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by Johannes Froebel-Parker, Froebel Galleries, ©2019

(Aug. 9, 2019) — On July 22,  2019 the author, J (Johannes) Froebel-Parker, was interviewed on The Morning Show with Garrett Roche on Hudson, New York radio channel 90.7 FM (WGXC) about research in the claims of aka “Evgenia Smetisko” that she was in fact HIH Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaevna Romanov of Russia. Adult English as New Language students were listening live giving them an opportunity for listening comprehension, new vocabulary and expressions. Listener, Victoria Signorelli, called in to ask about the date of birth on the grave of aka “Smetisko” which is not that on any of her immigration and travel documents but rather that of the youngest Russian grand duchess-18 June 1901. Roche brought up the fact that KGB defector of renown, Michael Goleniewski, had met aka “Smetisko” who he told the CIA was Anastasia, and that the conversation was taped and sent to the Justice Department. Froebel-Parker explained that royal tutor, Charles “Sydney” Gibbes, had met various times with aka “Smetisko” in the UK, and that the latter had received his extensive and priceless Romanov Collection at his death. Most of these items were then bequeathed to the Museum of Russian History at Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, New York, at her death. In addition, she arranged for a sizable annuity in perpetuity to insure that the museum would always be funded. This is a continuing story for which WGXC has shown much interest as it has a local angle in the author and a regional aspect in the location of the grave at the monastery.

ARCHIVE (Froebel-Parker’s segment begins at 1:20:00)


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Friday, August 9, 2019 10:44 AM

Many thanks, Sharon, for publishing this interview. It was lengthy, so someday it will be valuable as a research source. The story of aka “Evgenia Smetisko” who claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov, is growing in recognition. As early as 1970 in Guy Richard’s “The Hunt for the Czar” there were allegations that nobody at all was killed in the Ipatiev House, that it was a “state secret” that Lenin, the Vatican, German nobles, the British Royal House, etc, agreed to have the world believe that the family had been assassinated, while allowing them to live incognito in return for their silence. You will soon hear from another researcher, Marie Stravlo, who claims to be able to corroborate this contention. However, the story of Anastasia (and many times her brother, Alexei) and her/their survival has endured since 1918. Many false claimants to be Anastasia have come and gone. The Visual Face Recognition Technology (www.visualfacerecognition.com) which has been seen on the History Channel when technology developer Bob Schmitt studied an elderly man who claimed to be Jesse James, shows a beautiful match between Anastasia and aka “Evgenia.” Perhaps the most well known claimant, aka Anna Anderson Manahan, is a clear MISMATCH, no matter what researchers then or now purport. Two unique facts must be considered along with the visual face recognition evidence as concerns aka Evgenia: Romanov tutor, Charles “Sydney” Gibbes took many priceless Romanov items with him when he escaped to the UK. He met with aka “Evgenia” various times in the UK after he had become an Orthodox monk. At his death, his son gave aka “Evgenia” the entire Romanov collection, which she then bequeathed at her death to the Museum of Russian History at the Holy Trinity Monastery in upstate New York. The second reality is equally as compelling: The Church, although refusing to accept her publicly as Anastasia Romanov (because they had already thought her dead and canonized her) bypassed the official date of birth on “Smetisko’s” documents and replaced it on the grave cross with 18 June 1901-the date of birth of GRAND DUCHESS ANASTASIA ROMANOV. The Church is aware, various Romanovs are aware, and a number of Romanov researchers and authors are aware. One assumes that Patriarch Kirill is aware as well, as there is no movement to rebury the “Romanov remains” in Russia or for the Patriarchate to make any definitive official announcement. History is being rewritten before our eyes! Thank you for helping to disseminate the information.