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by OPOVV, ©2013

U.S. taxpayer dollars fund the military, which includes public affairs officers who insult the very people paying their salaries and messengers of “bad news,” according to DOD spokesman George Little

(Aug. 30, 2013) — [Note: Please read “Where is the U.S. Military on Obama’s Fake Credentials?” by Sharon Rondeau, Aug. 29, 2013]

To a Lt. Col. Breasseale:

Of what Army, Man? Or is the “Lt. Col.” some honorary degree; you know, like Col. Sanders?  Because if you’re pretending to be for real, then we really are up the river.

Let’s give you the benefit of the doubt and go along with your play-acting that you really are some kind of spokesperson for the military.  What do we have?

Excuse me, but may I offer a suggestion? Never stop being a rear echelon flunky because I honestly don’t think you could in any way be an asset, since you’ve already proven that you’re a detriment.

Let me tell you a little about yourself. Now, we’ve never met, of this I swear, but I can say with 100% certainty that you believe you’re on some kind of short list, the fast track to making full-fledged Colonel, wear the eagles, but the reality of your situation is just the opposite. They named you because you’re gullible and are more than willing to turn your back on the Oath you took to defend and protect the Constitution. You unquestionably follow the orders of your superiors without question.

Me, nope, and never did follow any order unless I believed that it was rational and legal. You see, you should’ve read the Pentagon Papers, then maybe you’d have learned that governments lie, not only to the citizens, but even to the troops.

Hey, Todd, mind if I call you Todd? Well, too bad because you don’t deserve to even be called Captain. Your response to the editor to The Post & Email, Sharon Rondeau, was both sophomoric and rude. I believe that not only do you owe her an apology for your smart-aleck response, but you owe an apology to every other member of the military, and that includes ALL the branches, AND the good citizens of the United States, people whom you supposedly work for, AND NOT SOME USURPER DE FACTO MUSLIM ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT WHO IS NOT EVEN A U.S. CITIZEN. Or were you the only one not paying attention during LTC. Terry Lakin‘s kangaroo Court Martial?

Is that true, Todd, that you were not following closely how Lakin was railroaded by the Joint Chiefs of Staff? That you don’t know what this is all about, the letter from The Post & Email, that you really haven’t a clue?

It’s pretty hard to give someone a pass on not paying attention, but if I were you, I’d rethink your priorities in life, and when you’re all done, you better make sure the protecting and defending the Constitution is at the top of the list and that covering for Obama, someone who isn’t Constitutionally eligible to be your Commander-in-Chief, isn’t even on that list.

Write that apology. I want it posted ASAP. That is what is known as a Direct Order, soldier.

Sincerely, Been there and Done it,


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Robert Laity
Sunday, September 8, 2013 2:39 AM

That Breasseale Character can’t stand the heat. I corresponded with him on this matter and all he could come up with was “Noted”, that my charges were “Nonsenscial absurdities” and that he has gone the same route as the Secret Service Director has gone. Breasseale has told me that he has blocked my Emails and that it was going to be his last discussion on this matter between him and I. It may well be. However,I have now accused Breasseale of dereliction of duty sending his obtuse response up the Chain of Command myself,to the DoD Inspector General and DoD Hotline.

Saturday, August 31, 2013 7:21 AM

He is a Hollywood officer. All artifice because he is can be used like Col Klink .

Robert Laity
Saturday, August 31, 2013 6:43 AM

Fact is,Obama is a usurper who has done so during time of war. This makes his crime especially egregious and also makes Obama a spy under military Law. You say he isn’t IN the Military? He doesn’t have to be. The Law covers “ANY Person…”. Obama is subject to the UCMJ at Section 906,Article 106. The penalty,if convicted IS DEATH!

Reply to  Robert Laity
Saturday, August 31, 2013 9:29 AM

If it is true as reported that Obama’s brother is the financial kingpin fundraiser for the Muslim Brotherhood, is there not an inherent conflict of interest?

There is something very fishy, fully of Taqiyya, in the Obama Firm.

Who are they REALLY?

Friday, August 30, 2013 12:10 PM


Robert Laity
Reply to  meyerlm
Sunday, September 8, 2013 2:46 AM

Obama deserves the Death Penalty,if convicted of the Treason and Espionage that he stands accused of. See: 18USC,Part 1,Chapter 115,Sec.2381 and the UCMJ at S906,A106.