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by Bob Russell, ©2016, blogging at Conservative Daily News

(Jan. 17, 2016) — The church is God’s army in the United States of America and 2016 is the year for the church to take a strong stand for Jesus, morality, and liberty. As I wrote in my last article  ONLY SPIRITUAL REVIVAL IN CHRIST CAN SAVE AMERICA, too many people who call themselves Christians, and even some denominations, have turned their backs on God and congratulate themselves on their “tolerance” and acceptance of “diversity” while accepting everything satan likes and rejecting the teachings of Jesus Christ. I believe most of us Christians are not so hip and choose to follow the teachings of Jesus, rejecting the politically correct perversion the world likes. The only way to restore the United States of America to the status of “a shining city on a hill” is to return to the moral values of our founding fathers and to repent of our sinful ways. Hollywood, the leftist media, the political ruling class, and the willful sinners will deride us for espousing Jesus and moral values but we MUST push through the derision with bold abandon in the knowledge that Almighty God will hear our prayers and will forgive our sins and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of rampant immorality but the Bible tells us how to avoid the same judgment. If we will humble ourselves, seek the Face of God, pray, and turn from our wicked ways God will hear us and will forgive our sin and heal our land. That is his promise and we must accept the promise to save this once-great nation. The willful sinners who only relish their own lustful and selfish desires can be overcome if Christians will speak loudly and forcefully in denouncing evil behavior. It isn’t necessary to make personal attacks against those who practice evil but we can denounce the sinful behavior in a way that honors God and uses proper behavior to do so. We will always be denounced as “haters” for standing with Christ but how we handle the matter in the eyes of God is all that matters to me. Jesus will be my lawyer at the judgment seat and pleasing Him is what is important to me. I live in the world but I am not “of the world”, and never will be.

Islam and their terrorism will be defeated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not by military force. I will still go to war if necessary, and God heals my body sufficiently to make that a possibility, but I will fight islam daily with my faith and the God given ability to correspond via blog articles. Notice I said faith and not religion. Moslems claim they worship the same God I worship but they don’t. Their “god”, satan/allah, commands them, through the koran, to kill people, commit murder, to get to “heaven”. The God I worship, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob said in the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mt. Sinai, “Thou shall not commit murder”. Jesus said to “love your neighbor as you love yourself” and Jesus died for my sins so that I could be redeemed and spend eternity in paradise through my acceptance of Him as my Lord and Savior. I don’t have to be perfect to attain paradise, just have to do my best to live by the teachings of Jesus and to repent when I sin. I do a lot of repenting but not as much as I used to find necessary because growth in Christ leads one away from sin.

God allowed Israel to be defeated by enemies every time they strayed into idol worship and the United States is rampant with idol worship today. The idols worshiped in the USA today are pornography, immorality, and political correctness. Islam is being accepted by some Christians as the same as Christianity but it isn’t. If enough people will truly live their belief in Jesus this nation can be turned around from the crime and immorality that now drags it toward the fiery pit of hell. Imagine the crime rate plummeting, abortion and teen pregnancy going away, and the open public displays of homosexuality being a thing of the past. I look for a day when the nation’s leaders lead based on the Holy Bible and the Constitution rather than rule based on satanic doctrines of depravity and power hunger. Don’t think that can happen?   Pitch in and see if you can be part of the solution to the nation’s woes rather than sitting on the sidelines and wishing things were different. Pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 every day and live your life as the “salt of the earth” and find out what a difference you can make. Be a part of “the light of the world”. Jesus defeated the forces of darkness when He rose from the grave after 3 days. You and I can spread the light of Jesus in this nation if we have the courage to do it. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Will you be a part of the solution to the nation’s problems or be silent out of fear of being called names and persecuted by the forces of evil? Jesus said. “He who denies Me before man I will deny before the Father”.  Being afraid to espouse the morality Jesus stands for and the Gospel is denying Him before man. I will not be intimidated into silence because when I stand before the judgment seat I want to hear “well done good and faithful servant”.

Each of us has a gift from God that we can use to proclaim Jesus to the lost, the question is; will your gift be used for Jesus or will it sit idle out of fear of persecution? Let’s gather up our courage and be the force God has called us to be so we can reestablish this nation as the beacon of liberty our founders established so many years ago. Men and women suffered and died to give us a nation where liberty is paramount, and only stands second to God in status. Christians have sat silent far too long and as a result this nation has lost its status among the nations of the world as a beacon of honesty, morality, and integrity. Our allies no longer trust or admire us just as our enemies no longer admire and respect us. God has been turned out of our courts, schools, public forum, and sadly enough, has been turned out of too many churches and even entire denominations. This travesty needs to be corrected and now is the time to do it, before God gets so disgusted with us that He gives us over to our evil enemies. I only hope it isn’t already too late to save it. Will you help turn this nation back to God?


I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect,

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