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News Analysis by Doug Cook

The injection of politics by international Socialists, into the scientific study of the global climate, has undone the credibility of that science for decades.
The injection of politics by international Socialists, into the scientific study of the global climate, has undone the credibility of that science for decades. (Image c/o, JPL)

(Dec. 9, 2009) — In what can only be described as “controlled information release via media collusion,” is  the revealing program of propaganda dressed up as a “social responsibility.”  In an open and shameless display of media bias on demand, more than 50 selected news media outlets have co-opted to spin news ahead of the Copenhagen Climate Conference. This is to take the form of a self described planned and politically motivated, front page editorial, in support of the controversial  UN sponsored ISSP Summit on  human caused global warming.

In article at Guardian UK:

The Guardian has teamed up with more 50 papers worldwide to run the same front-page leader article calling for action at the climate summit in Copenhagen, which begins tomorrow.

This unprecedented project is the result of weeks of negotiations between the papers to agree on a final text, in a process that mirrors the diplomatic wrangling likely to dominate the next 14 days in Copenhagen.

Fifty-six papers in 45 countries published in 20 different languages have joined the initiative, and will feature the leader in some form on their front pages.

Further Spin:

Alan Rusbridger, editor-in-chief of the Guardian, said:

Newspapers have never done anything like this before but they have never had to cover a story like this before. No individual newspaper editorial could hope to influence the outcome of Copenhagen but I hope the combined voice of 56 major papers speaking in 20 languages will remind the politicians and negotiators gathering there what is at stake – and persuade them to rise above the rivalries and inflexibility that have stood in the way of a deal.”

The leader says that overcoming climate change “will take a triumph of optimism over pessimism, of vision over short-sightedness, of what Abraham Lincoln called ‘the better angels of our nature'”

The Guardian deputy editor Ian Katz, who co-ordinated the project, said: “The fact that papers from Moscow to Miami, with such different national and political perspectives, could agree on an editorial should offer some hope that our leaders might be able to do the same.

(again Katz), We are bombarded with so much news and comment about climate change that many people are understandably tempted to go back to bed and pull the duvet over their heads – hopefully this improbable alliance will capture people’s attention, and perhaps their imagination too.”

Questionable Transgression, Political Agenda;  Stated As “Media Intervention”:

N Ram, editor-in-chief and publisher of India’s Hindu, added:

“This is a splendid initiative, and with some luck and a lot of hard work it should turn out to be a significant media intervention, an example of how we can perform our social responsibility function. The Hindu feels happy and privileged to be part of this initiative and prospective intervention, and we are of course front-paging the global editorial with the impressive logo (the American absence not withstanding).”

The final quote above alone gives reasonable cause for  concern about the integrity and principles of truth in journalism in mainstream media.   Examples of disinformation such as this editorial provides much food for thought in this regard. It lends credence to talk throughout the blog-sphere  of collusion, and consideration of outright fiction perpetrated on people of the world by watermelon enviro’s and a willing left leaning press.  Particularly in regards to global warming; no clear verifiable logical scientific evidence exists to scientifically prove the source of global warming, and if it is indeed occurring, is it caused by anything other than God and Mother Nature.

In light of  recent revelations of  scientific fraud rampant within the climate science community, hardly a notable mention exists of any media bias not in favor of action supporting an agenda to deal with human caused global warming. This appears as the shameless promotion of a political agenda; giving legitimacy to the outcry of an increasing aware public against  “pro-ported,” human-caused global-warming  and the subsequent governmental attempts at their regulation.

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