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by Sharon Rondeau

(Jul. 13, 2011) — The Post & Email seeks to bring the most factual, well-sourced news to the internet community, particularly in the area of the Obama eligibility issue.  We also focus on government corruption, which, as we have learned, is endemic in Washington, DC as well as at the state and local levels.

We seek to inform the American public as to the current state of their government so that the citizens can decide on the best course of action.

The Post & Email offers a free subscription service which delivers our new postings to your inbox twice daily or via RSS feed.

We are most appreciative of those who have chosen to support this publication by a monthly or one-time paid subscription.  Even the smallest amount is most helpful toward maintaining our equipment; purchasing new equipment, which was necessary last winter; buying supplies, paying for telephone and fax service, hosting and registration expenses, postage, our post office box, annual business fees, which are about $200, and federal taxes.

If you are a contributor or new reader of The Post & Email, we ask that you thoughtfully consider a one-time or monthly subscription to support our work.  It takes a considerable amount of time and effort to produce the in-depth stories and interviews we feature as well as to prepare and publish our contributors’ work on a daily basis.  We work seven days a week, between 10 and 12 hours each day, to prepare the detailed type of reporting that you have come to expect from The Post & Email.

Our citizen editorials have been superb and numerous lately, and we also carry several syndicated writers’ work in that section of the paper.  Anyone is welcome to submit an editorial piece in keeping with our posted guidelines.  Very few online newspapers contain such a feature whereby the news can be told by the common man in his own words to his peers.

Also, please support our advertisers, who have helped us to meet our expenses, particularly over the last six months.  Anyone interested in placing an ad with us can make an inquiry here or contact us here.

We know that the economy is tough and many cannot initiate a paid subscription now.  If you are a regular reader and cannot support us financially, please consider telling those in your circle of influence about The Post & Email and encourage them to drop by to read the news which isn’t available in this format anywhere else on the web.

For those wishing to reproduce our work in full on their own blogs, you may purchase a blogger’s license from us for $10.00/year per blog, which covers an unlimited number of our articles.  We would ask that all other citations adhere to the “fair use” standard.

For $15.00 annually, you may subscribe to our “Editor’s Note” which is issued every Sunday and contains a forward look at the news items we will be covering that week.  You may add your name to the Editor’s Note by using the “Donate” button on the front page and indicating such on the memo line.

Many of you have sent comments to me personally regarding the disabling of the Comments feature at the site about five weeks ago for which there were several reasons.  At this point, people seem equally divided about the matter, with roughly half of those from whom I have heard stating that they see the newspaper as better and more focused on its task of publishing now than before.  About an equal number have stated that they believe the Comments added a great deal to the pool of knowledge and would like to see the feature reinstated.  One person very generously offered to moderate comments, which was much appreciated and can take up to two hours each day.

So that our readers can be fully informed, the challenges with the Comments feature are as follows:

  • The function would have to be revamped to do a better job of filtering unwanted comments, including death threats to this editor;
  • The registration of all commenters would be enabled and implemented to include screening out fake email addresses and IP numbers;
  • Infringement of the rules, which would once again be posted, would not be tolerated, including readers launching personal attacks on other readers;
  • We would need several volunteers or paid staff to help moderate comments or perform other tasks so that the editor could moderate them;
  • We would need to raise an estimated $1,000 to hire a skilled webmaster to troubleshoot and resolve the above problems.

The information above is to be taken under advisement by our readers so that they can decide on the best course of action, if any.

If you have been or are a supporter of The Post & Email, we thank you.  If not, please consider what the newspaper is worth to you each day in contrast to the mainstream media which garners millions of dollars each year but reports very little as regards presidential eligibility and government corruption.

Thank you.