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by Dr. Laurie Roth, ©2017

(Sep. 30, 2017) — Like millions of NFL football fans, screaming and yelling for our teams to win, I sit in wonder as this year’s 2017 season unfolded with the very rich, NFL players of all races ‘taking a knee’ during the beloved national anthem.  This was followed by whole teams disappearing during the national anthem in their locker rooms.  So far, most fans have received this like a treasonous ‘gut punch’ against our flag, Vets, country and sacred tradition.  The usual media ‘ship of fools’ calls it all about race and the racist, President Trump, picking a fight with the NFL.

As a loyal Seahawks fan, who saw my team last week not even come out during the national anthem, along with the team they were playing, I felt beyond sick to my stomach.  Boy, did they call this one wrong.

I knew last Sunday when so many teams pulled the ‘Take a Knee’ fire aimed in all the wrong places by 49ers player Colin Kaepernick, started back in the preseason of 2016, that the NFL had just shot themselves in the foot in a bigger way than they could have dreamed.  They are now bleeding out and frankly don’t know what to do other than make excuses, change the definition of words and even draw in the crowds to join them in a ‘moment of silence.’

The NFL seems to be in obvious panic, but instead of humbling themselves, apologizing to their fans and honoring our national anthem again, they preach to us about ‘solidarity’ and say they are not against our vets and flag.  They are just standing with blacks who are treated unjustly.  Oh, I get it now. Apparently, taking a moment to honor our flag, vets and freedom, honoring a tradition observed from the beginning stages of our country means we are insensitive and don’t care for blacks or fair ball in justice.

Wrong time and place to make a political protest against racism.

So far, the American response is that 17% fewer tickets for games have been purchased and thousands are having parties to burn all their NFL sports gear and Jackets.  I talked with many formerly-devoted NFL fans who plan to never watch a football game again.

Most real and decent Americans aren’t racist and want what is right for all.  We also understand people exercising their freedoms to make protests reflecting many issues.  This is just so not the venue to smear and manipulate the racist issue into.

Get it right, NFL, because so far you and your manipulative, solidarity response are getting it all wrong.

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James Carter
Monday, October 2, 2017 12:25 PM

Colin Kaepernick was born to a black father and white mother.
His parents were never married.
His father left his mother before he was born.
His mother pawned him off to a white couple when he was five weeks old.

Sound familiar?

Stephen Hiller
Sunday, October 1, 2017 12:13 PM

“Treated unfairly” ??? How many other countries on this planet have so many blacks ( not just in sports ) so extremely wealthy, so many black members of the government, so many blacks with advanced college degrees ???

Chief New Leaf
Sunday, October 1, 2017 8:44 AM

In the near (as in now) future all the stadiums – for a scheduled NFL game — should be empty except for those who never got the message; are just too ignorant to understand the message; or support the whole urban philosophy of “Black Lives Matter” and the Nation of Islam’s philosophy* (which is just too darn graphic for a public forum).
But I didn’t watch a single NFL game last year (2016) and it’s quite amazing how life goes on with Sunday’s completely free.
Do I want the stands to be empty?
Let me ask you this: when leading a squad of soldiers on a recon or, even more so, to set an ambush, wouldn’t it be just great if everybody was on the same page?
It’s amazing how acute human hearing and smell is when your running on all eight cylinders.
The NFL misfired; been exposed for who and what they really are; and have been judged and found to be toast.
We clearly understand that there are many NFL employees who are just as patriotic as we are and have been caught-up in the whirlwind, and that’s it’s not their fault and I feel for them.
And, yes, it’s just too darn bad that just a few idiots spoiled it for the many, but that’s the way it goes: it only take one rotten apple to spoil the whole barrel.
[*at this point one could insert the articles written by Pamela Geller about “Creeping Sharia” and be quite correct in doing so. People are being used everyday and the Big Picture remains a complete mystery for those who refuse to see what’s happening right before their eyes: the so-called “race problem” was, for all intensive purposes, nonexsistant until Obama/Eric Holder/and Loretta Lynch took hold of our Constitution and flushed it.]
Chief New Leaf