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by OPOVV, ©2015

(Aug. 4, 2015) — “Good morning, commuters. It’s 6:45 with scattered clouds, 30% chance of rain and 72 degrees. The high today will be 86. Going over the list of bad behavior last night, we have a couple of murders, a couple of carjackings and a lot of robberies:  in other words, the usual, which I won’t bore you with. Truth be told, it’s just as boring for me to read the same stuff every morning as it is for you to hear it.

“Which is my lead-in for today’s topic: insanity. Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. We elect career politicians over and over again and expect them to fix the problems, problems either they created or some career politician created before them.

“Another election year, which means we get to hear the politician’s catechism: lower taxes, better education, stronger military, fight crime. Same old story; same old words; same politicians, maybe with a different name, but a duplicate of the one before. Somebody retiring? New infusion of ideas? In your dreams.

“With us today is Democratic Strategist Dale Arden. Welcome to the show. So, what’s your crystal ball tell you?”

“Trump is ruining the Republican brand. He’s out of control. Why, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and is doing irreparable harm to the Party.”

“Let me see if I understand what you’re saying. You’re a Democrat, right? So why do you give a hoot about Donald Trump or, for that matter, any Republican presidential contender? What business is it of yours? Who gave you the right to badmouth someone, anyone, on the other side?”

“We care about our country, is why.”

“No you don’t. You support a de facto president. Obama’s never, as in never, been vetted. And the only so-called proof that he’s submitted turned out to be a fake Birth Certificate. Trump offered to donate five million dollars to the charity of Obama’s choice if Obama produced a legal Birth Certificate. Obama never did, as you know.”

“He didn’t have to. He already had one from Hawaii.”

“So then why didn’t he resubmit his Hawaiian Birth Certificate and give the $5 million to some Boys’ Club in Southside Chicago? Five million dollars is one heck of a lot of money and certainly could’ve done a lot of good for a lot of young people in need.”

“I’m sorry, it was my understanding that I was to discuss why Trump is bad for the Republican Party. I didn’t come here to rehash something that’s been dealt with seven years ago. The Birth Certificate has been a closed subject for years, thank you very much.”

“Then would you tell me the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist?”

“Donald Trump is bad for the Republican Party.”

‘Well, I see we’re not getting anywhere, or else you could say we’re getting nowhere fast. Are you a supporter of Hillary, by chance?”

“Hillary will be the next president. We share her new vision for America.”

“I bet. A vision of a Police State; a vision of the Muslim Brotherhood calling the shots; nothing but another continuation of Obama’s obstructive policies. I don’t want to appear rude, but thanks for being on our show. Cut her microphone, Ted.

“Look, here’s the deal. Okay, as with anything else, there may be exceptions, but from what we can see with our very own eyes, the policies of our politicians have made our country weaker, more corrupt, and certainly more violent, besides turning out low-information voters.

“Of course it all starts with education; it’s not really the kids’ fault.  I mean, what do you expect when you send your kid to a university and they come back home blaming America for all the world’s ills? But in order to change the education process in this country, something’s got to give. We can’t keep going on the way we’re going or there will be nothing left.

“And that is why, if not for any other reason, why there are three, and only three, people for whom I would consider voting. Carly Fiorina is the smartest of the lot, I mean, all of them put together, including whatever the Democrats can drag out from under the rug or rock. Carson I like, but can he deport the Muslims? Can he, as his first act as president, kick all the Muslims out of the military? I like Carly’s temperament, besides her brain. I see some of Truman and some of Reagan and Margaret Thatcher in her demeanor, and I believe she’ll deal with the ISIS problem forthwith, but we, or at least I, haven’t heard it from her, at least not yet.

“And then we come to Trump. You know, the anchors and the pundits still don’t get it. Trump, being an outsider, is exactly what we need at this time. Look at all the destructive laws and Executive Orders during the past seven years: they need to be abolished.

“So you got these plans for a building, what, you’re going to have a committee meeting over the size of the janitor’s closet on the 27th floor, or are you just going to build it the way it says on the plans? A politician would schedule meeting after meeting, and criticize anyone who wouldn’t compromise. Trump?  ‘Just build the damn thing according to code and don’t bother me with pettiness, okay?’ OKAY!

“And speaking of things needed to be abolished, let’s start with half of the government jobs, okay?

“I like Fiorina a lot, but I got to go with Trump right now, and I hope to the end, but if Trump — whatever — it’s good to have a back-up quarterback in the wings who could do as well, and very likely better, than the starting quarterback, wouldn’t you agree?

“Hey, how time flies. Show’s over. Temperature 80 degrees. Have an enjoyable and safe afternoon. And if you haven’t got your conceal-carry permit for your wife and daughter yet, at least get one for yourself. You are responsible for yourself and your family, I’m not, and neither are the police. The police are a reactive force.

“We got time? Here: there was a time in my life, in a little country in Southeast Asia, when I was caught between a rock and a hard place, and if we waited around for the Cavalry to arrive we’d all be dead. Sometimes you got to take charge and deal with the problem head-on, and having a weapon, a gun, changes the landscape like nothing else can.

“Thanks for listening. Same time tomorrow.”

Semper Fi


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Wednesday, August 5, 2015 9:58 PM

We don’t need more “formulated politicians” with phony smiles and handshakes and waving as they dodge questions that are never answered while deep pockets are lined and pork rolls on, American slowly sinks into the sunset of Freedom while adding to the $160 BILLION each year for illegal aliens Latin/Muslim that didn’t choose to come to America legally but may add the the Democrats plan to use taxpayer monies to feed all these people with our taxpayer’s coffers without their votes or permission to do so yielding future entitlements and retirements for criminal politicians and public trustees gaming the system while doing the bare minimum and take as much as possible.