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by OPOVV, ©2013

Reports say that a marked increase in illegals crossing the borders has occurred since Congress has begun debating a bill which would allow many already in the country to stay and follow a “path to citizenship”

(Apr. 26, 2013) — I gotta tell ya, I can’t be the only one. If I can reach (what (I think) are obvious and, therefore (I think), logical conclusions, why can’t they, and when I say “they,” I mean Congress.

Look, just the other day a pair of my neighbor’s donkeys made their Great Escape where a tree feel on the fence, flattening it. I went on down to lend a hand in rounding them up but he wasn’t concerned in the least, so I asked him, “What are they, Homing Donkeys?” Turns out they were, and while he was getting a chain saw and I some bailing wire and cutters from my truck, the donkeys wandered back in as nonchalant as can be.

Well, now, if these donkeys can find their way home, why can’t our 20 plus million illegal immigrants do the same? Or maybe the politicians in Washington don’t believe our illegal immigrants are capable of finding their way home, and if the illegals are so dumb as to not be able to find the border, who’d want them anyway? Not me, and I don’t think you would, either.  If we don’t want them, why do the people we pay to look out for us think differently?

Speaking of “reform,” what about “reforming” the political landscape of Washington? Listen up. What we have are government employees who refuse to do their job; it’s as simple as that. Now, my question is, “Where do these people get off telling others to not follow the law, to do their job?” Seems to me they’re the ones breaking the law and should be, at the least, fired without benefits and without their pension. They’re CHEATING you and me out of a service that’s supposed to make you and me safer, so how does having MILLIONS of illegal immigrants benefit us?

What’s been the cost of illegal immigration? What is it costing us each day? And what about future costs?  Are we to have, for instance, an illegal immigration tax?

Funny. You know my solution: deport them, and while our illegal immigrants are “homing” out of here, we ought to send the politicians and the government employees who had a hand in all of this with them, permanently.


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Friday, April 26, 2013 1:02 PM

As we have discussed at length~”The Country has gone DEAF, DUMB and BLIND!!