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by Sharon Rondeau

(May 13, 2012) — Following comments he made on his Facebook page, Republican presidential candidate John A. Dummett Jr. received a threat at his campaign website which stated that he had been placed on a “hit list” from someone presumably in Al Qaeda or a related group.

Dummett had posted the following on his Facebook page:

I am nor a Muslim and we live in a Republic, not a theocracy. This is what was meant by separation of Church and State. No State-sponsored religion. I am a Christian so I won’t say what I really think of Islam but I will never ever respect or obey Sharia Law because to me Sharia Law means no more to me than what a bunch of kids make up when they play hide and seek and if Zuckerberg or however you pronounce and spell this billionaire, lucky to be living in America nerd says I have to respect Sharia Law he can k*** my h*** end. It is too easy to beat up on Christians because we turn the other cheek. Well, I will turn my other cheek but not the one on my face if anyone thinks that I am going to turn my back on my faith. If Obama does not like it go back to Kenya and take his harem and Sharia Law back with him. I will never bow to Sharia Law because it is not the law of this nation. The Constitution is the Law of this land.
John Albert Dummett, Jr.

The following message was then received by Dummett’s campaign website:

(And be careful, you are now on a hit list).

“Our talks with the infidel West and our conflict with them ultimately revolve around *one issue*—one that demands our total support, with power and determination, with one voice—and it is: *Does Islam, or does it not, force people by the power of the sword to submit to its authority corporeally if not spiritually? Yes.* There are only three choices in… Islam: [1] either willing submission [conversion]; or [2] payment of the jizya, through physical, though not spiritual, submission to the authority of Islam; or [3] the sword — for it is not right to let him [an infidel] live. *The matter is summed up for every person alive: Either submit, or live under the suzerainty of Islam, or die.”*
–Osama Bin Laden
(The Al Qaeda Reader, p. 42)

The Al Qaeda Reader is sold at Amazon.com and contains writings and oral statements made by Osama bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri.  Published in August 2007, the author compiled texts and “incendiary materials never before translated into English” to present the theology behind Islam’s jihad against Western Civilization.

Dummett stated that both preceding and after receiving the above threat, his computer had been attacked:

I have received my first death threat from Al Qaeda. On my campaign site I have been warned that  I am an official hit list member for my anti-sharia remarks. I will go down to my local Sheriffs department to get my carry concealed permit today. As a minor Presidential candidate I don’t know if I rate Secret Service protection, but I should. At least I have the courage to stand up and defend our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, unlike a lot of cowards out there. Now Obama and Romney have  a convenient excuse if I were to disappear. It certainly would help them get out of the corner I have them both in. Now this is what  I mean by being proactive by doing rather than talking. Now I hope everyone who thinks I have not laid it out there for the sake of all Americans will sing a different tune.

As you may know I am a Staff Programmer Analyst for the Department of Fish and Game in California so when I tell you something about computers you should realize I know what I am speaking about.

A couple days ago I was on Facebook and I responded to a post about Sharia law being shoved down our throats. About three minutes after making the post I had an attack on my IP address. My Internet security system by Kaspersky’s caught the attempt, warned me and I was able to get out of the problem.

The next day is when I received the Hit List threat. I sent you a copy of what was sent to me by going to my Facebook site and tracking down what I said and went to my email to get a copy of the threat. I did send you a copy of the text of that threat and what I posted on the Facebook site.

Today within minutes of sending that off to you I had another attack on my computer. My son was playing a video game on the computer when he came into my room to tell me a message came up on my PC saying that an outside threat was attempting to take over the computer. The computer closed the game my son was playing and began to run a script on my PC. When my kid came in to tell me what was going on I ran out to where the PC was and I could see that a script was running on my computer. I immediately shut down my system and took it off the net. I use Wi Fi to access the net so I was confidant I stopped the attempt to take over my computer. I restarted my computer, remained off the internet and ran a complete scan of my system. I did find several attempts to attack my computer and I cleaned my system. Now I can’t find the threat although I am trying to. I have 5,265 emails and need to see if I can filter out my latest emails to get the original threat.

It is still possible that my machine is still being monitored. The script that my kid accidentally let run, ran long enough to have already infected my computer. I still have to diagnose my laptop to see what is going on. In the meantime I am going to take the threat I received seriously. My computer is still under attack. I received another attack on my computer while I was writing this back to you. You can trust the attachment of the screen shot I took when I got the attack.

Anyway I will be going to the sheriff’s department to get a carry concealed permit until I figure out what just happened.

Dummett’s views on “God and Country” are expressed here.  As a presidential candidate, he considers himself “an ordinary middle class citizen.”  Dummett opposes unchecked illegal immigration and “entangling alliances” with foreign countries.  He believes that “A free people should be governed by law and not by the whims of men” and that “Only limited and carefully defined powers should be delegated to government, all others being retained in the people.”

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Sunday, May 13, 2012 1:13 PM

I attended a quarterly grassroots (TEA Party, 912, Patriots, etc.) leaders meeting yesterday and noticed that some of the attendees were carrying. This was unusual because I had not seen that in the past. When I inquired why they might be armed at a “TEA Party” they said because of the threat of outside interests attempting to disrupt the meeting. I then recalled seeing training documents for MoveOn types that did, in fact, instruct their useful idiots to disrupt meetings of conservatives.

MoveOn and their SEIU “colleagues” have a history of and encourage violence so I guess the folks were justified in carrying.

And I have to ask again: what are we doing to ourselves? What happened to America and Americans? We are regressing and devolving!

Reply to  "Zeb"
Sunday, May 13, 2012 7:06 PM

Dear “Zeb”,
“what are we doing to ourselves? What happened to America and Americans?”
Whoopie Goldberg said she based her decisions on “feelings rather than facts”.
Another line would be “I’ve always voted Democrat”.
Separate laws and sentencing guidelines for civilians verses law enforcement officers and politicians, as if any group of people could possibly have a different worth than any other group. Whenever a group separates themselves to be different, or worth more, or better, that’s the first stages of mass insanity: people actually accepting that their worth as a member of humanity is worth more than another, and find no cause to question the absurdity of such a notion.
It’s the old “Master Race” mentality, a very real and dangerous concept that, taken to it’s ultimate end, always leads to death and destruction, a true, as you said, “regressing and devolving”.
The road of Freedom is littered with the corpses of men and women of honor, people that deserve to be emulated, while the road of slavery, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Islam, is covered with the rot of the stupid, gullible, the lazy traitors who beg for handouts, the government employees who took an Oath to support and defend the Constitution but have turned their backs on any chance of redemption, people without a country, forever asking “Why” and “What went wrong?” and “How were we to know?”.
Well, I’ll tell you how: by ignoring the facts, starting with “WHERE’S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?”.
Don’t worry “Zeb”, it’s crazy for us all.