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by Michael Gaddy, ©2016, bloggging at The Rebel Madman

(Nov. 16, 2016) — “The value of history is, indeed, not scientific but moral: by liberalizing the mind, by deepening the sympathies, by fortifying the will, it enables us to control, not society, but ourselves — a much more important thing; it prepares us to live more humanely in the present and to meet rather than to foretell the future.” ~ Carl Becker, 1873-1945 (All emphasis is the author’s throughout)

If a person or a political entities goal is to create a strong centralized government which operates basically as an oligarchy, it will become necessary to disguise those intentions. The best disguise for an oligarchy is to clothe that form of government with the costume of a democracy. But, in order to have the masses actually believe they are involved in their own governance, any comprehensive study of history must be perverted or abandoned altogether.

For any government to transform from a government operating with the consent of the governed to a tyrannical and oppressive government directed and controlled by the powerful few, two elements must be created and developed within the governed populace. These elements, though different in composition, must be complementary in nature.

First of all, a tyrannical government needs a totally compliant majority within the masses who, no matter what atrocities the government commits, will be rationalized away much as a battered wife defends and denies the acts of an abusive spouse. The oppressive government can take a majority of what these people earn and give it to others who refuse to work; shoot unarmed mothers in the face; shoot 14-year-old sons in the back; incinerate young children and adults in their church and lie about it; provide explosives to so-called terrorists which were subsequently used to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993: withhold evidence in the investigation of an assassinated president, a civil rights leader, two presidential candidates; evidence in the case of TWA-800; withhold evidence in the OKC bombing; constantly monitor all forms of communication involving its citizens without the whisper of probable cause and other various assortments of violations of our Constitution and Bill of Rights while the country’s borders are wide open, offering unfettered access to our families by the relatives of those whose countries we have invaded immorally and unconstitutionally, killing hundreds of thousands in the process.

While the above indictments of our government’s tyrannical actions barely scratch the surface of what has taken place in the past few decades, the paradoxical actions of the masses defies all logic. A majority will question domestic actions of their government which destroys the concept of consent of the governed, yet overwhelmingly support that same government when it lies for justification to go to war. Somehow a government that steals your money destroys your God-given rights and refuses to protect the states from invasion must be totally supported when it prevaricates about the reasons for putting our sons, daughters, mothers and fathers in harm’s way when they illegally and immorally occupy the country of others and kill any who resist. Government’s very existence requires those who blindly follow the dictates of that government to be perceived and celebrated as heroes to the ignorant but compliant masses.

Then, of course, there is the second element that guarantees a despotic government continued support and blind allegiance to its agenda. This is the enforcement arm of that government which usually takes the form of a standing army— something our founders feared more than foreign invaders and the police at all levels. When a government steps outside its legal mandates it must possess the ability to rule by force instead of consent. Laws formulated to destroy rather than protect the Natural Law and concomitant restrictions on those who govern requires the threat of violence and coercion while Natural/Common Law is accepted by most and does not require the standing armies and militarized police forces of today.

To gain broad acceptance among the historically ignorant, members of the enforcement arm of the government must be viewed as “heroes” for their dedication to protecting the freedoms of the masses. The fact the very opposite is occurring; the government is being protected by this enforcement arm and not the people’s rights is lost on the idolaters of unrestrained power, willing dupes and the historically challenged.

Would there ever have been an America if folks like Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Hancock, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and others would have decided to “support the troops” instead of demanding their God-given rights from a government acting not at all unlike the one we have now? Would they have supported the forces and called them heroes that shot down a child and several others at what we refer to as the Boston Massacre because the enforcers were “just doing their jobs” or would we justify the killings because the government’s enforcers thought the mob was armed and didn’t show their hands on command?

Read the rest here.

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