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by JB Williams, ©2011

Faux DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano issued a report in April 2009 warning of "violent radicalization" caused by "rightwing extremism" which might be contributed to by veterans returning from service overseas

(Jan. 10, 2011) — At the direction of the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Obama Administration and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had established a profile for what they call “potential domestic terrorists” of grave concern in the DHS Intel Report titled “Rightwing Extremism.”

The Obama Administration has allowed the Southern Poverty Law Center to define “hate” – hate speech and hate-based domestic terrorism. But the Southern Poverty Law Center is nothing more than a George Soros funded hate group of a different sort, using its power with the current administration to launch a full scale assault on all who do not share the left-wing political view and labeling all conservatives “haters.”

However, Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged gunman responsible for shooting Democrat Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, did not meet Obama’s SPLC depiction of a domestic terrorist. He was not a soldier, as first reported by the left-wing press, but rather an Army reject. He is not a political conservative, but rather a political liberal.

If Loughner opposes illegal immigration, then he shot the wrong congresswoman. Giffords opposed Obama on his administration’s lack of border security and their efforts to force amnesty for illegals upon the citizens of Arizona. Giffords is a blue-dog Democrat, in full favor of Second Amendment gun rights and enforcement of our immigration laws and border security.

Pima County Sheriff Dupnik wasted no time trying to saddle the Tea Party with responsibility for Loughner’s actions – “The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous. And unfortunately Arizona I think is the capital. We are the Mecca for prejudice for prejudice and bigotry,” Dupnik said. – turning the horrific events of the day into little more than a political strategy for the political left.

“We need to do some soul searching,” Dupnik, a Democrat, told reporters. “It’s the vitriolic rhetoric that we hear day in and day out from people in the radio business and some people in the TV business.”

CNN is blaming political rhetoric and calling for an end to free political speech, but only from the political right, citing “the possibility that highly polarized rhetoric in the conservative hotbed of Arizona may have played a role in the assassination attempt of the Democratic congresswoman, who was targeted during a meet-and-greet with constituents in a shopping center.”

However, Giffords is a “conservative” Democrat, supporting gun rights and strong enforcement of immigration laws and border security.

Loughner has had a troubled past, according to investigators. Not because he was known to attend Tea Party rallies or read Sarah Palin’s book under the watchful eye of DHS and the Southern Poverty Law Center, but because he was known to smoke pot and post diatribes on the Internet about fiat currencies and government mind control.

In short, Loughner has a screw loose, and his Internet activities demonstrate an increasing level of mental disorder in the weeks and months leading up to his actions in Tucson on January 8th. But he in no way fits the Obama administration’s current profile for rightwing Tea Party terrorist. Quite the contrary, actually…

Well-known leftwing blog The Daily KOS has reportedly pulled a recent posting calling for the targeting of Democrat members of Congress who voted against ObamaCare and other leftwing agenda items. Giffords was one of those targets, – Congresswoman Giffords Is Dead To Me – says Daily KOS, only two days before shooting… (Daily KOS has since pulled the posting)

When the streets of Berkeley burn in protest to higher college tuition fees, they are not burned by rightwing extremist students, but rather entitlement-oriented leftwing students. When the streets of Chicago burn even when the Bulls win, they do not burn at the hands of rightwing extremists, but rather at the hands of leftwing inner-city thugs.

It isn’t Rush Limbaugh who called for violent armed revolution in America, but rather leftwing hero and Pulitzer finalist Ted Rall.

Maybe Obama’s DHS should reconsider its definition of “domestic terrorist?” I am ultra conservative, which means I oppose extremism at both ends of the political spectrum and I am for peaceful political solutions. Loughner and I share nothing in common.

While at it, the left should redefine its concept of “hate.” Opposing lawlessness is not an act of “hate.” Supporting the rule of law and upholding the Constitution is an act of patriotism, not an act of “hate.”

Loughner appears to be a run-of-the-mill nut that has no respect for life, liberty or anything else. He is the opposite of the average constitutional conservative found in the Tea Party movement, and the people cannot allow the leftist media to paint this guy some kind of Palin fan or ditto head.

Call it the way it is – Loughner is a lunatic. His belief system is anything but conservative. Make sure that Janet Napolitano and her Southern Poverty Law Center understand this!

Loughner is not a “rightwing extremist.” The press needs to properly report this situation and be held accountable when they don’t. The fact that Congress has only a 10% approval rating does not make the other 90% of citizens “potential domestic terrorists.” Loughner is a crackpot and ALL crackpots are dangerous. End of story!


JB Williams is co-founder of the U.S. Patriots Union and Editor of The Patriots News

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Thursday, April 14, 2016 12:41 PM

However, a friend said Loughner did not have happy memories of the event. Mrs Giffords had apparently responded in Spanish when he asked the question ‘How do you know words mean anything?’.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 7:31 PM


Leo Patrick Haffey
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 2:20 PM

Both Judge Roll and Congresswoman Giffords were strongly opposed to the BHO regimes’s illegal Assault on the State of Arizona.

BHO clearly incited his supporter, the Arizona Killer Loughner, to commit these acts of violence.



Tuesday, January 11, 2011 1:16 PM

Concise and very accurate article. Laughner most certainly does not fit the Dept. of the Fatherland (DHS) profile for a domestic terrorist (see below link). Although tragic, as all these type of events are, this dictatorship will not let “a serious crisis go to waste”, it will be used to further restrict free speech and advance their gun control agenda. Truth does not matter to these traitors as evidenced by the shameless hypocricy of the state controlled propaganda, the msm.


True Patriot
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 12:55 PM

The main reason why the shooter is not on the DHS list is because he is one of their own.
He is a liberal and a Democrat, and was widely known as such. Even though the radical liberal Communist press is doing their best to cover this up 24/7. The press has even desperately come out saying he is an independent to get the heat off Commocrats.

World Net Daily had a scathing article yesterday by Aaron Klein, exposing Bill Ayers, Communist provided Arizona shooter’s curriculum, and it was funded by Obama who was then Chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

The shooter identified with all of these teachings from Bill Ayers and Obama, and totally identified with Mao, just like Ayers, Dohrn (Ayers wife) and Obama.

Gee Im sure the TV media just forgot this little piece of info.

The article was released 1-10-11 on World Net Daily. I would suggest everyone go and download it before the thugs take it down. It is very important that this dot has been connected.

Also why did Gifford plan this rally? Who in the White House encouraged her to do so? Why was this Federal judge invited as this is highly irregular? His family reports he had made no plans to go to this rally, but was called and invited at the last minute.

Everyone at the rally was standing around, and as soon as this Judge arrived the shooting started? Coincidence, no I do not believe that for a minute.

Then Monday morning a lobbyist dies as her car is set on fire in her garage>


Larry M. Meyer
Reply to  True Patriot
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 3:29 PM

“ROGER , THAT!”~~Sissy will probably demand he have a Day or BUILDING named after him~HE is the FIRST TRUE PATRIOT of the COMMUNIST REGIME!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 12:40 PM

I have some concerns. I have noticed a pattern in young men who are rejected from the military then turn on society. I have read that rejection is the most painful human experience, which is why such practices as shunning are the most painful experience a person can have, to not belong, to see no future. This young man was rejected by the military. He tried to maintain hope and a future and was going to school, but obviously did not fit in. The school sends police to his door, requiring a mental health evaluation to return. Shunning and rejection heaped on shunning and rejection. Where does a young person go? They escape into drugs. One month before the killing, he had police at his door, telling him school was not an option. It reminds me of the young boys at Columbine. I think I recall they were rejected by military and were shunned at school. Personally, I think society needs to accept all our young boys into the military and have levels of participation. It seems that young men need to belong. They seek a group. A football team, a swim team, a gang, if nothing else. It is up to the adults to get our young people onto a team. There is plenty of work a “mentally unstable” person could do, such as grounds work for the military on US bases or maintaining grounds at VA Hospitals. These young men need to belong. It may seem easy to turn them away and have police arrive at their door, but I think some of the lunatics may be running our schools and sending police to people’s homes. Normal people would be unsettled with police arriving at their door telling them to stay away. Troubled people might not be able to bear this pain. I personally hope our society stops rejecting people, labelling them, shunning them, and instead finds a team they can belong to, and with group support, social contact and guidance, and daily discipline of mlitary exercise and training, guides them to a successful life. I listened to a lady Air Force pilot who tried to kill herself at the Colorado Air Force Academy when she was reprimanded for a fault and had to march silently back and forth in front of a building, as public punishment. The pain was unbearable for her. She was a healthy person, a top achiever. With support, she graduated. Maybe there are some hidden lunatics in this situation who pushed a young person trying to find his place in life over the edge.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:40 AM

I believe this is why this all happened.
Mrs. Rondeau replies: I have found the EU Times to be unreliable at best.

Harry H
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 11:13 AM

The left specializes in twisting truth into a lie and then using that lie as a propaganda weapon against those who would dare to oppose their socialist/communist agenda. We are in a cultural war in this country, and the big propaganda guns are in the hands of the leftists.

One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 7:06 AM

You want the truth? If Napolitano would put her name on the list of people who WANT TO BRING THIS COUNTRY DOWN, then she is being truthful. If our esteened Attorney General, Eric Holder, would be on that list, then maybe we’ll be getting somewhere. And if she’d add The Long Legged Mack Daddy Obama/Soetoro, or whatever he’s calling himself today, then JUST MAYBE the list of “Those Who Would Commit Terror in the United States” would be meaningful.
What a bunch of B.S., the “who would commit terror” list. What about those “law enforcement officers” in Monroe County, TN, are they on the list?
What about muslims? What about our open borders and all of the illegal immigrants?
Oh, so sorry, “undocumented guest workers”. Yea, right. How many followers of Islam are “guest workers”? One is one too many, and there are many, many thousands of these REAL terrorists amungst us, are they on the list?
The list is bogus, just like this government. Why does everybody know that America has an illegal immigrant as its’ president EXCEPT Americans, huh?
Homeland Security is a joke. The enemy is passing rules, regulations, and laws right under our noses and Homeland Security is just watching it all happen. T.S.A. is a joke, and C.A.I.R. and the mayor of New York City are too.
Let’s see if I have this right, a terroist can fire on us, run into a mosque, and we can’t drop a bunker buster on it. Let’s keep our eye on the ball people, what happened in Arizona is too bad, but it’s ONLY too bad. All of the other stuff is really bad, and getting worse. The Left is itching for any excuse to declare martial law and make it stick.
Loughner, in his warped mind, shot the right target. Gifford just didn’t follow the takeover script 100%, that’s all it was.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 4:53 AM

JB Williams is a gifted writer and communicator. So gifted, in fact, that he has an innate ability to answer most of my questions telepathically. It’s good to see you posting here JB! Thanks bro!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 12:14 AM

I have expectations of my government! And it’s not the other way around where my government has expectations of me! The government works for you and me. Anyway that was the idea the last time I read the U.S. Constitution. And one of those expectations is that my government will demonstrate a level of adult maturity and intellectual wisdom unlike seen before in the past. With each new congress I expect a new higher level of maturity and wisdom. But, that is just my expectation. My expectations and reality are apples and oranges when it comes to the real world. Instead of maturity and wisdom…I get elementary school yard child like behavior and foolishness! When these childlike adults swear oath the serve the U.S. Constitution I expect a earnest and diligent effort from these people, but instead I get don’t blame me, it was the other guy’s fault pointing of fingers day in and day out! No adult responsibility and accountability to be found. The average man knows that lunatics roam the service of this planet and there is nothing that can be done about them politically. They just sadly show up when they think its their time! But, even more sadly. We Americans have children in control of our government who think these lunatics are the result of public discourse about government policy and procedure stemming from their political opponents and therefore those opponents ought to be considered at fault! Just a general high school course in basic psychology will prove that sick concept to be out of touch with reality! But there it is….it exist in America today! We Americans today have a very large segment of our government that fails in the intellectual wisdom department and demonstrates such when it shows the world it is unable to understand the dark side of human ways! What happened Saturday was the work of one sick twisted freak! Those politicains who want to blame Palin, Beck, Limbaugh and the rest should be immediately impeached from office for the failure to meet my expectations! I’m tired of this childish nonsense!

Monday, January 10, 2011 11:45 PM

Broadcasting to the world that your favorite book is the communist manifesto, is apparently no reason… but had he been able to pass the drug screen, he may have made it into the military… and thusly the DHS watch list.

JB, as always… a straight shooter. Thanks

Monday, January 10, 2011 10:44 PM

Good article Mr. Williams. These accusations, blame, definitions, of the right by the left MSM and politicians are laughable the transparency of their agenda. Basically hate speech is anything anyone says which is in disagreement with them. Political correctness is VILE and is a direct enemy of free speech, it purpose to close down debate against their agenda for it to proceed forward without a fight. It is all such a bunch of BS. Similar tactics were used in Nazi Germany.

The left wants to re-look at the Fairness Doctrine, I say the new Republican House should present a Fairness Doctrine that is truly fair. They need to really investigate the disgusting behavior and bias of the left MSM.

Monday, January 10, 2011 10:21 PM

The hypocracy is amazing from the Obots. Over at the quote Native and Natural Born Citizen unquote they are talking about hunting birthers like animals in season. So why don’t they get a visit from the DHS? Look out the bit where they are “bagging birthers” on this page.


Reply to  Billie
Monday, January 10, 2011 11:54 PM

Billie, what you’ve got there is a bunch of ‘key board warriors’ that lose all the base in their voices when face to face. Their best attack is to make you look like a raisin while you’re laughing at their pink attire.