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by OPOVV, ©2012

Joseph Brant was a Mohawk Indian chief who aligned himself with the British during the American Revolution and eventually went to Canada

(Dec. 17, 2012) — Consider yourself drafted, even if you’ve joined up, early on. It’ll put everyone on an equal footing: an equalizer, if you will, like having your head shaved when entering Boot Camp.

Welcome aboard; glad to have you. This is how we’re going to do it. At some time in each of our personal histories, some going back many, many generations, others just a few, each of our ancestors once belonged to a tribe somewhere at sometime. Maybe it was a Clan from Scotland, perhaps a tribe located near Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, or aligning with a Shogun in Japan, or one of our Native Indian Tribes here in America. Here’s the point: each of you is going to, in the near future, become associated with an American Indian Tribe. No, there will be no blood transfusion and no slicing hand with knife: “We Blood Brothers!”

You’ll not actually become nor turn into an Indian, but you will be expected to accept the US Constitution as the basis from which you’ll derive your laws and guidance, along with the Ten Commandments and the common sense that the Good Lord gave each of us. We welcome wayward souls back into the fold of rational thought.

It is true that, theoretically at least, one could assume membership in any American tribe.  We all could be a Chiricahua Apache and whisper “Geronimo!” as a secret greeting, but I believe that if we assumed membership in an Indian tribe that was once the dominant tribe of the location, it would make more sense, logistically speaking. I assure you that every American Indian tribe possessed very adept, able, and competent warriors: by definition alone, they had to be able to defend themselves against all enemies in order to survive long enough to be identified by name.

The Navajo is a case in point. There was a time when the Navajo Nation was the most feared tribe in the Southwest, and for good cause, for they had perfected the raid to a fine art and were respected by all the neighboring tribes, not for their ability to garden or animal husbandry, but by their stealth and cunning. Before the introduction of the horse, running a 26-mile marathon was just a warm-up run to them. Thinking of the Navajo just as peaceful sheepherders and weavers of rugs would be incorrect.

Each of you must do a bit of research and determine what large city is the nearest to you and find out which American Indian tribe controlled that area in 1776, and that will be the tribe that you’ll be associated with.

Look, we have to start sometime, somehow, to get together on acting as a unit, and this is how we’re going to do it. Each “tribe” will have its own area of responsibility, so if we all just do our job when we must, it’ll be a piece of cake.

You Indian Tribal Elders, from the Iroquois to the Yuma, from the Inuit to the Hawaiian, and from the Nez Perce to the Seminoles, prepare yourselves and your people to join forces with you brother and sister citizens to put back that piece of paper, the Constitution, that your forefathers swore an Oath to, where it belongs as the guiding document of Freedom for all of our world.


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Tuesday, December 18, 2012 10:27 AM

Dear Squaw for Freedom,
What a great idea, everyone choosing a 100% AMERICAN name.
There were a couple of goals in writing “Proposal”. One was to get people to think of themselves as Americans, with a family tree whose roots are embedded with the history of America.
The other was to get people to identify with one another as AMERICANS rather of ethnicity.
To view the map of the United States with the names of the American Indian tribes, we learn that, irrespective of where the tribe was located, they all, when all was said and done, made up the American Indian Nation.
The land that we’re on now was once an Indian village, or hunting ground, or was the trail for one of the three great buffalo herds that covered the US and Canada.
By and large, since we’re all removed a couple of generations away from when our country BECAME a country, each of us has learned that the Constitution is a pretty darn good document, and it’s really hard to find fault in it, even to the part about the citizen’s duty to replace a corrupt bunch of traitors, as we find today in the Legislative, Judicial and Executive branches of the government.
Thank you for your comment.

Monday, December 17, 2012 10:32 PM

I believe I am associated with Atakapas Ishak Nation.. If not, then it is the Caddo tribe.

I did enjoy the research, thank you, OPOVV.

I may change my name to Squaw for Freedom.