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by Dr. Laurie Roth, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

(Apr. 11, 2012) — So many of you have bludgeoned me with the ‘only’ conservative  plan  — vote Republican.  Now with Santorum dropping out it is most clear that the establishment have picked Romney to run against Obama.  Now the bird can fly.  Look at him soar.

We now have two feathers of a compromised,  liberal, big Government and anti-American Bird, flying overhead like a clangy drone.  Yet,  people desperate to get rid of Obama scream Romney and GOP.  Evil and light evil – Coke and Diet coke.

Anything is better than Obama so let’s vote for Romney.  BUT,  who is Romney and is he good for the country and will he fix our massive challenges or change his suit and be more of the same?

Romney is a political and wealthy power machine who is motivated by power.  His choices and record reflect that ‘the ends justify the means.’  What else can you believe when you even glance at the sewage and endless compromises in his record.  He ran for two terms as a pro-choice Republican.  He and his wife gave $150 to Planned Parenthood because he really was ‘pro-choice.’  Wanting the gay vote, he told the gays in his state that he would look the other way on gay marriage if they would give him their vote.  They did and he looked the other way.  Romney put in Romneycare,  a nightmare of expense for his state including $50 abortion co-pays.  It was the blueprint and inspiration for Obamacare.

In 2010 the political winds had changed and Romney decided it would be politically more expedient to run for President as pro-life.  We are supposed to magically believe the metamorphosis and change as real.  Then the unconstitutional cherry on the cake was when in one of the debates Romney said he supported the NDAA Bill.  You know, that unconstitutional betrayal of a bill, now law, that completely shreds and ignores Posse Comitatus, our Miranda rights and turns our U.S. military against American citizens.  With trumped-up terrorist charges, the President can turn the military on U.S. citizens and whisk them away to GITMO or any other place in the world.  They can be held without charges, without trial or representation for an undetermined amount of time, maybe years or decades.  Romney said he was for this.  Yes, make sure you vote Republican so America can be delivered from her oppression and betrayals.  Anything is better than Obama  — Really?

So,  we have the conservative poser, Romney, who thinks the NDAA Bill is a good idea, is back and forth on abortion, gay marriage and loves big Government health care and controls.  He authored it.

The other feather on the drone bird – Obama

Obama ran on transforming and changing America.  He has done that, alright.  He has taken us into Frankenstein’s Islamic and International laboratory and has been slicing us to shreds from day one.  Mandated health care or else – big fines (inspired from Romney care);  NDAA Bill voted into law; signed an aviation bill to have 30,000 drones flying overhead; assigned himself more martial law power in peace time; is systematically shutting down our coal and power industry; Stopping 1st amendment rights whereever Obama appears – no peaceful protests or you are arrested; he has pushed for amnesty as he has been manipulating the Hispanic vote; sued Governors in 4 states – AZ,WI, OH, IN; he is not a natural born Citizen and has shown the nation a birth certificate forgery; he had a social security number from a state he never lived in; The first President to violate the 1973 War Powers act…on and on.

Who is Outsider Laurie Roth and why do I care?

I am not just a ‘well-meaning, conservative woman running for President’  but have a very unique package that will receive massive and growing media attention and will also garner the support needed for a win.  Having been in national media for 11 years,  I know how short attention spans can be.

I offer a vision no other Candidate has,  total tax liberation and reformation with my 2% point-of-purchase tax and eradication of all other Federal taxes, including income tax and any business tax.  Yes,  this IS Constitutional and far better than what we have had and what has been authored by others in debates.  Others authored suggestions would control and oppress the people.  Mine will not.  In fact, my 2% POP tax plan is the only one that will actually and truthfully  get us completely out of debt, stabilize social security and Medicare/Medicaid.  It also positively addresses  our military and other fiscal needs, while giving people back their income, profits…and their lives.   It will enable us to fund energy infrastructure projects in all 50 states, creating millions of jobs while providing grants for startup businesses.  Facing the Governmental control machine of many decades will be a battle.  But, it must be done.  I have the courage and plan to get it done.

I am the only Candidate who understands how to bring America back from her ‘road kill’ condition since I am the comeback kid story of the century.  I not only survived a near fatal motorcycle accident in 2005 with no health insurance, all income lost,  a two- and a nine-year-old, losing my show and being in a coma for several weeks after crashing on my face with a deer on me.  Out of this nightmare, which covered so many losses,  I have systematically built back my show,  life, health and career.  I did this with daily work,  prayer,  guts,  discipline and follow-through vision to get back and achieve.   I believe I epitomize the American dream.  No one was applauding,  watching and doing the hours of therapy work in my home each day for over a year except me.   I am the one who can inspire and lead a nation back from the brink.  I am neither a sound byte nor politician.  But,  I am a walking miracle and patriot with real and doable ideas.

I am the only candidate who has boldly confronted the evil compromises of the current usurper president since day one.  I have led in exposing Obama’s eligibility fraud and lies in countless published articles over the last four years, including weekly interviews on my show.  I was even a key plaintiff in the Georgia lawsuit, represented by Attorney Orly Taitz, addressing Obama’s lack of eligibility to be on any ballot.  Sadly, though, Judge Malihi was compromised and ruled against the truth and for Obama.  I still put my money where my mouth is.  Only recently,  Sheriff Joe,  after a six-month investigation of law enforcement officers, confirmed that the presented long-form birth certificate by Obama displayed at his famous press conference on April 27th was a total forgery.  He also confirmed the use of false social security numbers and more.  A few days ago, Sheriff Joe boldly and publicly condemned the GOP Presidential Candidates lack of courage, honesty and attention in even addressing this national crisis.  I have done this from the very beginning.

I have been a popular syndicated national radio host for over 11 years and broken many stories while covering and researching the issues that matter to America.  I was nominated for the Ronald Reagan award in 2010 by CPAC for breaking the Weather Underground leader William Ayers’ links to Obama.  There is a documentary movie being made on my accident,  comeback and presidential candidacy.  It is due to be released this summer.  This will be media attention and coverage that no candidate could afford to buy.  It is based on truth, not fiction or distortion.

As never before in our country’s history, I believe that the 2012 election is seeing the American people demanding that candidates stand on Constitutional principles.  In order to win the Presidency of the United States of America I know that I must adhere to those principles as laid down by our founding fathers and mothers.

We have already seen what the politicians, lawyers, millionaires and billionaires can do.  Isn’t it almost past time to see what a true Constitutional Christian Conservative — Dr. Laurie Roth — can do?

I hope and pray I can count on your support and vote.  www.laurieroth2012.com   www.therothshow.com

Laurie Roth

Presidential Candidate

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Thursday, April 12, 2012 8:17 AM

I will vote for the candidate whose campaign directly challenges Obama’s eligibility. This must be resolved or Obama will have undone that which Lincoln gave his life for and “Government of the people, by the people and for the people” will forever perish from this earth.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 2:08 PM

Dr. Roth, there are at least TWO of you isolated and distressed in “The Land of Never, Never, POLITIX!”
My friend, Thomas MacLaran is as you are, fighting an extremely steep and impossible Mountain to gain a foothold at the “Sumit of American Ideologies”, and be able to, “Preserve, Protect and Defend The Constitution of the United States of America from ALL Enemies Both Foreign and Domestic, SO Help You GOD!!” I have followed and befriended him in HIS QUEST to gain “The Office of the President of The United States of America!
I have posted that it is, of course INSANE to bring a Knife to a Gunfight and from closly following the Debacle of “O” for almost four years, been a member of “American Grand Jury”, been involved with “Presentments to Knowhere”, I see the efforts of Taitz, Apuzzo, Kreep, Hatfield and hundreds of other “Attorneys and Lawsuits” going ABSOLUTELY NO PLACE!! I use LTCmdr. Walter Fitzpatrick and Kerchner as examples of “‘DA Fix is IN”, and this 1871 Illegal, De Facto CABAL being directed by a “Communist, Tin-Hat Dictator” has it’s hooks so deeply imbedded everywhere that there is Absolutely NO Judiciary, Military or Law Enforcement-(except for Joe)-that has come forward and remembered the “Constitutional Oath” that they Swore and Attested to!!
Until the “Iron Curtain of “O” is brought crashing down, and the SHEEPLE follow the directives of the “Declaration”, and Abolish that Government that NO longer serves the People~most assuredly what follows is “A Bunch of Rag-Tag Citizen-Farmers”, again marching on Concord!!
May GOD have Mercy on U.S. ALL!!!