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by Sharon Rondeau, h/t EM

Screenshot of a survey from Richard Viguerie’s “ConservativeHQ” website asking readers if they believe Sen. Ted Cruz is constitutionally eligible for the presidency as a “natural born Citizen”

(Mar. 26, 2015) — Richard Viguerie’s ConservativeHQ.com website has posted a survey asking readers to vote on whether or not they believe Sen. Ted Cruz is a “natural born Citizen” as required by Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution for the president and commander-in-chief.

The survey appears on the upper right section of ConservativeHQ’s home page and asks four questions regarding Cruz’s presidential candidacy announced on Monday morning.  “Principled limited government constitutional conservative Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has announced he is running for President. Some have questioned whether Cruz meets the ‘natural born Citizen’ qualification for president set forth in Article II of the Constitution because he was born in Canada. What do you think?” asks the survey, with four possible responses from which readers can select.

Anyone can register a vote in the survey without logging in to the site.  Viguerie promises to send the results of his daily surveys to “national, state and local media and political leaders.”

Viguerie advocates smaller government, a “conservative” candidate other than a member of the Bush family, and the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama.

Viguerie has made numerous appearances on C-SPAN and other media and has written that the GOP “has been hijacked.”  Last April, he wrote an article published in Politico entitled, “We Are Coming for You, John Boehner.”

The question as to whether or not Cruz is constitutionally eligible to hold the office of president was raised at least two years ago by businessman and possible 2016 presidential contender Donald Trump by virtue of Cruz’s birth in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  Trump has told the media in various interviews that his understanding of the Article II requirement for the office is that a candidate must have been born in the United States.

Trump has claimed credit for cajoling the White House into releasing what it said was a scan of Obama’s certified long-form birth certificate from Hawaii on April 27, 2011.  Shortly after it was posted, the image was declared a forgery by experts willing to stake their reputations on their findings on camera.

A criminal investigation spanning more than three years determined beyond the standard of probable cause that the birth certificate image and Obama’s Selective Service registration form are “computer-generated forgeries.”  Cruz has been contacted about the findings but has not spoken out on them or pushed for an investigation to the public’s knowledge.

The RNC has said nothing about the questions surrounding the eligibility of both Obama and Cruz.

Some constitutional scholars have argued, however, that birthplace is secondary to the citizenship of the parents or father of the candidate. Cruz’s father was a citizen of Cuba, having fled to the U.S. after the 1959 Cuban revolution.  At some point before 1970, Cruz and his wife, Eleanor Wilson Cruz, went to Canada to work in the oil business. Their son, Rafael Edward Cruz, was born on December 22, 1970 in Calgary and immediately considered a Canadian citizen.

An article dated August 19, 2013 in The Dallas Morning News reported that Cruz was born with dual US-Canadian citizenship because his mother was a U.S. citizen, born in Delaware.

Cruz reportedly provided a copy of his Canadian birth certificate to The Dallas Morning News which is displayed prominently, although the writer nevertheless raised the question of Cruz’s eligibility based on his alleged dual citizenship.

The Post & Email attempted to contact Cruz’s spokesperson last fall to request proof that Cruz was, in fact, born with U.S. citizenship but received no response. A request made to the U.S. State Department requesting a certified copy of a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) which might have been filed upon Cruz’s birth was declined without the written permission of the subject.

Cruz’s spokesperson originally said that “To our knowledge, he [Cruz] never had Canadian citizenship.”

During the writing of the U.S. Constitution, the Founders debated the qualifications for federal-level representatives in the Congress, the executive branch and the judicial branch. In a letter dated July 25, 1787, John Jay wrote to George Washington to suggest that only a “natural born citizen” should be permitted to seek the presidency for fear of foreign influence or divided loyalties in the highest office in the land.

The Founders were known to have relied heavily on “The Law of Nations” by Swiss philosopher Emmerich de Vattel, who wrote:

§ 212. Citizens and natives.

The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.

In 2008, Obama was purported to be a natural born Citizen because of his alleged birth in Hawaii without respect to his claimed father’s Kenyan citizenship.  Using Vattel’s framework, Obama was born a citizen of Kenya.  On Obama’s “FighttheSmears” website, which is now defunct and whose content was assumed by Obama’s political organization, Organizing for America, Obama admitted that he was born a dual citizen of Kenya and the U.S.

If Cruz was born to a father who became a Canadian citizen before his son’s birth, Vattel’s reasoning would make Cruz a Canadian citizen, although Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship last spring.

The forms required for citizenship renunciation in Canada attempt to determine that the person so renouncing will not be left stateless by asking if he possesses or will acquire citizenship from another country in the near future.

As pointed out by JB Williams in an editorial on Thursday, Cruz ran for the U.S. Senate without informing his future constituents that he held Canadian citizenship.  A senator must have U.S. citizenship plus meet residency and age requirements lower than those of the president and commander-in-chief.

It is unknown if Cruz became a naturalized U.S. citizen or was registered a U.S. citizen at birth.

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Saturday, March 28, 2015 4:34 PM

Rubio and Cruz are both Article 2 illegal for POTUS but the crowd is always talking that since Obama was falsified by Pelosi and Biden in 2008 that they can do it too? It’s a bigger door on lawlessness that this DNC sham forced over 2 illegal elections and by keeping Criminal Presentments out of courts here for over 6 years now-all illegal but the judges were threatened and are playing and posturing with DNC Operatives regardless of sworn oaths which is Misprision Of Felony. Will we allow more dual citizen/illegals into POTUS? Obama was a citizen born of an affair with Malcolm X and Elizabeth Ann Newman in the Bronx. Elizabeth Newman was a bomber with Bill Ayers and they have been keeping very hush. After having baby Obama at Coast Province General Hospital in Kenya on August 4, 1961 she changed her name on the birth certificate to Stanley Ann Dunham from Kansas to begin the narrative and time story of Obama’s past. She was recently removed from the FBI Most Wanted List by AG and New York Gun Felon and Radical Black Muslim Eric Holder. Ann Newman is traveling and attending White House festivities with Obama as a disguised woman few know. Cruise and Rubio can be Senators or Congressman but can never be legal as POTUS, both are ignoring the “natural born” clause and law. Don’t forget, when entitlements are on the table anything goes-it’s the road to big money and fame so lying/stealing/cheating will all be forgiven as in previous political shows over decades. I don’t thing the average American knows the difference or cares. Patriots and Veterans are standing alone as the masses and stupidity overcome the masses. Check the Old and New Testament for previous bungling with man’s “knowledge”. Soon we will have open borders and no law enforcement if the DNC has their way.

Friday, March 27, 2015 2:23 PM

I am very uncomfortable knowing:

A). Ted Cruz is ineligible and he knows it and doesn’t care – even though he is running with a “Return to the Constitution” message (there is a chance that Ted Cruz is NOT even a Citizen of the USA and therefore ineligible to be a SENATOR -never mind POTUS [apparently there are some steps to register a foreign birth that his mother would have had to go through in order to “Cement his USA citizenship”] ).

B). Many others know he is ineligible and think it’s OK because the current fraud probably isn’t eligible either (sauce for the goose), or they are just going along with the bogus pronouncements that: “Cruz is eligible” because he was a “Citizen at birth” – therefore “Natural Born” .

C). Still others think it doesn’t matter one way or the other – what’s the fuss?.

D). If Cruz is allowed to run after six years of national debate concerning Art.II Sec.1(5), our Governmental representatives with the complicity of the MSM, will have amended the Constitution without going through the Art.V process(if any Article can be amended through non-observance, then our Constitutional “Guarantees” are worthless).

E). All of the above combined with the indifference in much of the country to the idea of (at least tacitly-if not overtly) condoning the violaton of the document that is supposed to Guarantee our (The People’s) fundamental rights under this Republic, does not bode well for the future of a free Republic; a very sad thought in my opinion. I wish well to Sharon and all who supported this sight, you never gave up – but it doesn’t look good for our Country IMO.

Reply to  ELmo
Friday, March 27, 2015 2:45 PM

I might add that I have lost all respect that I had for Ted Cruz.

Although his message was a welcome breath of fresh air at first, I now think he is just another two faced Washington hypocrite with the gift of a silver fork in his tongue. I will never support Ted Cruz for President and will do everything I can to expose his deceit.

Friday, March 27, 2015 8:12 AM

It was NOT until the 1922 Cable Act that it would have even been possible for Teddy, or anyone else, to have been born with partial U.S. Citizenship emanating from his mother.

Dual Citizenship was not possible under U.S. Law until women acquired “independent Citizenship and Citizenship retention” by the cable Act, a consequence of the 19th Amendment suffrage Act.

Although dual-citizenship was not unknown to the Framers and Founders it was given NO legal status with a healthy dose of suspicious held over any person’s head that asserted such a status. ( see Talbot v Janson 3 US 133)

Therefore, under all U.S. Laws on the subject of U.S. Citizenship from 1790 to the current U.S. Code Title 8, the status of Dual-Citizenship is a hyphenated form of U.S. Citizenship that can be considered ALIEN to the nature of a U.S. natural born Citizen.

Friday, March 27, 2015 7:45 AM

Ted Cruz is like that other great conservative patriot who was foreign born to an alien father and an American mother and yet, in spite of all the doubts, went on to become a great national leader. Yes, that didn’t stop Winston Churchill, now did it? Oh, er, ah, wait just minute . . . /sarc

Friday, March 27, 2015 7:42 AM

A vote for Ted Cruz is a vote to complete the destruction of our Constitution. The man was foreign born to an alien father and was an official Canadian citizen the moment he was born, but was not officially an American citizen at all until his mother registered his foreign birth with the American consul.

A natural born Citizen does not have to have their birth registered at a consulate in a foreign nation and certainly does not have dual citizenship that they renounce as an adult. A natural born Citizen is exclusively one hundred percent American through-and-through from the moment of birth on. Ted Cruz does not qualify. I can only hold out hope for the slight possibility that the candidacy of Ted Cruz is a sly ruse to trick the elites and their marxist-media lapdogs to acknowledge aka obama’s own ineligibility.

Reply to  thinkwell
Wednesday, April 1, 2015 10:33 AM

If I read JB’s piece correctly there is no record that Cruz was registered as an American citizen. If this is so, being that he has renounced his Canadian citizenship, then he has NO citizenship, period, and is, therefor yet another illegal alien in the United States.

Rick Johnson
Friday, March 27, 2015 7:39 AM

I am amazed at the so called conservatives who tell me they think it is OK because Obama did it.

The sheeple will elect the next president.

We are Doomed.

Robert Laity
Friday, March 27, 2015 4:15 AM

If Cruz’s father did NOT naturalize as a Canadian citizen before Ted was born then Ted was born with Triple citizenship involving CUBAN, Canadian and American Citizenship. In any event, Cruz is not eligible, by virtue of the circumstances of his birth, to BE President.

Robert Laity
Friday, March 27, 2015 4:03 AM

IT is incontrovertible under current law that Ted Cruz is NOT constitutionally eligible to BE President of the United States of America. None of this “I’m Skeptical” or “I don’t think he meets…”. Ted Cruz was born in CANADA to a CUBAN father and American Mother. He was NOT born on US Soil and he did NOT have two American Citizen Parents as REQUIRED. Cruz IS Ineligible. NO Survey or debate is necessary. Cruz is OUT.

lou cruz
Thursday, March 26, 2015 11:29 PM

Thank you Ms. Rondeau for your tireless efforts for our countrys’ behalf. As to the matter of Cruzs’ eligibility; I think Vattels definition is quite clear. I also think that if the Founding Fathers’ relied heavily on Vattel, then they too understood his definition, agreed with it, and presumed that their was no need to define the term natural born citizen in the Constitution (it’s not a dictionary) since they were all on the same page (no pun intended). One reason no court will touch this issue is because they know they will face facts they cannot deny; that Cruz and Obama are both ineligible to be POTUS. And we all know how skilled the liberal left is at denying facts, and how they are expert in manipulating a dumbed-down population. My fervent hope is that Obamas’ crime is exposed before he leaves office. He does not deserve a comfortable and pleasant retirement; he deserves a jail cell for the rest of his miserable existence. Lou Cruz