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by OPOVV, ©2018

(May 1, 2018) — “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the ‘Pulse of the Nation,’ the show that’ll get your blood pressure peaked, maybe not during this episode, but one down the pike for sure. Hello, I’m Roving and will be your host, and with me on the phone is an extraordinary art critic from Broadway, Mr. Help Hathaway. Mr. Hathaway has just seen the first showing of ‘Lock Her Up,’ the off-Broadway play that’s getting one heck of a lot of press. At least that’s how it seems. What’s going on down there?”

“Hello, Roving: call me ‘Help’; all my friends do. Let me start by saying the phrase ‘off-Broadway’ has taken on a brand-new meaning. I’ve done lots of ‘off-Broadway’ reviews, but this community theater is in some sort of ‘pen’; you know, it’s in the boondocks about 20 miles out of Ocala, FL, where every rusted, dilapidated trailer has a pig, goat and 30 chickens.”

“That bad? Excuse us while we break for an important commercial.”

Cows Around” (4:31)

“And we’re back. Do they have electricity and indoor plumbing?”

“That they do. Recently, at least it appears, because there’s outhouses still in the back yards.  But getting to the play, I have to say that I’ve never seen so many interruptions of a production in all of my years.”

“Interruptions? Like what?”

“Cheers of ‘Lock Her Up!’ and ‘USA!’

“So they liked the play?”

“I guess, because last night they burned all the lead characters in effigy.  Getting back to my review of the play, it would be better if it were advertised as a farce, or a comedy: it was absolutely hilarious.”

“Excuse us while we take a commercial break.”

My Girl” (2:53)

“Now getting back to what we were talking about: what was so funny about the play? I mean, thanks to Obama and Hillary, dead bodies and payoffs everywhere: where’s the humor in that?”

“The humor lies in the ‘don’t give a hoot about the Constitution‘ aspect of it all; the blatant ‘in-your-face Lois Lerner insolence’; the ‘you-can’t-catch-me’ and ‘I’ll-never-spend-a day-behind-bars’ attitude. Near the last scene of ACT III they throw in a spoof about Michelle Wolf attempting her hand at comedy by imitating Hillary Clinton’s failing to remember Ambassador Stevens‘s name.  I must say that was the most disappointing aspect of the whole play, mainly because, even though the actress portrayed the failed Wolf superbly, it all went to waste because of the three strikes of the subject matter: the murder of Ambassador Stevens; the subject being Hillary Clinton; and the buffoon, Michelle Wolf.”

“That bad? Or should I say, ‘That good?’

“Well, let me put it to you this way: it was thumbs-down for the subject matter (an actress portraying Michelle Wolf portraying Hillary) but a thumbs-up for the presentation – I’m not any too sure if I’m explaining this right — that resulted in the audience giving that scene something I’ve never seen before: a thumbs-sideways.”


“You telling me?”

“I’m sorry, but our time’s about up; got anything more to say?”

“Only that it’s my prediction that the play will be a huge success on Broadway, mainly because the script keeps changing so it’s always new and fresh, thanks to additional corruptions being uncovered just about daily.”

“My, that sounds really promising; so the actors can plan on a steady paycheck for a while, is that correct?”

“Most definitely. Everyone is very happy.”

“What’s that Michelle Wolf character trying to do, bring back the ‘frayed hair and house-robe style’? Hairdo by ‘Sleeping in the Subway’? Monologue written by jealous-weasel-people who build themselves up in their minds by tearing other people down, never recognizing that they’re wearing their jealousy on their sleeve for all to see, to pity, feel sorry for, and thinking, ‘There, but for the grace of God, go I?’”

“I’m afraid so: all of the above.”

“Okay, then; thanks for talking with us, Help, and so, on behalf of the crew, I’ll be wishing you all a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good show: burger time: my treat.”

[Author’s NOTE:  the so-called jokes at the WHCA dinner weren’t funny and don’t fit under the category of “jokes,” at least in my mind and upbringing.

One last comment: the Political IQ of Michelle Wolf is equal to that of a political science major at an Ivy League school who has an unending admiration for Obama and Hillary; Aldous Huxley and Socialism; ‘Fake News’ and ‘Hands Up: Don’t Shoot’; and that of being anti-American and anti-Trump is today’s trend, a person who yearns for the country and the president to fail miserably on every level.

Wolf is unknowingly and, consequently, unbelieving that her world attitude is out of sync with those who treat others with respect.  In short, people who lack the intellectual capacity to live by the Golden Rule and therefore are bereft of the capacity for empathy is tantamount to tearing apart Sarah Hucklabee Sanders in public and laughing about it. I didn’t think it was funny then and I don’t think it’s funny now.]

Hi Heel Sneakers” (4:03)


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