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by Gunnery Sergeant John McClain, USMC, Retired, ©2012, blogging at Gulf1

(Oct. 11, 2012) — I have had the opportunity to reach out to this audience for just about a year now, thanks to the welcome given me by Gulf1.com, and the very gracious and helpful editor, and I would like to take a moment to thank all who have taken the time and read my words, and consider them in their own perspective of our National crisis.

I especially would like to thank so many who have written some very poignant letters, many with high accolades, many with cogent, timely questions, and no shortage of true Patriots who have shown their continued support for the Nation which has allowed our way of life and liberty for individuals.  I have been greatly uplifted by so many stories of good, stories of true heroes, living for our Nation.

I also get the occasional letter from someone who entirely disagrees with my perspective, and I find those letters to be illuminating as well.  The other day I got a letter accusing me of being a ‘shill for international Capitalism’, and it made me stop and think.  It struck me odd, first, because I thought ‘capitalism’ was an open, unabashed system of free market enterprise, and as such, ‘shill’, seemed entirely out of place.  I’m not trying to sneak my free market thoughts in; I’m proud to stand behind the idea of capitalism, even if it crosses the universe and strikes another universe we don’t know exists.

The problem is, socialists have been doing their utmost to ensure our failure, and our outcome is no different than past nations. Lying is the means, the truth immediately shows the realistic end expectation; when all the ‘wealth has been spread’; the whole system is bankrupt and collapses.  Now if that were an open intent, there would be no need to lie, but we didn’t start our Nation with the intent of failure.

Socialism and its parent, communism, have been put forth as political theories, but they are not.  Since the end result is the collapse of formerly functional society, it can only be considered a means of war, and should be taught as such.  Its history is as long as man’s, and just as well-recorded.

At the same time, socialism’s siren call will always garner attention, because there are always those less fortunate in life, and for people who care, they cannot be merely ignored.  When a government is well run, a nation paid up, and being productive, it is tempting to reconsider the notion of redistributing wealth to “the less fortunate.”  When we are honorable, we recognize it is stealing from those who pay the taxes.

In a free market, only real money can be used, as a free person never accepts the false promises of the greedy.  The key to freedom is the ability to own one’s labor, something which can only happen with real money, and this is enforced by nature.  Our Nation is stagnant and collapsing because workers won’t work for paper, those with money won’t invest because they can’t know the value of assets which have been mixed in with total losses by “bundling” and without such investment, new jobs can’t be created.

As long as nations operated on competing currencies, capitalism reigned in world markets, whether it reigned in nations or not.  The ability to own one’s earnings requires real money, because fiat currencies put a ‘deed to one’s earnings’ in hand, and the earnings in the hands of those who raise or lower the value of the deed.  There is no doubt, the current “crony capitalism” which is natural in a fiat world, is biased towards those who own real wealth, and not paper deeds.

We are here because we have fallen for the lie as so many before us, we can hand out to those who won’t work, and to be proper, we should take it from everyone, that is, everyone who works, and most from those who work the hardest, because they get the most, and doing this won’t convince more people of the value of not working.

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Thursday, October 11, 2012 5:27 PM

“Gunny”, I have seen this “Mallstrom”, been involved in objection to it all since I sat in front of the “Boob-Tube” and heard the USURPER scream to that bunch of IDIOTS: “WE have five days to Fundamentally Transform the United States of America!!”
I looked at my wife, and said-“This DUDE is Dangerous!”
As a way of explaining myself I offer just this bit of frosting~I am 71 years old, @ 1960 USN, and for better or worse a 32Deg. Mason and a Knights Templar, I, as many of my Military Brethren remember well standing before the “Colors” of America and taking, Swearing and Attesting to “The Constitutional Oath”, the memory is as my Wedding Day 46 years ago, unfading and forever bright in memory.
I took that “Obligation “Of my own free will and accord, without Hesitation or Mental Reservation, as thru out my Masonic experiences I have also taken other “Oaths and Obligations” and they to stand in the forefront of my memory!
The point simply is this: I also sat and watched in HORROR when J. Roberts administered that “FAUX and INCOMPLETE” Presidential “Congressional Oath”, and again looked at my wife and SCREAMED “This DUDE is NOT the President of the United States of America, it is REQUIRED that to attain the position, you MUST, “Without Hesitation or Mental Reservation, before GOD and these Witnesses, SWEAR and AFFIRM you will Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America from ALL Enemies both Foreign and Domestic, and will do so to the best of your abilities, SO HELP YOU, GOD!!”~DID NOT HAPPEN!!
The “Oath was SO BUMBLED and INCOMPLETE that Roberts again administered it in a “Private Room”, with no audio access for “WE the People” to hear!?
The USURPER IS NOT NOW, OR EVER HAS BEEN the LAWFUL holder of “The Office of the President of the United States of America” under the REQUIRED Constitutional AFFIRMATIONS!!
From the PIGlosi’s ONE Constitutional Requirement Registration Form for HI., and the other 49 Registrations that DID NOT contain the “Constitutional Requirement” the complete Debacle, in my humble opinion has been a COMPLETE FRAUD that has been perpetrated on “The United States of America!!”
The problem is that “WE the People” abdicated the responsibilities put forth by the “Founders” when they created “ONE Nation Under GOD, with Liberty and Justice for ALL” and admonished us to “Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America” and gave us the Declaration that contained the most powerful paragraphs ever written by Man that simply states: “WHEN, in the Course of Human events, it thus becomes necessary for the People to ABOLISH or Change GOVERNMENT, for to those ends it NO LONGER Serves the People, e.t.c.-(paraphrased)-
“WE the People” FAILED, and are about to begin the journey down the Narrow, Dark Road of SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM and DESPOTISM and SERFDOM towards what will become “‘DA United SOCIALIST STATES ov AmeriKa!”