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by Dr. Laurie Roth, ©2014

St. Joan of Arc

(May 1, 2014) — The thing about heroes is that they are just ordinary people like you and moi who have struggled, whined and failed butpersevere and keep the goal before them.  Often, their extreme focus and determination to the goal brings scoffers and mockers.  “Grow some common sense. Your dream doesn’t add up.”  “You are too old and too poor to do that.”  “It is who you know, and you know nobody of any significance.” 

Heroes hyper-focus on doing the right thing, the moral thing…even the unbelievable thing.  Their sweating, lonely and persevering action turns into immense bravery, miraculous results – marking them for history.

How do we become a hero rather than a ‘has been?’

Only a worthy goal will do

We must first have the right goal and vision placed before us that we fully embrace.   What is worth our time and energy whether people like it or not?  We will never achieve our goal if we start in and depend on our emotional perk.  After a while, all worthy goals don’t feel so great anymore.  They draw on our practiced discipline and ability to draw from God’s strength and provision.  That is why there are so few real heroes today, because so many need fanfare and emotional support to continue.  The journey is often made alone and with no one even watching, except God.  So many of our heroes who changed history were people of faith, who lifted their worthy goal up, then drew on the power and leading of God, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Christopher Columbus, Martin Luther, Ulysses S. Grant and Joan of Arc, to name a few.Bill

Having a goal that is immoral, selfish and evil cannot ever produce a hero…only a tyrant.  We have many throughout the world in leadership who have selfish and evil goals.  They have lifted themselves up, not the people, freedom and God.  They build empires to control people, seize money and freedoms, while building their own empire where they can be God.  They crave the worship of their people and find ways to get more.

Obama is one of those people.  His stated goals are rather clear and he seeks to transform America into his image of Marxist-Internationalism with a Muslim Cherry on top.  He is evil to the core. He has zero interest in protecting our Judeo-Christian values and history, nor our treasured and fought-for Constitution and Bill of Rights.

What is the right and heroic goal for America now?

We must stand up and persevere in our belief in and fight for freedom, our Constitution and Judeo-Christian values.  There can be no compromise regarding protection of our treasured freedoms even though a tyrant demands them now.  Obama and the progressives cannot whittle away or seize our property rights, our freedom of speech rights, our 2nd amendment rights, privacy rights and right to due process.  People are rising up…no…heroes are rising up again.

America needs us all to rise up, talk loud, pray hard and fight in our way for our freedoms or we will lose everything.  We no longer have the luxury for our greatest heroes to be very untouchable, live far away or in the past –William Wallace, Senator Ted Cruz, or Esther in the Holy Bible. 

It can’t be Charlton Heston as Ben Hur anymore.  It must be you, with a renewed and moral vision that you are determined to make happen no matter what.  Be a hero and make a difference, first in your own life and that of your family.  Then focus like mad and vote all the real conservatives in to the HOUSE and SENATE in 2014, and a real patriot and conservative into the White House in 2016.  Vision, belief, action and faith in God will get us there.  Then we can repair the damage and lift up our light to the world again.

Martin Luther King,  Esther,  George Washington and Joan of Arc…listen up!  I am talking to you now. Rise up and get it done.  Be my hero!

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