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by Michael Gaddy, ©2016

(Apr. 11, 2016) — On Saturday, April 16, 2016, we will continue our study of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and founding era. We will meet at Shiloh Steakhouse in Cortez, CO at 10:00 a.m.

The subject for this class will be—The war on White America, its culture and its symbols. 

All too many people do not understand that the War on White America’s culture is a war on our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our founders and the founding principles of this country. 

In modern-day America, if one ever displays the courage to challenge our tyrannical, oppressive, out-of-control government, the weapon of choice by government hacks, sycophants, shills, and wimpy white people is to label any form of dissent as being racist or homophobic. Tragedies involving violence on a massive scale that are happening in the streets of big-town America are totally ignored while stupid issues such as baking cakes for homosexuals and allowing perverts to use the bathroom facilities of their opposite sex are everyday headlines.
To understand the enemy one faces is to be prepared for the coming war.
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