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by Sharon Rondeau

Thomas Jefferson, founding father and third president of the United States

(May 31, 2014) — On Saturday, the AP reported that a U.S. soldier held by the Taliban since 2009, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, has been released in “good condition.”

In exchange, the U.S. freed five prisoners from the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay, releasing them to a Qatari intermediary for the Taliban.  Obama reportedly called and spoke with Bergdahl’s parents to inform them that their son will soon be home.

On the same day, The Times of the UK reported that Meriam Ibrahim Wani, a Christian mother of two who gave birth in squalid prison conditions on Tuesday after she refused to recant her Christianity and imprisonment with her young son in February.  Meriam is married to Daniel Wani, a U.S. citizen who lives and works in New Hampshire.  Meriam has reportedly been chained to the floor of her prison cell, including as she gave birth without medical assistance.

The Washington Times reported that Meriam’s reprieve is only “temporary.”

On Friday, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel reported that Justina Pelletier, the 16-year-old whose custody from her parents was taken by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families more than a year ago, is “close to returning home.”

Last Saturday, thousands of people rallied at the Massachusetts Statehouse in support of the reunification of Justina with her family, which resides in West Hartford, CT.  Last weekend, Justina’s father, Lou, alluded to the alleged abuse of his daughter while she has been in Massachusetts state custody.

Justina has reportedly been the subject of medical experiments while in the custody of DCF.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty Thomas Jefferson

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