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by OPOVV, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

What does the U.S. Department of Defense stand for?

(Jun. 22, 2012) — Since I’ve left the service, I’ve kept my finger in the pie, so to speak, having joined clubs and associations, sending Christmas cards, and keeping tabs on what goes on, in a general way, kind-of taking the pulse of our armed forces on, if not a daily basis, at least a weekly one. And since I’ve thrown my name in the ring for President with an accompanying website, plus my OPOVV@yahoo.com email site, I have received quite a bit of communication from our troops around the world, but also a large percentage from right here at home.  Of those, many come from the Pentagon on a daily basis. Most of those e-mails start off with “I like what you say” and end with “Keep the Faith, Anonymous.”

The following observations are the cumulative results of, I’ll just say “many,” e-mails that I’ve received from our troops. Surprisingly, the service with the most members, the Army/National Guard, comes in third. Some of the correspondence is in the form of a question, but most is just observations such as “I think you should know.”  Quite a few are, obviously, letting off steam, and I believe they are the most heartfelt and accurate descriptions of what’s bugging our troops.

All of the troops have the same complaints, with the exception of the Navy.  Complaints include allowing, or the intention of allowing, women on front-line fighting ships, carriers and, you guessed it, boats (submarines). Also, and this is equally true of all the branches:  they want to keep the Gays O-U-T.

The troops are very much aware of how LTC Terry Lakin got steamrolled at his kangaroo court martial. “If it can happen to him, what chance do I have?” they say.  They are also aware that the Joint Chiefs of Staff are just a political appendage of the Obama administration and couldn’t care less about the troops. In fact, the Joint Chiefs of Staff are so far removed from the chain of command as to be non-existent, thanks to their obvious intervention in Lakin’s court martial.

Since 2008, the Rules of Engagement have become so off-the-wall that they encourage our troops to make up any excuse rather than patrol the assigned route. One person wrote, “We went on a recon and told the CO that we read the map upside-down” to avoid what happened to those Navy Seals getting ambushed in the helicopter. As they say about our intelligence, “If we can read it, so can they.” They believe, and I agree, that it’s a total set-up to get our troops killed: Muslims 1, USA 0.

Which gets us into the heart of the complaints: Muslims. Our troops don’t want them in their units, they don’t trust them as far as they can see them, and if they get into a firefight, their first target will be their very own Muslim, of whatever rank or rate.

Muslims in the Army can talk about the benefits of Sharia (there are none), but a non-Muslim criticizing Sharia will get relieved of duty, transferred, or discharged. In the armed forces of today, they don’t want troops who will abide by their Oath to the Constitution and are, on a daily basis, discharging the very people we need. If our military doesn’t support and defend the Constitution, why in the heck do we even have it?

Believe me, our troops are very aware that their Commander-in-Chief is not on our side. The ones who wanted to make a career out of the military are having second thoughts, especially those who went to West Point and Annapolis.

Well, that’s it. About what I expected, although the strong support for Terry Lakin wasn’t anticipated. I feel sorry for the troops that want to do the right thing but are afraid to open their mouths. One last thing: no matter how it goes down, our troops will not hesitate to do what’s right. Count on it; I do.



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Sunday, June 24, 2012 12:46 AM

Thank you Tom, for confirming what we all just hoped and prayed was true – that the real ‘military’ will have our backs when the SHTF, regardless of what the politically-motivated traitors with 3 and 4 stars (or the equivalent) say. The JCS (Joint Chiefs of Sedition) will rue the day that they threw their oath to the Constitution under the bus, and instead became Traitors to their Country and to the Men & Women of the Military.

The ‘troops’ cannot fulfill the mission ahead (restore the Constitution) one at a time (LTC Lakin has already martyred himself to send the message of what needs to be done), but they can once they are united.

This message will be sent far and wide, both within and without the military, and may it serve as a rallying cry for all.

In the meantime, we should all check in at the new Special Ops website, to help direct their efforts to exposing the fact that the Usurper In Chief cannot issue anything but unlawful orders – which everyone (officers and enlisted alike) is duty-bound and oath-bound NOT to obey. http://www.SpecialOperationsSpeaks.com

Reply to  Patriot35
Sunday, June 24, 2012 9:41 AM

SIR: I sincerely Thank You for your providing the link to “SOS”!!
This “‘OLE Salt”, will Proudly become a Supporter!!

Friday, June 22, 2012 11:36 AM

Dear (Mr. President??)-I believe that one of your responsibilities during you quest for the Presidency, should be to extrapolate a method with which to SHARE-(with the Troops Permission)-at least portions of the Email and corospondence that you receive from them.
As the Deadbeat “ObamaMedia”, and a large percentatges of the Citizens?? of America care LESS than NOTHING for “The Guy’s that are willing to Give it ALL for his Country and Constitution, and in fact; remain the Strong-Point of what little there is “LEFT of America!”, in Editing, and/or deleting points-of-contention that would be considered suspect to public knowledge; I firmly beleive that there would be Benefits to Sharing!!
The addage: “Communications are Paramount”, applys here??

Reply to  meyerlm
Friday, June 22, 2012 2:53 PM

Well, MISTER VICE PRESIDENT TO BE, I wish I could, but you know I can’t. Not “one” of the reasons our troops tell me stuff, but the “ONLY” reason they confide in me is because they trust me 100% that 1) I would NEVER betray their confidence, 2) that I write exactly what they’re thinking and just wish somebody out there would feel they way they do about Right and Wrong, 3) they admire me for “telling it like it is”, 4) that they respect me for having served and believing in the Oath that I took to our Constitution, 5) they admire that my boyhood hero was Audie Murphy. I’ve heard from Seamen to Captains, from privates to Colonels, and from a Congressmen or two. Many times the information is very specific, like what went on during a cruise on one of our carriers, and that info is very welcomed, but I don’t write about 90% of the info I receive.
So, yes, I can “Share” some, like “wish somebody would’ve empty a clip into that Muslim (expletive deleted) at Ft. Hood!” and, from ALL the services, “We don’t want no queers in our squad”.

Reply to  OPOVV
Friday, June 22, 2012 9:28 PM

Well, Sir: You fired the “Fox1 Round” I fully expected, and understand!!
I only made the inference so basically the “Readers of P&E” might understand that regardless of the Garbage that is put forth by many Pundits, it is just that, Garbage, I, Think, He Said, She, Said, it might be, and the rest of the “Almost” Stuff that is floating around as compared as to “Classified Personal” Truth & Consequences” stuff that you are “Privy” to in your Communications!!
You are Duty & Honor Bound, and you know that I know and fully understand as an ‘Ole Salt!!
Just maybe, this “Bantering” between the two of us might serve to “Rile someone’s curosity enough to further “Seek the Truth??”

Friday, June 22, 2012 9:58 AM

Sharon, if true, this should be sent around the world. Please release it from copyright. Rog
Mrs. Rondeau replies: Editorial writers own their own copyrights, so OPOVV can distribute it as he wishes.

Reply to  rog
Friday, June 22, 2012 2:19 PM

Dear rog,
Well, yes it’s true, but it even gets better (or maybe worse, depending on one’s point of view).
You remember Ft. Hood. Well, I got a slew of emails, most saying “Stupid Army” for having the nut case in the first place, but the 100% consensus was why someone, and I quote, didn’t “empty a clip into Hasan”.
The Terry Lakin Affair has been the most commented about, mostly concern for what would happen to them if they did they same thing. My advice has been to follow their conscious but, at the same time, if the day comes when we need you, you’re not going to do anybody any good sitting in jail.
Consider Sharon’s posting my editorials in the Post&Email in the realm of Public Property.
As far as my chances of saving our Republic and restoring Patriotism as an admired trait, probably me cashing in a Powerball check (and, yes, I HAVE been hit by lightening once already).
There’s no question that I’d be the best President, but there’s also no question that I won’t receive many votes. People think that we’ve nothing to be overly concerned about, as if the troubles in Europe can’t happen here. Well, I wish they were right and I’d take the day off, but they’re not right, matter of fact, they’re VERY wrong, so wrong that by their stupidity in facing the truth they’re jeopardizing our children’s future. And that is UNACCEPTABLE.
And, rog, thanks for commenting.