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March 30, 2011

The White House has 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms and six levels. Is it more of a palace than a temporary home for the chief executive officer of the nation?

Mrs. Rondeau,

Whether Donald Trump is feathering his own nest, so-to-speak, for his own political purposes, or not, he seems to be rapidly warming to the reality that there are legitimate questions regarding the eligibility of Obama to sit in the White House.

While Donald has always been flamboyant he has never been considered a crackpot so his attention to this issue is receiving media attention — even if 90% of it is from Fox News and its program hosts — at least Fox News has the ratings to interview Donald and disseminate the information widely.

I have also heard Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, who did actually interview ‘The Donald,’ repeatedly talk about Donald’s quest using Donald’s statements as a legitimate way in which to open the door for discussions of the issue on their programming.

I pray this story will have ‘legs’ in the media, and it will IF Donald pursues a quest to run for the Presidency, and IF Donald will continue to talk about it.

By easily and quickly procuring and publishing both his hospital-generated birth certificate and the official long-form birth certificate issued by the Department of Health, signed by all necessary officials, he has brought to the forefront the obfuscation of Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth.

Donald’s recent interviews suggest that his attention to this issue has generated, for his consideration, more serious questions about Obama’s legitimacy as well as the requests and prayers of many citizens that he pursue this issue for the future of the country.  He sounds as though he is beginning to recognize the seriousness of the issue.

Your letter to Donald Trump — that I believe will be carefully read — while lengthy because of the amount of information you were able to include, should add immeasurably to the wealth of information he needs to have available to confirm his concerns and help him lead the way on this issue.  We can only pray he will.

Though Donald has, so far, concentrated exclusively on Obama’s alleged birth in Hawaii and the mysteries surrounding his early existence, the information you have provided in your letter should alert him to the other questions — dual citizenship and natural born citizenship being incompatible, for example — that need to be explored.

You are doing your part, Mrs. Rondeau, and we who share your beliefs are forever in your debt.  Winston Churchill’s famous comment come to mind, and I paraphrase:  “Never in the field of human conflict have so many, owed so much, to so few. ”  You are among the few in this field of conflict.

God Bless You for what you are doing.


Rosalind W. Graham

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Thursday, March 31, 2011 7:52 PM

I think it is hilarious that the Obots debunked Donald’s short form. Some said it wasn’t good enough. donald went and got his long form to satisfy them.

Haven’t the Obots just proved our point. Even Donald’s short form had a signature and dr’s name while the Obots had nothing. They’ve all just made fools of themselves because the accepted Obama’s short form but not Donald’s!???? What idiots.

Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:31 PM

…..Like shape-shifting Alien, socialist, commie, mooselum, anti-christ, ebil Obama.

Thursday, March 31, 2011 4:41 AM

You can add Bachmann to the list of losers. She just said that the eligibility issue is the least important issue. This insider has it all backward. Nothing is more important than knowing that the person who is taking down our country is eligibility to do so.

Reply to  Fran
Thursday, March 31, 2011 9:10 AM

Yep, Backmann said she doesn’t care about the Constitution. That’s the kind of thinking that got us where we are today, we certainly don’t need more of the same.

Bachmann has been officially, “Alinskied”, and fear is driving her to avoid the only issue that really matters.

Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:01 AM

Let’s not forget Megyn Kelly, who grovels every time OBAMA’S name is mentioned. Pawlenty blew his chances
also he just knows Trump would clean his clock I’m tired of these same commie politicians who do nothing for this country.
Mrs. Rondeau replies: Ms. Kelly was referred to specifically in the letter as being complicit in the cover-up.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 11:12 PM


Why is Trump donating $50,000 to Rahm Emmanuel???

Is he really “pro-life”…..what proof do we have he has been a “republican.”

Haven’t they become sort of one party, covering for each other?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 11:09 PM

OMG, the OBOTS at all the Obot websites have worked themselves into a tizzy , and killing who knows how many trees in the Rain Forest, defending Obama’s refusal to resolve the question of his birthplace. Then here comes Donald Trump, and he releases kind of a short form. When it is pointed out to Donald Trump that he released the “short form”, what did Trump do??? Did he diddle around for three years??? Did he spend who knows how much money fighting lawsuits??? Did he cause anybody to go to jail???

OH, I am on edge!!! Oh, I am full of suspense!!! How in the world did Donald Trump solve the question of WHERE he was born???

He just released the long form. SAID. DONE. OVER WITH. Two days. No more questions.

Meanwhile, all the little Obots, who just love to tease us and call us names, are still sitting around making e-mudpies commenting on an issue that should have been resolved three years ago. . .

Tee Hee! Tee Hee!

Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter
Mrs. Rondeau replies: It really was easy, wasn’t it?

Reply to  SqueekyFromm
Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:12 AM

McCain did the same thing during the 2008 election. And he did it a couple months before Obama was first asked to. And he did it to a Court of Law AND to a U.S. Senate committee which included none other than Obama himself.

Take that msm and Obots, and of course Whoopie!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:35 PM

Trump also released his Mother’s Official Naturalization record which stated she became a US Citizen before Donald was born. Now why would he do that ? That is not a document that the average person would have ready to present in an HOUR ?!?!?!?

The Donald and his people know more about what is going on than it appears…

Stay tuned…

Reply to  DrJim77
Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:18 AM

I believe Mr. Trump did that after POLITICO staff writer Ben Smith said in his 3/28/11 article:

“Trump’s mother, it should be noted, was born in Scotland, which is not part of the United States. His plane is registered in the Bahamas, also a foreign country. This fact pattern — along with the wave of new questions surrounding what he claims is a birth certificate — raises serious doubts about his eligibility to serve as President of the United States.”
Mrs. Rondeau replies: Obama hasn’t produced anything with a signature, yet Politico demands nothing more of him than that online image with the blacked-out certification number! And Obama’s father was born in Kenya and NEVER became a citizen, unlike Trump’s mother. Do you see the treason?

Ed '74
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:17 PM

Just for the record, I’m sure thousands have accessed obama’s selective service registration deal. all you have to know is a couple things like SS no. and date of birth. That’s been published regularly on many sites…..

Ed '74
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 10:14 PM

Just saw Trump on O’Reilly.


I’m now a solid supporter. Rove is a nut, he says Obama is a US citizen, which is not the qualifier for president. How the heck does he know, he sure hasn’t seen his birth certificate.

And Rubio: So he thinks native born and natural born are the same thing? He’s now on my, NO WAY, JOSE list. and he’s sure obama is a citizen? how would he know?

Trump gave straight answers on everything.

Reply to  Ed '74
Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:23 AM

I’m not ready to become to solid supporter of Trump yet, but if no one else steps up to the plate fairly soon like he already has then RUN DONALD RUN!

Crazy old coot
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 7:56 PM

Well, I can quit worrying about rubio:

Pawlenty isn’t the only idiot out there:

Rubio: Obama Is a Christian and Was Born in America
NRO ^ | March 30, 2011 | Greg Pollowitz

Posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 3:07:28 PM by RobinMasters

Dear 2012 candidates: is it really this hard to answer the birther question like Senator Rubio?

ABC News:

Rubio had harsh words for Obama on government spending (too much of it) and Libya (for not intervening earlier), but he was also critical of conservatives who question the president’s religion and his status as a native born American citizen.

“That’s a waste of time,” Rubio said. “He says he’s a Christian. He’s a Christian. And I do believe he was born in the United States. And I don’t think any of those things are the reason why America’s in trouble.

If rubio ever had a political career, he just destroyed it. As far as I am concerned,. anyway!

California Birther/Dualer/Doubter
Reply to  Crazy old coot
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 9:47 PM

Rubio may not be a natural-born citizen himself anyway, so no big loss. I was really stoked about him before, but now Pawlenty and Rubio have made themselves out as liars and no longer worthy of consideration. Time to look for someone else, and Trump may just be the ticket. The other two have seriously underestimated the birthers, both in numbers and in their depth of understanding of the issue that casts grave doubts that Obama is anything but an illegal squatter in the White House.

Arnie Rosner
Reply to  Crazy old coot
Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:16 AM

More than ever…the more they attempt to cover this up it really only goes to prove the point the dems and repubs are in this together. There is no two party system.

Reply to  Crazy old coot
Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:33 AM

A usuper is a traitor any one backing a usuper is a traitor,this is treason.Anyone that has taken a oath to protect the united states,better do their job now and live up to their oath they took.A usuper cant be impeached but removed now.Hello military,that is just one thing,the next domestic enemy,not protecting our borders,and letting forgein troops practice in this country.

Reply to  Crazy old coot
Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:28 AM

Agreed. The plain, simple and sole reason why America is in the trouble it is in is because Obama/Soetoro has never had sole allegience to and faith in America.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 7:49 PM

Citizen Trump. no more. no less.

Gratitude, Mrs. Rondeau, blessings and appreciation and admiration.

Donald, You’re Hired!

God Save the U S A , we’re worth it.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 4:34 PM

I know he has some baggage but at least he has no skeletons. His life has been pretty much an open book. We badly need someone that knows economics and who is not afraid to tell foreign countries to pound sand (pun intended). We need to continue to contact him to pound away on the NBC status! I know all of you patriots here and on other sites are filling up his inboxes and such but we MUST NOT LET UP! He is still being educated on the whole issue but he is learning more each time I see him. I absolutely LOVED the way he released his “birth certificate” and was immediately pounced on by the media and some websites, bloggers, that it was not a valid BC so he then produced the real McCoy! That was priceless!!! ) It just proved that everybody KNOWS that pos factcheck put out was just that.

Reply to  SallyAl
Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:48 AM

Lt.col. Lakin has more class than anyone now,West has said socialist,true,Trump asked the right question,true.This isnt about the election,its about treason.Trump should of come out and said anyone being and backing this usuper,father from kenya,not a natural citizen,case closed,your all fired.Pensions frozen,benefits frozen.This should happen now until they quit aiding this domestic enemy.

Reply to  SallyAl
Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:36 AM

I firmly believe Trump put his hospital birth certificate out there HOPING the lefties would jump on it so he could then produce the real McCoy. Brilliant and priceless!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 2:23 PM

Colonel Hollister gets obama draft registration info!!!…

Reply to  Redd
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 7:38 PM

Thanks, Redd (wonder if you are J. Redd, someone I know??) for posting this. Here is the email I just wrote to the Gazette reporter:

“Matt, first of all, using the biased media term “birthers” is a cheap shot, derogatory and not worthy of a professional reporter. Second of all, Obama’s Selective Service info has been out for several years. See Debbie Schlussel’s blog:
http://www.debbieschlussel.com/4428/exclusive-did-next-commander-in-chief-falsify-selective-service-registration-never-actually-register-obamas-draft-registration-raises-serious-questions/ and the attachments. Had you done a bit of homework, you would have found this information very easily.

I think a follow-up report by you, crediting Ms. Schlussel with uncovering Obama’s questionable Selective Service Registration is in order. And yes, I fully support LtCol Hollister, LtCol Laken, Capt Rhodes, LCDR Walter Fitzpatrick III, and other service members who want their putative Commander-in-Chief fully vetted now.

BTW, are you an “investigative reporter”? If so, you have no idea of the scoop you have in front of you!”

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 12:52 PM

Not unlike the RAF battling the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britan, the RAF was on Deaths Ground (Sun Tzu) and as such they had no choice but to win and so we must as well.

Reply to  Stock
Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:52 AM

Also not unlike the 101st Airborne Division defending Bastogne, Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge, the 101st was on defeat’s door and in response to a German surrender ultimatum General Anthony Clement McAuliffe replied “NUTS!”

Reply to  Stock
Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:54 PM

have you heard of the new central bank of libya,the fed.behind this BIS,IMF,WB, banks in the middle east & a new national oil co.100% state owned.There are 6 countries that dont have rothschilds bank Libya,Iran,Iraq,cuba,&north korea.Lets see who they hit next.Cfr want no borders,want the north american union & a new constitution,just like europe.one world bank which will belong to the rothschilds with the cfr bankers.

Reply to  sky
Thursday, March 31, 2011 7:49 PM

No Rothchild’s banks? Maybe they are smarter than we are for not letting them in!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 11:46 AM

The talking heads at FoxNews are as “lost” on this issue as the rest of the obama kool-aid drinkers!! Greta, Hannity, O’Reilly & Beck continue to confuse their audience with their ignorance and silence!
If I hear Hannity one MORE time promoting Marco Rubio, a “seemingly patriotic guy” but nonetheless NOT a Natural Born U.S. citizen, as a VPOTUS or POTUS candidate, I might just shoot the TV!
Every night Hannity continues to ponder and question his guests about the “possibility” of obama getting re-elected! Or, who on the Republican side can defeat obama from being re-elected!
WHAT is SO hard about doing some REAL investigative work concerning POTUS eligibility, from within the requirements of the U.S. Constitution? Or maybe a discussion on the differences of being a Natural Born Citizen, a Naturalized citizen or a Dual citizen?
I mean, if the major topic of Hannity’s show is about the upcoming Presidential 2012 election, can’t he find the time to squeeze in some “eligibility” discussion and the questions on the minds of MILLIONS of Americans concerning obama’s eligibility?

Reply to  GMScott
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 5:29 PM

It looks like the liberals use the Fox news as a Trojan horse to cultivate some ideas amongst the conservatives – they just don’t have any other access to them. This is what guides O’Reilly, Beck, Hannity etc. Hannity thinks that telling somebody that he/she is a great American automatically makes them great Americans. No, it does not. Generally, the Fox news has moved quite a bit to the left recently – perhaps, it is an adjustment towards the new election season. They look right wing station only because everybody else are too far left.

Reply to  GMScott
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 6:55 PM

To GM Scott,

The Talking Heads at FOX are not lost or ignorant. Each one of them had a choice to make: Take a patriotic stand for your country [America] and be truthful with your viewership, “or” keep receiving your obscenely inflated paychecks. The pet Talking Heads of Ailes/Murdock-Saudi Wahabi Sultans chose the latter.

Arnie Rosner
Reply to  ramboike
Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:21 AM

And those of We the People who subscribe to believing these hypocrites and traitors have joined the twilight zone of the new breed known as “We the Dummies”

Prove it to yourself just how stupid you are. Can you face the truth? We have been had. Some of us figured it out with lots of help. Others to dammed stupid too heed the warnings and look up from the Kool-aid.

For those with a minimum of intellect…(now be careful here…we don’t want to be responsible causing people to realize the education they received in an institution of higher learning was really brainwashing to dumb them down (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=the+dumbing+down+of+America)) for those still capable of critical thinking here is the inside story.
Mrs. Rondeau replies: It is the intent of this newspaper to present the truth, and nothing but.