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by Cody Robert Judy, ©2014, blogging at CodyJudy

(Sep. 20, 2014) — A fisherman finally casting his prepared and baited hook, line, and sinker out only to have his cast line become tangled on a branch in the middle of the cast grimaces, knowing he’s going to have to tear the line down, reel in, and start all over. A mother cleans the house spic and span and takes off to do some shopping for supper only to return and find the kids have actually wrecked the whole house in the short twenty minutes she was gone. These are two scenarios that come to my mind in reporting to you on an update I have in my Court case, Judy v. Obama 1:14cv00093.

When you take off on a roller coaster ride, you hop in the seat eager for the ride, head out on a couple of loop-de-loops, ups and downs, twist and turns and end up at pretty much the same place you started, with a little more upset stomach. They call it fun, but it really depends on how much your stomach can handle.

If you’re puking your guts out wanting it to be the next day already, it wasn’t much fun. Birthers, as most of the Mainstream Media, political junk yard idiots, or just plain old fascist, communist ideologues pretending their elite appetites somehow satisfy the criteria they want everyone else to have what they have in common, are standing up for the constitution including the qualifications for the Office of the President. If you are a Birther, which many are beginning to understand signifies a new birth, re-birth, or restoration of a nation, you are well-acquainted with the roller coaster ride of justice when it comes to Barack Obama being in violation of the Constitutional principles we hold dear.

We ride the ride 65% of America agrees with, AND probably 99.9% have never put a dime in to support. It’s a gnarly ride including free-falls into rancid swamps, turns into forbidden forests, and climbs into barren wastelands of no relief. Our hearts are strapped on to a cause that is beautiful while most of the world pokes fun, laughs, and jeers at us as foolish and even uneducated.

Why we don’t get off often is a mystery to us. There are stacks and volumes to read that give reason to the cause of communism, a total disbanding of our United States Constitution with hood-wink pictures that are colorful and well-orchestrated. These pictures constantly flood our vision, clouding our sights with smoke and mirrors to the point that we can’t see what we are fighting for. All we can do is feel it.

We feel the urge to press on. We hear the silent voice inside us say, “Pull up your boot straps and press on.” We have no idea of a reward any more than those who were fighting for the freedom and liberties of men in the Revolution or Civil War. All we have is a feeling it will be better. That it is better.

I have a friend in Ukraine who is just gorgeous. She’s easily a “10” on the looks scale. At night she sleeps in a bomb shelter and I’ve communicated with her when she hasn’t had anything to eat for a few days. Her world revolves around trying to scrounge up the money to pay off officials of national security and getting the money to escape her war-torn country that has had a near total breakdown of law and order.

Her law and order exist on a bully scale, rather than the scales of a constitutional justice where all men are subject to the law. Her world exists on a plane of those who have positions and those who don’t trying to bribe the ones who do for favors. Yes, she has a beautiful smile, but it has not gotten her out of the mess she finds herself in and she can find no job. She looks to me for help because I’m an American and I have, even in my poor state, a hundred times more than she does. Where will she look if there is no United States of America?

You know I see so many pretty faces out there in America, yet so few willing to support what has made the United States of America so great: that, of course, is the United States Constitution. Republicans have a batter line-up of ineligible candidates for President right now that would shame the one the Democrats have in the Office of the White House, and you still have Republicans claiming we should send our money and vote for them because they are the lesser of two evils.

I wonder how long we have until our own Country Girls are wandering around in such a state of fog and clouded mind that their world has come down to a world of bribery and corruption and there is no one who cares? Well, that answers for anyone the reasons I fight as I do in the legal process of our Judicial Courts. As long as we have Courts of Law to appeal to and as long as we have a Constitutional Standard to guard our backs, that is the way we have to fight and that way is the best way.

You know when you start to have neighbors who are aiming at you over the back yard fence with a tank, RPG (that’s a “rocket-propelled grenade launcher”), and machine guns, your court option is pretty-much gone. That’s why our Constitution is so important. It keeps your make-up stocked in the stores, new clothes on the rack, and jewelry stocked at Saks Fifth Avenue and all the other cosmetic features you like to use to stay beautiful, but more importantly, walk the aisle of our grocery stores and be thankful for the stocked food on the shelves that a girl just like you no longer has the option of.

Her example is more than a warning for you; it’s a wake-up call for your principles. If you refuse them now, it only gets harder for you to ever see them again.

Here are the updates of what has happened and documents currently before the Court. In a nutshell, the Court Clerk refused to pass off a Certificate of Default. I objected to that, and then the Court agreed with the Clerk. That decision basically rendered null and void three testimonies and affidavits.

This placed me back at the beginning of the roller coaster ride with an upset stomach, and my choices were “quit” or request the Court to serve the Defendants if, and as was the case, they didn’t like the way that I did.


1- Affidavit for Certificate of Default

2- Response to Notice denying Certificate of Default

3- Request for Service of 9 Summons and Complaints upon Defendants by U.S. Marshal or other Court Agent including Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Mitch Stewart Jeremy Bird, Jim Dabaki, Matt Lyon involved in DNC and OFA.


As a matter of housekeeping I am pleased to celebrate with you another mile stone marker of 160,600 views here at www.codyjudy.blogspot.com. Without you this wouldn’t be possible, so A BIG AND WARM thank-you to all who read and pass it on.

Read the rest here.

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Sunday, September 21, 2014 11:00 AM

@Stephen Hiller
Thanks for your comment. I understand a rhetorical question (smile) On a sincere note, I don’t think it’s really fair or just to call our entire Court Or Judicial Branch Corrupt. I, more than most, could very easily agree with the back ground to do just that.

Focusing on just Obama’s Ineligibility, the Courts have not mis used the laws of standing, jurisdiction, and technical dismissals.

They are all very important to uphold for good reasons.

The Ballot Challenges that failed mostly were brought against Obama by people lacking standing. On rare cases that did have a Pres. Candidate, it was very difficult in 2012 because Obama was an incumbent or sitting in the White House.

Ballot Challenges were not Civil Rights Law Suits for damages., and the political question doctrine was also an important aspect. Yes, there have been others removed for the same allegations less popular. .and therein was a difference.

We Birthers, are much like the early farmers of the Revolution- Not very well Trained, Equipped, and Experienced in this unique and very difficult fight.

The other BIG PROBLEM was Obama’s legitimate use of ‘The Race Card’ and hidden in Congress it lies with McCain. They ALL gave McCain a pass with U.S. Sen. Res. 511.

We nearly buried the U.S.C with it right there in April 2008.

I was the only one in the whole County as a Pres. Candidate who pounced on McCain and Obama. That record is in Court and serves against Obama’s Race Card, but I haven’t the financial record or status R’s typically push.

In this 7 year Battle, Americans can look directly in the mirror for blame, but also we can’t underestimate the power of plain old ignorance- a lack of intelligence. Dumbed down by the Media who has guarded Obama’s race card, and hasn’t let my cat out of the bag.

So between Justice brought properly to the Court and P.R. through mainstream we have had a hard ride. Social Media is our only stand by. .along with pearls of great price like The P&E.

I’m doing my part as best as I can. . Your help, along with every one else’s cannot be underestimated.

The Climate is shifting publically on Obama as more and more see the scandals effecting them. As this happens, along with a continued stand for the right holding all to the same law, We can hope for a change and shift to restoration.

I believe God has much more in store for the United States. We didn’t come this far to let one man spoil it all. .but we must take it seriously and stand for justice in our own prayers, and support.

I can testify there are very few willing to put there money where their mouth is. Ask Mitt, Cruz, Rubio, Santorum, Jindal,McCain, Beck,Limbaugh,Hannity whose actions bare out sweeping the dirt under the carpet.

Yes, it is bigger than the Courts, but the Courts Provide A Record. That’s very important in the site of God whose just and Bigger than they all. If we are waiting on Heaven, we may be surprised to hear the answers.

I say Engage yourself in a just and correct Candidate. Let the consequences follow.

Cody Robert Judy

Stephen Hiller
Sunday, September 21, 2014 7:57 AM

How can you use the courts to fight corruption when they are as corrupt as those you are fighting ???