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by Sharon Rondeau

Meriam Wani has refused to renounce her Christian faith following a lashing and death sentence issued by a South Sudanese court. Meriam is eight months’ pregnant, and she and her very young son have been denied medical care while in prison over the last four months.

(May 22, 2014) — A naturalized U.S. citizen whose pregnant wife has been jailed and sentenced to 100 lashes and hanging for her Christian faith in Sudan has reportedly received no help from the Obama regime’s State Department.

Daniel Wani is an American citizen currently residing and working in Manchester, NH.  Last June, Wani returned to South Sudan to make application for his wife, Meriam, and toddler son, Martin, to enter the United States.  Instead, he found that Meriam’s brother had charged her with adultery for marrying a Christian because their father was reportedly a Muslim.

Meriam and Martin were imprisoned in February and her sentence for adultery and apostasy pronounced on May 15.  Both are suffering from lack of medical care, and Daniel has been able to see them only once since February.

The Epoch Times reported that the judge’s sentence of lashings and execution defies constitutional protections regarding freedom of religion and thought.

Meriam is trained as a doctor.

Numerous U.S. organizations have launched petition drives and other efforts to free Meriam, her son and unborn child from their prison cell.  As of Thursday, the ACLJ reported that more than 200,000 people had signed its petition to release them.

Wani’s brother Gabriel has a Facebook page with a wedding photo of Daniel and Meriam at the top.  The Post & Email has contacted Gabriel for comment on his brother and sister-in-law’s plight.  The story has been reported in the New Hampshire Union-Leader, the UK Daily Mail, at PJ Tatler, and CNS News.

In early July 2011, South Sudan became independent from Sudan with a Christian president.   Under Omar al-Bashir, Sudan then began what some term as an ethnic cleansing of blacks in favor of “Arabs.”  In 2012, Bashir’s regime carried out bombing attacks on the south which killed and maimed Muslim and Christian civilians alike.

Documentaries have stated that the Islamic government of Sudan has been persecuting black Christians since the 1950s and asked why the “Western media” has failed to report it.  In 1983, Sudan adopted an Islamic government and declared a “holy war on the infidels.”  It served as a host country for Osama bin Laden during the 1990s.  According to JeremiahFilms.com, Sudan is attempting to “Islamize” all of the African continent.

Al-Bashir and former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi had forged a close relationship before Morsi was deposed last July, accused of crimes against humanity and jailed.  Morsi and Obama appeared to be “friends.”

Elements of Sharia law have been observed in the United States through honor killings, new worship and “community centers,” the advocacy of “diversity,” and the teaching of Arabic and Islam in the public schools as part of the Common Core curriculum, believed by some to be heavily-influenced by CAIR and other Islamic organizations.  Obama has Muslims with ties to The Muslim Brotherhood working in various departments of the federal government.

On May 16, two U.S. senators wrote a letter to putative Secretary of State John Kerry asking that Meriam and her son be given political asylum.  News reports have noted that the toddler, Martin, is a U.S. citizen by virtue of his father’s citizenship alone. Daniel Wani said he provided a copy of his son’s birth certificate proving that he was born in the United States to the U.S. embassy in Khartoum but was told that there was a “lack of interest” in the family’s plight.

Barack Obama claims that he is a “natural born Citizen” because of his alleged birth in Hawaii, although his long-form birth certificate has been declared a forgery and he was reportedly the son of a Kenyan-citizen father.

The Obama regime has shown hostility toward Israel and favor toward Islamic countries and regimes, while interfering or even creating conflicts throughout the Middle East, as in Libya and Syria.  In 2009, Obama made a tour of Middle Eastern countries, falsely declaring that”Islam has always been a part of America’s history.”

CNS News asked the Obama White House and State Department several questions to which they received no response following Daniel Wani’s statements that he was asked to provide a DNA sample to prove that Martin is his son.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014 9:31 AM

The Son Of Malcolm X and Elizabeth Ann Newman, radical and ready!

Monday, June 2, 2014 11:28 AM

Obama is no ordinary weakling… http://patriotsbillboard.org/obama-is-not-an-ordinary-weakling/

Those who compare the bare-chested conqueror of the Crimea with the metrosexual ruler of the United States and find our emperor weak to the point of deserving ridicule miss the essential strength of President Obama.

It’s no ordinary weakling who can turn a once-respected country into an international joke; reduce Congress to a gaggle of sniveling sycophants; turn the world’s finest medical system into a failed third-rate socialist nightmare with a stroke of his pen; shatter our Constitution without attempted recourse by the sons and daughters of frontiersmen and pioneers whose blood was used to write that inspired document; and turn the people of our once-united states into a herd of competing minorities who, like suckling pigs, are each afraid to lose his place on the government teat should he raise his voice to protest the ruin of our country.

So don’t denigrate the nonentity ruler who has overcome his uncertain ancestry and ludicrous incompetence to do what no other king or dictator has been able to do in our 237-year history: He has destroyed America.
