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by Joseph DeMaio, ©2019

Image credit: heblo at Pixabay, free license

(Dec. 29, 2019) — Really?  I mean…, really?!  Joe (“Post-Primetime”) Biden again floats the idea that, if Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. were interested in the position, Biden would, if elected president, nominate him to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.  Holy mother of pearl… where to start, where to start?

First, the question was initially posed to him last September by “comedian” Stephen Colbert here.   Biden was stumbl… sorry…, he was responding to the question posed by Colbert.

The possibility arose in the context of Biden attempting to explain why Monsieur Obama had not yet formally endorsed him. It seemed to catch him a little off-guard, although when asked by Colbert at the beginning of the “Lightning Round” interview if he was capable of answering quickly, Biden – seemingly reading from a camera-mounted teleprompter – immediately answered: “No.”  (Audience laughter)  Ah…, such spirited, high comedy.  He did, however, answer in the affirmative: if elected, he would nominate Obama to the Supreme Court if Obama was OK with it…, assuming a vacancy existed.

Second, at a campaign stop “rally” in Washington, Iowa last Saturday, Biden was asked by an attendee the same thing, i.e., whether he would consider nominating Obama to the Supreme Court.  And, BTW, anyone even thinking that the question was “planted” or “choreographed” as part of a transparently cheap Biden attempt to flatter and curry favor with Obama and perhaps elicit an endorsement from him should be ashamed and sent to bed without his dinner.   This time, however, reporters for both The Wall Street Journal and the Gray Trollop took note of his response.  Hmmm…, this gambit just might have legs.

Then again, it was also once reported that when Obama was asked to comment on the current Democrat field of presidential candidates, his answer was brutally candid and unhelpful to Mr. Biden.  The Second Usurper-in-Chief noted that, when he ran in 2008, he had “an intimate bond with the electorate, especially in Iowa….,” but then festooned that comment with another gratuitous observation: “And you know who really doesn’t have it?  Joe Biden.”  Ouch.

Third, the notion that Joe Biden will ever get the opportunity to nominate Monsieur Obama to any federal judicial office – let alone the U.S. Supreme Court – is, respectfully, nonsense.  On steroids.  Even if Biden were the Democrat nominee selected to be eaten alive by President Trump in the 2020 general election; even if by some cosmic fluke – which is to say a grotesquely colossal fluke – he got elected; and even if Obama were inclined to accept the nomination, your faithful servant would pay big bucks for tickets to watch the proceedings of the Senate Judiciary Committee on the nomination as part of the Senate’s “advice and consent” role under the Constitution.

That committee, presently chaired by Senator Lindsey Graham, could grill private citizen Obama on a few things as part of the “advice and consent” role played by the Senate.  Wow.  After swearing him in as a witness bound by law to testify truthfully, some of these might be interesting for openers…, and recalling how the Democrats treated Justice Brett Kavanaugh:

  1. Obama, were you involved in any way, as “president” (air quotes), with the development and propagation of the “Russian collusion” narrative now discredited by the Robert Mueller Report and were you kept apprised of the progress of the “Crossfire Hurricane” operation by agents of the Justice Department or FBI?
  2. Obama, were you involved in any way, as “president” (more air quotes), with the decision to withhold assistance to Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other Americans who died during the Benghazi attack in 2012 and did you ever communicate, yourself or through others, with former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, either before or after the incident?
  3. Obama, did you, as “president” (yup… yet more air quotes) retain copies of any of the emails exchanged between you and Hillary Clinton while she was acting as your Secretary of State, and which emails she Bleach-Bitted into oblivion while under congressional subpoena?
  4. Obama, would you be willing to supply the committee with a certified (in 2020) paper copy of the document you claim is your original Hawaiian birth certificate, and would you be willing to waive any HIPAA privacy restrictions to allow the Kapi‘olani Hospital in Honolulu, where you claim you were born, to confirm that you were, in fact, born there?
  5. If confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice, what would you think if you learned that the words of a Supreme Court opinion were altered by ellipsis-omission in multiple Congressional Research Service documents supplied to Congress to support the conclusion that you were, or even today are, a “natural born citizen?”

There are scores of other similar questions, but faithful P&E reader, you get the point.  Yeah… your faithful servant would pay BIG bucks for those tickets.  Too bad it ain’t gonna happen.  Still, the thought of having Obama under oath and sitting in front of Graham and others in that hearing room is juicy.  No wonder Obama would prefer that “inconvenient questions” like those posed would simply never get asked.

One way to make sure those questions never get asked in public is for Obama to respectfully decline any nomination by any Democrat who may one day become president (shudder…) to become any appointee to a federal office where “advice and consent” is required.  Too risky.

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Monday, December 30, 2019 2:58 PM

And this also applies to Usurper-in-Waiting, LYIN’ TED THE UNDOCUMENTED FED, an unaccounted Texas-licensed attorney-criminal waiting to become America’s first “natural born Canadian-citizen-presIDent of the lawless Untied States of America”!


What law enforcement agency is accountable to “We the People” nowadays? Any?

STOP the ID-fail time, START the ID-jail time!

Jigsaw St. John
Monday, December 30, 2019 10:53 AM

Relax, Obama has absolutely no interest in being on the Supreme Court. He is having way too much fun for something as mundane as that.

Lloyd Carter
Monday, December 30, 2019 10:28 AM

I couldn’t agree more with Robert Laity.

Robert Laity
Monday, December 30, 2019 1:58 AM

It is a disgrace to even broach the idea that Barack Obama should ever be on the U.S. Supreme Court. What a despicable and utterly reprehensible and repugnant idea. The founders had the likes of Barack Obama in mind when they wrote Article II requirement that a President be a Natural Born Citizen. I doubt that the founders would have countenanced or tolerated the “election” of two British citizens to be President so many years after the last of those born during the time of the American Revolution (and who were grandfathered in as eligible to be President) had died. Both usurper no. one, Chester Arthur,and usurper number two, Barack Obama, were born British Citizens decades and centuries after the last founding father had died. NO ONE who flouts even one part of the Constitution as Arthur and Obama did, should EVER sit on the U.S. Supreme Court. By virtue of Obama’s usurpation of the Presidency, by fraud, during time of war, Obama is a Traitor under 18 USC, Part 1, Chapter 115, Sec.2381 as well as a spy under the UCMJ Section 906, Article 106- Spies. Obama should never ever be nominated for or allowed to enter into ANY office under the United States. EVER! On the contrary, he should be charged and tried for Treason and Espionage against the United States of America, by a Military Court-Martial and if convicted, sent to Guantanamo Naval Brig awaiting execution by military firing squad or be hung by the neck until dead.