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by Sher Zieve, ©2013

Barack Hussein Obama appears to be running the U.S. government from the White House, making the Executive Branch more powerful than the Judiciary and Legislative branches, contrary to the U.S. Constitution

(Jul. 30, 2013) — The Obama dictatorship is virtually complete. Since he began the occupation of what was once our White House, the dictator-in-chief has been busy writing one Executive Order after another designed to replace US law…with ObamaLaw. Under normal and saner times, these EOs would mean little-to-nothing because the checks and balances of co-equal branches of government would render them null and void if they flew in the face of Constitutional law. But, today, insanity is reigning supreme.

Note: For those of you raised in the government public school systems over the last three decades, the US Congress (which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate) and SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States of America) are co-equal (under the US Constitution) with and to the Executive branch, and each of the three branches of the US federal government legally carries 1/3 each of the power to run said government.

However, co-equal branches of the US government–like the Bill of Rights for US citizens–are no longer applicable in the USA. They have been replaced by dictatorial rule of and from the US White House; specifically under the now almost-complete tyrannical control of Barack Hussein Obama. Why? Because Congress refuses to act and/or follow through on stopping Obama and his demolition-of-America team from destroying the US Constitution and individual rights and SCOTUS is now openly ruling in both bizarre and unconstitutional ways. This abrogation of duty has resulted in the submission of the Legislative and Judicial branches of government to the Executive branch. Question: Are members of Congress and SCOTUS (minus their female members) now required to bow down and pray five times a day in the direction of Washington, D.C. to Obama? Does Obama provide the prayer mats?

What has occurred that has allowed this to happen is nothing less than treason and the “aiding and abetting of the enemies of the United States of America.”

Militarized Police Force illegally grabbing guns (all source materials and complete articles below)

1. In April 2013, under the NY SAFE (Secure Ammunition & Firearms) Act, Governor Cuomo of New York issued orders revoking permits for legally-owned guns and advised the owners that they must surrender those permits and “any and all weapons” over to the police. The persons receiving this mandate are those citizens who are taking anti-anxiety drugs. First, HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) laws were broken and the information received about individual prescribed drugs acted upon by NY was obtained illegally, and second…the Right to Bear Arms contained in the Second Amendment was (following Obama’s example) thrown onto the street, stomped on and swept into the gutters of New York by another dictatorial Democrat executive.

2. In Medford, Oregon in May 2013, military veteran Corey Thompson’s AR-15 was confiscated and he was arrested when wanted felon Jonathon Kinsella tried to force his way into Thompson’s home and Thompson fired a warning shot. The Blaze reports: “Thompson was charged with unlawful use of a weapon, menacing and reckless endangering. The veteran’s AR-15 was seized by police because they claim it was used in the commission of a crime.”

3. Army Master Sgt. C.J. Grisham, who had previously been honored for his service by President George W. Bush, was arrested while on a 10-mile hike in Texas with his son in March 2013. He was arrested by police (who had apparently been following him) for “rudely displaying” his firearm. Huh? Is this a real law? The rifle was being carried, as the area of the hike contains wild boar, cougars and other potentially dangerous animals. His AR-15 was confiscated. By the way, AR-15 rifles are still legal in all US States.

4. After the Boston Marathon Bombings, multiple reports of house-to-house forced entry by Boston police and SWAT teams emerged with pictures taken of multiple heavily-armed militarized police on the doorsteps of private homes. In one video (below link), the initial knock on the private home door almost knocks it in.

IRS used as another arm of the Obama Gestapo

Only those who do not have access to communication of any type can possibly not know about what has happened to the IRS. Along with the highly-militarized local police forces, Obama and his syndicate have used the IRS as yet another arm of his growing Gestapo. If you are a TEA Party member, Patriot organization, Christian or Jewish group or a group committed to liberty and the preservation of the US Constitution, you have likely been targeted by the now–apparently–all Marxist, all the time Internal Revenue Service. The IRS–in what increasingly appears to be getting closer and closer to its orders coming directly from the Oval Office–has been summarily withholding tax-exempt status from those groups that oppose Obama’s policies. These group members have also been asked highly-intrusive–and probably illegal–questions by the IRS. If they don’t answer them, the IRS has–also in writing–advised them that they can and/or will be held in contempt and subject to perjury charges. Many of the same groups have waited for years for approval and some are still waiting. However, groups that publicly agree with Obama or have group names indicating they’re on the Left politically have sailed right through and received their tax-exempt status.

The IRS has actually admitted that it effected the above actions and is still continuing the illegal activities today! In fact, recently the IRS began targeting conservative groups for “audits” and “special attention” which already have tax-exempt status. Additionally, the IRS has also finally been caught having leaked information on former Republican (and TEA Party) Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell’s tax records to the Delaware Democrat Party!

These are way beyond dirty tricks, and it should be abundantly clear to any and all with a bit more than a brainstem that Obama has set up and is in the process of using his personal hammer and sickle groups to implement his increasingly violent police-state activity. The Iron Curtain encircling the USA is almost fully down. But, even these actions are only the tip of the iceberg.

Part II coming soon.

“When you tell them all this, they will not listen to you; when you call to them, they will not answer.

“Therefore say to them, ‘This is the nation that has not obeyed the LORD its God or responded to correction. Truth has perished; it has vanished from their lips‘.”–Jeremiah 7: 27-28

Gun Confiscation Has Reportedly Begun in New York State:


Military Veteran’s AR-15 Confiscated by Police:

Decorated Vet Arrested After ‘Rudely Displaying’ His Rifle:

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013 2:45 PM

Oh, the irony! IRS agents beg out of Obamacare

Even though they’ll be charged with enforcing its mandates, employees of the Internal Revenue Service are petitioning Congress to be exempted from Obamacare.

Sounds a little like Pelosi, eh “Let’s pass it so we can read it”

Tuesday, July 30, 2013 1:48 PM

What else do we expect?, this is a Marxist regime which a complicit Congress is allowing to take over.