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by Sharon Rondeau

Can God's gifts to us become the driving force behind the purging of evil in our land?

(Jun. 24, 2012) — Several days ago a close friend and constitutional supporter sent a video to me which I have not stopped thinking about since.

If the beautiful child of God in the video has accomplished so much in her 21 years of life without some of the things which many of us take for granted, what could the rest of us “able-bodied” people do?

What kind of a person must Ami Sano’s mother be?  Another parent would have given up, thinking the job too difficult or impossible.  Other parents have.  The results speak for themselves.

After graduating from high school, Ami published a book of poetry entitled “Don’t Give Up” as well as a memoir describing her participation in cheerleading.  She is quoted as having said, “I want to climb the staircase of adulthood, step by step.”  She has become a motivational speaker and singer and has released her first CD.

Some so-called “handicapped” people are among the most talented the world has ever known.

There was a time and place when people perceived as “disabled” were not allowed to live.

An analysis of the “health care” bill passed in by a terribly misguided Congress and signed by Obama states that medical care to the elderly and disabled will “materialize only if future Congresses do not undo those cuts.”  Must we look to history to see what the future could hold if we do not act now?

In Jeff Steinberg’s book Masterpiece in Progress, he states on page 24 that when he was one month old, he became a ward of the courts because his father, who made the decision alone, did not believe his wife and he could handle raising a child with multiple deformities.  He was born in 1951 and spent most of his life in a children’s home for the physically handicapped.

In the Foreword to the book, singer Pat Boone wrote, “Jeff was denied by the circumstances of his birth things we take for granted, like two arms and legs” and described him as “a gentle giant” even though he stands four feet, six inches tall.

I recall that during a speech Jeff gave which I attended, he made the observation that if he had been born in another country such as Russia, he “would most likely not have been allowed to live.”

Jeff Steinberg's autograph which he made holding a felt-tip pen between his lips

As we see and fear the unconstitutional actions of the illegitimate, evil regime which has overtaken our nation, can we look at our many gifts and realize that each and every one of us can do more to save our nation than we ever thought we could?  We can type at our computers, we can use the telephone, we can walk our neighborhoods and reach out to others about what needs to be done to bring back the America we knew, the America where every life is treasured?

Can we become involved in campaigning for the most upstanding, God-fearing men and women to represent us at both the local and federal levels?  Can we join together and make our voices so loud that they cannot deny hearing our message?

There are those who believed they couldn’t write, and yet now write.  There are those who said they could not speak in front of people and yet have learned to do it.  There are those giving everything they have for the cause of freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  What about the rest of us?

Every day, people are defying the odds.

Sir Winston Churchill also said “never, never, never, never give up.”  Is the greatest opportunity of our lives within reach before November?

Just think what we could do with everything that God has given us.  We will never know what we can accomplish until we try.  Let’s get to it.


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Sunday, June 24, 2012 2:44 PM

There was another massacre on the news recently where a good number of children were killed. I don’t know about the rest of you, but a child’s death affects me a thousand times more than an adult’s. I thought what a waste. What if one of those kids grew-up and discovered the cure for rheumatoid arthritis, or just grew up and brought joy and smiles to whoever came in contact with them.
There are some people who have magic powers, who are so darn smart that it makes the rest of us feel as if we’re still in the ameba stage, or are talented beyond belief. Mozart comes to mind.
But everyone can’t be an Indian Chief, you need followers, too. I learned that little bit of wisdom while in the service: you can’t lead if there’s no followers, and you can’t follow if you don’t have a leader.
Sharon is 100% correct. We don’t care if you voted for Obama or wrote down “Easter Bunny”, just get on board and get with the program. Irrespective of whatever political party you support, if you don’t support the Constitution you will have abdicated all of your future rights to any freedom of choice for anything. You will have squandered your one chance in life to make this a better world for our children.

Sunday, June 24, 2012 2:41 PM

Ms. Rondeau: “WE of the Freedom Regiment”, and those who frequent and Post either Edirorials or comments here in the pages of P&E and support the causes of “Freedom” and detract the “Minions of the Left and those who would “Oppose Liberty” are as you say, gifted in our own right because regardless of “Our Personal Plights, or Handicaps, or Shortcomings”, “WE” still attempt to stir discussions, and freely do what ever “WE” can to stand by our Republic, it Constitution and what She Stands for.
“We must meet upon the Level, and Agree to Disagree” for the cause of “Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuits of Happiness” presented to U.S. by “The Founding Fathers”
I, personally Thank You for being here and providing the “Platform for Discussion” that you offer to all!
GOD, Bless, You and Yours!