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March 1, 2013

Dear Editor:

Sen. Ted Cruz was elected to the U.S. Senate from Texas as a Tea Party candidate for limited government and spending

I have been burning the phone lines today, and believe I may be making some headway.  I probably spoke with 10 Congressional offices today and I would be comfortable in saying that 8 or 9 of those offices agreed verbally with me that what I shared with them warranted attention.  I was really focused on what I was saying.  I had a really neat conversation with one of the staff and I can say she felt the same way throughout our talk.

I just got off the phone with a staffer named Nick in the DC office for Sen. Cruz. 202/224-5922. He said they have been swamped, I wonder why.  In short I told him Orly was going to be in DC next week and we are asking for Sen Cruz to accommodate her into his schedule to speak with her regarding the crimes that are yet to be addressed by our Congress.  I also gave him Sheriff Arpaio’s number.  I read off a couple of the paragraphs from the Sheriff’s Press Release from 3-1-12 and from his affidavit.  I explained to Nick this is an urgent matter as this country could be facing Civil War due to the unchecked crimes and the attack on our God given rights.  I mentioned as other examples how the 2nd Amendment is being attacked and the attempt to make law abiding citizens register their arms as if we were pedophiles. I mentioned to him how Benghazi and the Mexican gun running has resulted in lives being murdered and how an AG who is in contempt of Congress is covering for the usurper and how the usurper is covering for him.  I mentioned to him how people are being threatened even with death, examples are Orly, Bob Woodward “you will regret this” or Lanny Davis.  I am trying my best to help them connect the dots, which really shouldn’t be to hard for anybody who has the IQ of a fern or an amoeba to figure out. I also sent out to Sen Cruz a certified package that he received this week which contained significant proof to show what is a natural born Citizen among many other proofs of evidence.  I also sent out to his office via his website, as I did with all Republican Senators and the two Independents yesterday the same demand to meet with Orly and/or Sheriff Arpaio because we have a coup that has obviously taken place upon our golden shores. I gave them the necessary contact info to reach both Orly and the Sheriff.  Much more to say, but I have other reps to call and call out of hiding.

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Robert Quinn
Saturday, March 2, 2013 7:49 AM

It is the US House that has the Constitutional Power to begin an impeachment investigation and that is where we patriots must focus our efforts first and in a massive and unified way, even though we know the Senate is not likely to convict. It is the investigation with the full Constitutional Power of the US House that will destroy this man and the criminal regime behind him. We don’t need the Senate.

We must unify and demand an impeachment investigation into one of the most unconstitutional offenses committed by the Obama Regime (Benghazi for example) and make the prosecutors first assignment to be hearing and resolving Dr. Orly Taitz and Sheriff Joe Arpaio charges concerning Obama’s fraudulent instruments of eligibility, specifically his forged birth certificate and Selective Service registration card and his use of a Social Security number that was assigned to someone else and failed to pass E-verify. To prove forgery is simple and the authentic records, once exposed, will destroy this criminal regime.

I believe it is also wise to keep our efforts focused upon the criminal acts dealing with forgery and stay away from the natural born citizen issue. The majority of our Republican Congressmen don’t give a damn as some of our most conservative presidential prospects such as Rubio and Jindal are not eligible to be president under the strict reading of the constitution.

Lets keep it simple as only SCOTUS can resolve this issue. To prove forgery is simple and the authentic records, once exposed, will destroy this criminal regime. This is the only way now that SCOTUS has refused to allow any legal discovery through the judicial system.

What we lack is unity among we patriots and conservatives

Friday, March 1, 2013 8:14 PM

Fantastic efforts. Thank you. Personally, I have done that and more for almost 4 years now including personal visits to both Senators of my state. Congressmen as well.

The alarming aspect is the total complicity of every CONgress member. They know something we don’t to allow this criminal continued occupation. The Saudi invasion of our own oil dollars paid to them, has sold our Republic’s soul to foreign powers. The debt, the FED, the media mouthpieces are duping the public so bad.

The average citizen hasn’t a clue as to what’s really going on. Pessimistic you say? Try realistic. Unless a brave soul (with high integrity)of national recognition starts the process of barry soetero investigation with his fraud, forgery, and criminal acts of election fraud it is impossible to save the nation. A country cannot stand on falsehoods and illegitimate leadership.