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by Timothy Joseph Harrington

Sgt. Lawrence Hutchins is 26 years old and from Plymouth, MA, where the first Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower in 1620. Plymouth was named after the town in England from whence the Pilgrims had sailed to the New World.

(Feb. 26, 2011) — The following letter was sent by Sgt. Timothy J. Harrington to Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown regarding Sgt. Lawrence Hutchins, who was court-martialed and received an 11-year sentence for allegedly killing an Iraqi man in 2006.  Hutchins has served four years of that sentence at Ft. Leavenworth, was released for nine months pending his appeal, but returned to prison on Friday, February 18, 2011.

February 23, 2011

Senator Scott Brown
317 Russell St. Office Bld.
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Brown:

Myself and other veterans from around the country have contacted your office without the courtesy of a single reply from you or your senatorial staff with regard to the continued persecution of Sgt. of Marines, Laurence Hutchins III.  We have had several conversations with your staff to include a former active Marine Captain who is on your staff.  This particular staff member knows the history well since he was in Iraq when the events unfolded and had one of the accused members, Cpl. Shumate, as his duty driver.

We have reason to believe that you have no desire to involve yourself in looking into the corrupt manner in which the UCMJ conducted the trials against one of your constituents (Sgt. Hutchins) as evidenced by your being silent on this issue.  You still serve in uniform for the Army reserve as a JAG officer.

First and foremost, you are now also a member of the United States Senate with an obligation to represent your constituents as you stated in your campaign for the 2010 elections.  You ran for what was NOT the seat of the late Senator Kennedy, but the seat of the people of Massachusetts whom you promised to represent.

In view of last week’s UCMJ decision to overturn an innocent finding and order Sgt Hutchins incarcerated without allowing a clemency hearing, it is time for you to engage, Senator, especially coming from a thirty (30) year background in the penal system known as the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice).

There is no justice as you know in a penal code.  This is plain and simple history.  The system runs by orders and not justice, as can be found in the writings of Colonel William Winthrop’s, Military Law and Precedent, Vol. I and II – demonstrated in generations of fights on the constitutionality of the UCMJ, better known as the War Articles.

Senator,  we have contacted your office with regard to the plight of Sgt. Hutchins and have offered contact to council and government documentation that shines the light on the truth of what has been done to this Marine and others in the military that sit behind bars of US prisons, out of sheer political expedience. I need not remind you of your oath or obligations to them and your representation of both of your offices, the Senate, and your standing as a commissioned officer. All other individuals previously notified of this issue while in office, such as Mr. Delahunt, were only concerned about capitulation and the sentencing phase in order to find a middle ground for political convenience and plea deal so everyone but Sgt. Hutchins could feel good. Yet, he sits today back behind bars for one simple reason….he refuses to make a deal since he and all involved know that they are not guilty of any of the charges brought against them.

Sir, you have decided as of late to write a book, have interviews on television and radio to talk about how you were victimized as a young boy. You have also made it known that there was no consummation, just “victimization”.  Let’s look at this in the same light and compare your experience with that of these young men and women in uniform.

We send these young folks over to fight and represent the nation where innocence is lost with the speed of heat. We have had twice as many KIA and wounded in the last 2 years than in all of the previous eight (8) in both theaters of action, due to leadership and most of all insane ROE, rules of engagement.  Talk about victimization!  Some pay with their lives, some pay with physical and mental wounds entrenched within these soldiers that are seldom seen and many times ignored.  Then they come home and are victimized by the very people and system that sent them into harm’s way to be persecuted, charged and put behind bars for political and tactical reasons by the very people they trusted. Having the consummation of being put behind bars and losing their freedoms after fighting the battle, the victimization continues. That, Senator is a true story of victimization and you say that know what that feels like. Look at it on that scale. They have been molested by the very people and the country they trusted and served and have not been given a voice or a system to actually defend them with the actual truth!  That is a sadder story!

We have asked for your assistance as members of the Veterans Council of U.S Patriots Union.  Now, we demand it Senator.

We have a broken system. We have a system that by law should not and cannot exist outside of martial law. History is a funny thing, it is what it is. You have perjury, collusion, broken chains of custody and command, presentment of false evidence, barring of exculpatory evidence, egregious violations of defense to the UCMJ, command influence, attainder and the list goes on.  That is the rape of innocence! As mentioned earlier, you now wear both hats, one as a JAG and one as a United States senator.  The lack of information in the print and main stream media will not stop this from going forward to effect change. We have a staff of senior officers and enlisted that will demand along with their families to be heard in public investigations in Washington DC.

The American citizens and the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as it pertains to Sgt. Hutchins, will have access to the truth. The department of defense has spent millions of dollars with the blessings of this and the past administration to use our warriors as bargaining chips for benefit of the very people they were sent to fight, all for pure politics. It stops now and the families demand justice.

At the very time CAAF overturned Sgt. Hutchins decision from the En banc ruling, the United States was working to free enemy combatants in Afghanistan.  Looking at the Middle East and the conditions there leaves many speechless. Teach democracy and make a mob so as they can officially elect terrorists as their new leaders for a country we emancipated and then, turn upon your own in uniform to help placate any ill will with the people of that country. We need to clean up the military system and worry about our own Senator. We hereby request your immediate attention and reply, with an expectation that you will meet with the family of Sgt. Hutchins and councils in the very near future.


Timothy J. Harrington,
Veterans Council,
United States Patriots Union


Sgt. Harrington is co-founder of the United States Patriots Union.

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One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet
Monday, February 28, 2011 8:05 AM

The UCMJ is no more corrupt than the U.S. Government. Saying we get the government we deserve is absolutely true. We, including myself, allowed the public school system to be taken over by marxists and communists and brainwash our children. We are now paying a very big price.
I will say that I will not go down without a fight.

A pen
Monday, February 28, 2011 7:01 AM

Why not investigate EVERY act contested by every living person? The destruction the abusers of the UCMJ is inestimable. I only know for certain that my case was illegally rigged to satisfy a specific person. After an investigation by a civilian organization proved I was illegally harmed and my career ended, the best offer the gov made was to “you’re a bright guy, play the game”. They at least returned the pay they’d stolen but refused to clear my name and remove the label they attached to me in order to discredit me. Thirty plus years on it is now being used in an attempt to deny me my second amendment rights. This is in effect a rape and the wound is reopened in a most despicable and indefensible way. You haven’t been abused until your own nation abuses you.

Sunday, February 27, 2011 9:56 PM

Scott Brown is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The tea party got him elected, but he votes more often as a Rhino. He needs to go.

Sunday, February 27, 2011 10:00 AM

Every Courts Martial begining with Destert Strom MUST be reviewed by panels of independent lawyers, lay persons, and Military Law experts for errors, prejudice,and incompetent defense, prosecution lawyers and judges are a real problem. Just look at the Kangaroo Courts Martial of LTC Terry Latkin. Even a lay person thought that to be outrageous. Add to that a clueless reviewing general officer. In this country you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. With the UCMJ just the opposite is occuring. If we send our young soldiers into harms way, they must be given the opportunty to prove them selves innocent with the full intent of our laws. The UCMJ is a outdated piece of 1950’s view of the military. Today things have changed. Enough is enough.