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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Do today's Americans understand the true price of liberty?

(Oct. 27, 2011) — “If I can see farther than others, it’s because I stand on the shoulder of giants,” written by Sir Isaac Newton in 1676. I don’t mean to be presumptuous, but I’m going to count myself standing on the shoulders of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and every author of every book I’ve ever read. I am an unique individual, in that I have no ambition; just ask my ex-wives. I’ve never sought fame or fortune, my name in print or my picture in the paper, and I still don’t. And as I’ve informed the Federal Election Commission and the Republican Party, I will not, under any conceivable circumstances, accept one penny in any campaign contribution, from individuals or PAC’s (Political Action Committees) or from the government’s matching funds.

I am a legal American citizen, born in the USA, as were my parents. I am part Native American Indian, and a town in Oklahoma is named after my great grandfather, a government Indian Agent who married the Chief’s daughter. Obviously, he was one of the few honest agents and regarded very highly.

I’ve never been in politics but have always taken a keen interest. And I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t think it was necessary, and it is. Obama is killing America and everyone who’s come down the pike to replace him, all of these Approved Republican Party Hopefuls, just do not have what it’ll take to get us on track.

I believe I’m the best candidate at this time to put this country back on track. If someone comes along and I think that they can do the job better than I, I’m outta here in a New York minute. I can’t, for the life of me, think of such a thankless job. Be that as it may, a job doesn’t have to be fun and games, but nevertheless, the job must get done, and in an expedient manner.  That is why I’m saying here and now that not one second will be spent on running for a second term.  My campaign promise is to get this country on an even keel within four years. If I can’t do it within four years, I’m not worth my salt, and if I can, then you don’t need me anymore: either way, I’m not running for a second term. But I will say this: what I’ve proposed in my past writings will be accomplished, of that you can be sure.

The price of liberty will be to bite the bullet, to do what, for whatever made-up reason, wasn’t done in the past. Had illegal immigration been handled properly in the past, we wouldn’t have the mess we have now. I’ll fix the problem quickly: any employer who is caught with an illegal employee will spend one year in jail.  Any illegal immigrant caught beyond June of 2013 will surrender all assets and either go to jail, then be deported, or just deported.

All Muslims will be deported. I will also abolish the IRS and Homeland Security; cut ALL government jobs by half the first six months, and give the military what this veteran thinks it needs, starting with a whole new Joint Chiefs of Staff. A 10% flat tax will be implemented. No exemptions. All those on welfare will work for their check, even if it’s picking up trash from the neighborhood and parks.

What I’m saying is I don’t give a rat’s behind where I am in the polls, ever. All I care about is getting us back on track. This wrecking the economy will end: everyone will have a job, even if it’s community service, like the WPA, but everyone will contribute to the prosperity of our great nation, and I mean it. I’m not doing this because I’ve nothing better to do; I’m doing this because someone‘s got to do it and I can‘t imagine anybody getting it done any better than me, and that‘s a fact.




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Friday, October 28, 2011 11:35 AM

I’m with you. Very bold and what we need.
Semper Fi