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by Sharon Rondeau

(Jan. 25, 2017) —  On Wednesday evening, Buzzfeed editor Ben Smith mentioned Obama’s “birth certificate” in an interview with Tucker Carlson on his new show, which begins at 9:00 p.m. EST every weekday night.

The subject arose while Smith was discussing whether or not unverified documents should be released to the public, arising from Buzzfeed’s publication of a “dossier” prior to Donald Trump’s inauguration alleging that the Russian government possessed video footage which could be used to blackmail Trump.

Smith acknowledged at the beginning of the segment that while he and Carlson disagree ideologically on many things, he agrees that unvetted stories should generally not be disseminated by Buzzfeed or any other “news” organization.

Before Obama left office, he expressed dismay over the abundance of “fake news” on the internet.

An example on which Carlson and Smith agreed was their mutual non-reportage of allegations made by Larry Sinclair against Obama both before and after he was elected in 2008.

However, later in the interview, Carlson accused Smith of publishing controversial material, including articles he deemed contained “racist” elements.

Buzzfeed has never reported, to this writer’s knowledge, on the questions behind the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website in 2011.

Mainstream media have refused to televise the findings of a five-year criminal investigation into the birth certificate image which found it to be a “computer-generated forgery” after six months, and neither Smith nor Carlson deviated from that precedent.

A third and final press conference held by then-Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio and investigator Mike Zullo last month revealed that two well-respected forensics analysts agreed, based on nine identified points of forgery, that the image, now archived from its original place on whitehouse.gov, cannot be authentic.

The investigation also found Obama’s Selective Service registration form to be fraudulent early on.

The forgery of government documents is a federal felony, but no suspects have yet been named.  Following the last presser, investigators planned to turn over the evidence gathered to federal authorities and Congress.

Although there is no doubt that Congress was aware of the reports of forgery, not one member of the U.S. House of Representatives or Senate took action to launch a congressional investigation to find the perpetrator(s) or answer the question as to why forgeries would have been proffered in place of actual, paper documents on the sitting President of the United States.

Carlson did not comment on Smith’s invocation of the “birth certificate” issue or speculation on the part of some Americans that Obama is a Muslim.

Whether or not Smith meant to imply that questions over the birth certificate or Obama’s faith are unvetted or “fake news” is unclear.

At 9:07 p.m., Carlson accused Smith of “masquerading” instead of reporting real news, after which the conversation became more contentious.

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Jeffrey Harrison
Wednesday, February 1, 2017 9:03 PM

MQTESKY, You said it well and your solution of prayer is spot-on. In this, I am following you to be in prayer too.

The Hannity Show dropped this Obama fraud that Lt. Zullo was scheduled to reveal just before it was to have had aired. Tucker seems like a nice fellow. I suspect he knows the truth and would like to do a segment about fake Obama, but wouldn’t be allowed.

The article above speaks whether the media should vet documents before releasing them in a
news story. Not doing so is like a doctor operating on you without testing, ex. blood work,
xrays, etc… It seems to me much of the media has transformed from being a public watch
dog to being government attack dogs. Trump called them liars. Like his TV show, I hope he keeps on firing all these liars, recently, his start of giving the boot to CNN could be just the

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 10:50 PM

When Tucker wants to have a real story, bring on Mike Z. and have the truth brought out. But being on Fox(fake) News, not going to happen unless the Pres. goes all out on this story and force the “news” networks to talk about it and try to solve the mystery of who the he** Obama is/was. When that day comes, the real truth will be found. (I pray for that day and time)