriminals held massive riots?

Seems like hands-off looting has become a black privilege and hands-off vote fraud has become a Democriminal privilege…unless Trump and his supporters indict the “election looters” in 2020.