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by OPOVV, ©2020

(May 7, 2020) — “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another exciting on-the-road episode of ‘The Pulse of the Nation.’ Our editor took a great interest in the GESTAPO tactics by a judge and his goons in Dallas, Texas, the other day so she loaned us her plane and here we are, outside a grocery store to ask some of these folks what the heck is going on in the great State of Texas. Excuse me, Miss, but have you heard about the beauty salon owner who got arrested?”

“Have I? You’ve got to be kidding. The cops arrested the wrong person; at least that’s what my husband says.”

“Who should have the officers of the court arrested?”

“Why, the judge, that’s who. The lousy bum who gave the order in the first place. Okay, we all were on board when we first learned that the Chinese coronavirus was introduced to our shores, but now that we know that it’s not death warmed-over, well, you’d think they would lighten up, but no. It’s a bunch of malarkey, now, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I’m afraid that the horse has already left the barn. There are reports coming in from all over. Did you hear about the small business owner from Salem, Oregon, that was fined $70,000? It has to stop. Thank you for talking with us. By the way, did your husband have anything else to say?”

“Yes, matter of fact he did. He said that the judges who issue these illegal orders never served in the military and that the cops who follow the orders never have, either.”

“Does he know that for a fact?”

“That’s what I asked him, and do you know what he said? He said it’s 2+2 equals 4.”

“Actually, that’s a pretty good assumption. I served in the military, in combat, in Vietnam, so let me tell you something: when the chips are down the last thing you need is some chicken trivia getting in the way of taking names and doing whatever it takes to have that tall cold one. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us. Let’s break for a commercial.”

Rubber Ball” (2:28)

“This place is pretty busy. Does anyone know what this judge looks like?  Wouldn’t it be nice to interview him? Excuse me, sir, Roving for ‘Pulse,’ the place to hear what you need to hear.”

“I know who you are; used to get you on satellite but now we read you in The P&E. Let me tell you, it’s close but it’s not the same.”

“In what way?”

“The show’s a lot funnier in person. Name is Hank; how do you do?”

“Fine. So, what happened to Texas?”

“It’s crazy, is what it is.  They raise the taxes in California so they all move to Texas and, guess what? They’re making Texas just like the dump they left. It’s really too bad because, land and beach-wise, California is one heck of a beautiful place and it still would be if all the Democrats and Hollywood types would take a slow boat to China.”

“What do you do for a living, Hank?”

“I own a fence company, Roving.”

“A small-business owner. How is business?”

“Phone’s ringing off the hook: think security gates and you’ll get the picture. People are getting very concerned about the Deep State taking over so they want safety from the very people who are supposed to protect us.”

“Beginning to sound like Venezuela.”

Why did then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein direct Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Flynn, Papadopoulos, Manafort and Carter Page?

“That’s the point. Now is the time to take stock of what the future holds and it doesn’t look good; I mean, look at some of these kooky politicians from Maine to California; Oregon to New Jersey; and Chicago to New Orleans. They are tiptoeing around the Constitution, eroding it as much as they think they can get away with, which is a lot, thanks to sleazes like Rod Rosenstein and Mayor De Blasio, with the endorsement of the mainstream media.”

“What’s the solution to this madness?”

“Trump is on the right track nominating judges who follow the Constitution, but it’s still an uphill battle against the current judges who believe in abolishing the Constitution in favor of Totalitarianism in whatever form. Excuse me, but I’m afraid the ice cream will melt unless I skedaddle. Bye.”

“Bye, Hank. I got an idea: what do you say we give Madam Shylock a call while we hear these messages?”

Go Away Little Girl” (2:16)

“And we’re back with Madam Shylock. Look, we’re here in Dallas and it’s looking pretty grim. Help us out, would you, please?”

“I could if you promise to give me some consideration, like next time we meet.”

“It’s a deal. What are we seeing?”

“You’re seeing what the future will be if you people don’t get your act together. Oh, I don’t mean just now, I mean the whole ball of wax. You treat the Constitution as if it and the United States will last forever, but it won’t.”

“I’m listening.”

“You can call anything anything, understand? Sure, go ahead, call the Democrat Party the Democrat Party if it makes you feel good, but in reality the Democratic Party is the ‘Democrat Socialist Party,’ or have it Bernie Sanders’s way: ‘The Democratic Communist Party of the United States.’”

“But there’s thousands of them (Democrats); millions, right? I mean, just look at the FBI and the DOJ, not to mention the Department of Homeland Security and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It seems as if we’re fighting an uphill battle.” 

“I’d have to say you just hit the nail on the head, Roving. Yes, we have a bunch of rotten apples, from judges to cops who like to push poor defenseless people around, following orders, like what the FBI did to Roger Stone. Listen, Roving and audience: it’s not like ‘getting out of control’; it ‘is out of control,’ and it starts with the judges who have no legal authority to issue orders that are not Constitutional and the police have no authority to follow such orders.

George Orwell’s 1984 described a utopia wherein everyone was programmed to be loyal to “Big Brother,” who spouted propaganda from surveillance devices in people’s homes and could reportedly discern what a person was thinking

“What we are witnessing is the beginning of the end, the taste of Despotism. And to get your attention, it’s happening now, in real time, to all of us. That brain-dead judge in Dallas is but a symptom of what we can expect in our future. It’s the sign of the times, Roving; it is 1984 in spades; it’s the death of our country. Just imagine where we’d be had Hillary been elected: roll all the loser mayors and governors into one. And if Biden is ever elected, it’s just what we’ll get.

“The United States is in its death throes; we’re the quivering snake twisted in knots not knowing if we will ever straighten out and get it right. There are thousands of American cops who will act as their cop brothers in Venezuela are acting; as Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge acted; as Hitler’s GESTAPO acted. The cops in New York and Dallas and Oregon are no different from the thugs of history, following orders intent on destroying order rather than keeping order.

“We live in perilous times and there’s no guarantee which side will prevail. We have millions of illegal immigrants in our country when we should have none; we have millions of Muslims in our country when a rational people would have none. So I ask you, Roving, look around you and tell me what you see. Do you see the people in America acting in a reasonable and responsible manner or do you see the feathers of a vulture about to devour our country?

“Let me ask you another question: do you see the American Eagle swooping in at the last minute and saving us all; mass deportations of illegal immigrants and Muslims from our shores; English the only language and none of this going to the courthouse to see 50 different languages printed on an application for the water to be turned on? What about the chances of the Draft being reinstated, or are our politicians too afraid to touch the subject for fear of not getting reelected? Do you see the mainstream media reporting the truth? Do you see high school teachers and college professors teaching anything pro-American; do you see abortion clinics closed or do you see babies slaughtered because we turned our backs on God and the teachings of Jesus Christ? Tell me, really, what you see, Roving and crew and audience. Try.

“Trump can’t do it alone and when he wins this November, it better be the biggest landslide in the history of the world, because if it isn’t, if you leave room for the camel to stick his nose in, then it starts all over until the day that we, like the snake, just give up and die.”

“Well, thank you for the analysis of our country’s health, circa the spring of 2020. And that’ll do it and so I’ll be, on behalf of the crew and Madam Shylock, wishing you all a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Goodbye, Madam Shylock. Burger time: my treat.”

Mony Mony” (2:47)


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